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INR interview: Hal'haka HeSepharadit HaYerushalmit, a new band of young musicians performing traditional Judeo-Middle Eastern music ✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ 砖讘注 讛讞讻诪讜转' 诇驻讬 住讚专谉: 讞讻诪转 讛讞砖讘讜谉, 讛转讻讜谞讛 讜讛诪讚讬讚讛. 讘) 讞讻诪转 讛讬爪讬专讛 讜讛讛专讻讘讛. 讙) 讞讻诪转 讛专驻讜讗讛 讜讛爪诪讬讞讛. 讚) 讞讻诪转 讛讛讙讬讜谉 讛讚拽讚讜拽 讜讛诪砖驻讟. 讛) 讞讻诪转 讛谞讙讬谞讛 讜讛拽讚讜砖讛. 讜) 讞讻诪转 讛转讬拽讜谉 讜讛砖讬诇讜讘. 讝) 讞讻诪转 讛讘讬讙讜"专 (讘讬谉 讙砖诐 讜专讜讞) 讜讻讞讜转 讛谞驻砖 = 讛诪讟讗驻讬讝讬拽讛 ✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ Essay List: ▼ 2013 (1) November (1) ___ Segulot, Briyut Ve Sakanah ~ Anecdotes, Health and Hazards ___ ▼ 2011 (1) ___ ▼ February (1) ___ 讗转 讛砖讘转 ~ The Sabbath ▼ 2010 (8) ___ ▼ June (1) ___ 讝讬讜讜讙讬诐 Do Soul-Mates exist? ~ ▼ May (1) ___ STAR ✡f DAVID, Western/Wailing Wall & Hebron ▼ April (4) ___ Adam & Eve - BREAD, BLOOD & CANDLE ___ The Leviathan - 讛诇讜讬转谉 ___ Good Spouse or Bad Spouse? ___ What Aristotle wrote to Alexander {Hebrew/English... ▼ March (1) ___ Ten Commandments - 注砖专转 讛讚讘专讜转 ___ ▼ February (1) ___ ▼ 讬讛讚讜转 住驻专讚 - ▼ February (1) ___ Sephardic Jewry ▼ 2009 (3) ___ ▼ December (1) ___ Advice on how to Stay Away from Disputes ▼ July (2) ___ Twelve ages of MAN - Midrash on the "ZODIAC" ___ The Pope, Yeshu HaMamzer & the Messiah

Compiled by: Aaron Hai

Monday, November 18, 2013

Segulot, Briyut Ve Sakanah ~ Anecdotes, Health and Hazards

KETONES vs GLUCOSE - 馃 What is the history of the ketogenic diet for epilepsy? History: The ketogenic diet is a mainstream dietary therapy that was developed to reproduce the success and remove the limitations of the non-mainstream use of FASTING to treat epilepsy. Although popular in the 1920s and '30s, it was largely abandoned in favour of new anticonvulsant drugs. Reducing Carbohydrates to 50 grams per day, [avoiding starches/grains/fructose] and consuming Cruciferous vegetables for the liver and digest, which are rich in fiber, vitamins & minerals, especially POTASSIUM - as too are "Avocados.." Lemon-limes and "BERRIES" are the healthiest fruits --- as they lower blood-sugar, blood-pressure and INSULIN. Following this eating plan [16/8 hour daily eating window] decreases kidney/liver/pancreas and digestive STRESS and enhances certain hormones such as: • Thyroid Hormone • Growth Hormone • Glucagon • Adrenaline • ___________________ "..Running your body in KETONES.. *carbon-hydrogen-methylethyl="R2CO" ...greatly supports the BRAIN."
    Many "medical professionals" don't really understand "Nutritional Ketosis" and most doctors don’t get training in nutrition or "alternatives." Yet, these are the people who get to control this information..?!! KETONES are actually "NEUROPROTECTIVE" - while on the other hand, "GLUCOSE" is dangerous and "TOXIC" [CANCER lives mostly on - SUGAR/INSULIN]. Besides for a lack of hygiene - Psychosis/Schizophrenia, can stem from an excess of "insulin/cortisol/adrenaline and malnutrition..." *Studies show: B1/B3/D3/Folate/Glycine.. Choose a "Food Based" Omega 3 from walnuts and/or *cod liver oil - iodine, from Alaskan sea kelp - as well as *B-vitamins, from *Brewer's yeast/Nutritional yeast--made from fermented mollases - sugar free! (always choose non-fortified w/out synthetic vitamins, fillers or harsh chemicals) all these, are powerful remedies for various psychiatric disorders.
    -------------------------------------------------- Kick-start your Healthy Keto and intermittent fasting plan with these useful "tips and tricks..."
      Tip #1 - Have MCT oil in your coffee every morning to reduce hunger and cravings. Start with one teaspoon.
      • Tip #2 - Blend one whole lemon in water. This provides a boost of vitamin C and phytonutrients. Add Stevia/Monk fruit or electrolyte powder to enhance the flavor and nutrients.
        • Tip #3 - Have one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water in the afternoon. This helps improve insulin sensitivity and energy.
        • Tip #4 - Have a large salad before each meal to help you achieve 7 to 10 cups of vegetables a day.
          • Tip #5 - Add non-fortified "nutritional yeast" flakes to your Tahini, salad and other foods to replenish your B vitamins, reduce stress and increase memory.
            • Tip #6 - Replenish electrolytes and B vitamins to prevent keto flu symptoms, since Keto "mimicks" fasting.
              • Tip #7 - Have 3 to 6 oz of protein per meal. You can have up to 8 oz if you exercise and have a great metabolism.
                • Tip #8 - Add additional fat to the end of your meal to increase your fasting window and reduce cravings.
                  • Tip #9 - Increase the quality of your foods. Always choose organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised, and wild-caught products—they contain more nutrients. Avoid processed foods.
                    • Tip #10 - Use herbal tea to help you fast longer.
                      • Tip #11 - Don’t snack—especially after dinner and during your fasting window. Never keep snack foods in your home.
                        • Tip #12 - Get quality sleep. Poor sleep increases cortisol, hunger, and cravings. Exercise and sun exposure during the day will increase melatonin at night. Vitamin B1 and 10,000 IU of vitamin D will also help improve your sleep.
                          • Tip #13 - Replenish your electrolytes after exercise with sea salt, vegetables, and electrolyte powder.
                            • Tip #14 - Check all products for hidden ingredients, like unhealthy artificial sweeteners, sugar, maltodextrin, and carbs. Tip #15 - If your appetite is gone, you know it’s working.
                              • Tip #16 - Something is better than nothing. Do dirty keto and work your way up to Healthy Keto if you need.
                                • __________________________________________
                                  What’s the difference between brewer’s yeast and nutritional yeast? Yeast isn’t a bad thing—it’s a crucial part of your microbiome. But, if you kill off your friendly bacteria, you can get an overgrowth of yeast, which can be harmful. _____________________________________ The benefits of friendly yeast in the gut: • It helps defend against pathogens • It helps make glutathione (a powerful antioxidant) • It helps regulate cholesterol • It helps build immunity against certain pathogens • It may help increase breast milk production • It supports healthy blood sugar levels Both brewer’s yeast and nutritional yeast are inactive, so you won’t develop a yeast infection from consuming either one. Let’s look at nutritional yeast vs. brewer’s yeast. First off, brewer’s yeast or baker’s yeast is typically grown on beet sugar, which is GMO. Nutritional yeast is typically grown on molasses, which has a lot of nutrition. Nutritional yeast is a product people take to enhance their nutrients. Brewer’s yeast or baker’s yeast may have more protein, but nutritional yeast has more B vitamins. There are a lot of amazing health benefits of nutritional yeast, and the fact that it's rich in natural B vitamins is the main reason many people choose it. Be sure to avoid nutritional yeast that is fortified with synthetic B vitamins. This can lead to negative reactions in some people. Always get unfortified nutritional yeast. ____________
                                  Red Meat Of all the things needed for the repair or healing process, amino acids are among the most important. Red meat is more bioavailable and is a more concentrated source of amino acids than other types of protein. It also contains more iron, magnesium, zinc, B vitamins, vitamin K, and omega-3 fatty acids than eggs. This doesn’t include processed meat from factory farms. It’s crucial to get high-quality grass-fed, grass-finished red meat. Red meat also contains four important additional nutrients for healing, repair, and recovery: 1. Carnitine 2. Creatine 3. Carnosine 4. Coenzyme Q10 People who have difficulty digesting red meat typically have low stomach acid. Even if you don’t like the taste of red meat, it may be because you have low stomach acid. Betaine hydrochloride may be beneficial to help strengthen your stomach acid. You can try taking three to five betaine hydrochloride supplements before a meal for about one month. However, if you tend to have excess iron, red meat may not be for you. Instead, you could try consuming more poultry or eggs. __________________________________________ HERBS for Maintaining Health of Organs. __________________________________________ BRAIN/ADRENALS = "Adaptogens" - Ashwagandha, Tribulus, Gingko biloba, Cayenne pepper, Ginseng, Rhodiola, Astragalus, Goji berry, Eleuthero, Suma root, kelp, Brahmi, Eucommia bark, Chinese Dodder/Yam seed, Rehmannia root, Damiana leaf, Dong Quai, Cinnamon bark, Rosemary...Adaptogens are 100 times better than caffeine, which has downer effects, if used everyday unlike adaptogens... HEART tonic - "4700mg daily Potassium," Hawthorn [berry], Cacao, Motherwort, garlic, turmeric, ginger, arjuna, lemon Balm. LUNGS - Mullein, Yarrow, Peppermint, Yerba Santa, Licorice, Adhatoda vasica, Long pepper, Garlic, Clove, Parsley. LIVER - Milk Thistle, Artichoke, Burdock, Dandelion, Green tea/EGCG extract = "zinc ionophore/virus killer" [only well sourced/not made in china], Goji berry, Astragalus, Phyllanthus niruri Shiitake. STOMACH LINING - wheat grass juice [preferably freeze-dried], Chamomile, Licorice, Marshmallow, Fennel, Goldenseal, Slippery Elm, Aloevera, Indian Gooseberry, Asparagus... Stomach DIGESTION - Ginger, cumin seeds, Peppermint, Coriander, Cinnamon, Fennel, Aniseed. KIDNEYS - Boerhavia diffusa, Chicory, Drumstick, Tribulus Terrestris, Ginger, Bilberry, Cranberry, Coriander, Black currant. COLON - Jackfruit, soursop, Aegle mermelos, Angelica, Aloevera, Agrimony, Bitter gourd, black cohosh, Flaxseeds. BONES - Boneset, Asparagus Racemosus, Boswellia, Stinging nettle, Dandelion, Parsley, Ashwagandha. [extract is best - or freeze-dried with no fillers or harsh chemicals; silicon dioxide etc..]
                                  Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis L. (Labiatae) has been used in folk medicine to alleviate several diseases including headache, dysmenorrhea, stomachache, epilepsy, rheumatic pain, spasms, nervous agitation, improvement of memory, hysteria, depression, as well as physical and mental fatigue (5, 6). Today, rosemary is grown worldwide but it is an evergreen perennial shrub native to southern Europe and Asia especially Mediterranean region (7). Recently, noticeable scientific interest is focused on the beneficial therapeutic properties of different kinds of rosemary extracts and its main constituents, such as carnosic acid, carnosol, rosmarinic acid, etc. A large number of studies either on animal models or cultured cells indicate the wide range medicinal properties of rosemary and its compounds such as anti-inflammatory (8, 9), anti-oxidant (10), antinociceptive (11), neuroprotective (12), antidepressant, anti-hysteric, ameliorative of memory and mental fatigue............. There are indications that rosemary may be helpful in treating depression, epilepsy, neuropathic pain, and Parkinson’s disease. However, the evidence we have is based on studies done with mice.1 Inhaled rosemary oil (such as in aromatherapy), has shown promise in boosting mood, improving academic performance, and decreasing cortisol levels.1 One study found that rosemary powder enhanced memory in older adults.1 A small study found that taking rosemary capsules (300 milligrams dried rosemary leaves) was helpful in reducing withdrawal symptoms after stopping opium. Researchers hypothesized that rosemary may be helpful in managing other types of opioid withdrawal symptoms.1 There is evidence that topical rosemary application may be helpful for people who live with chronic pain. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The four bacteria commonly found in fecal matter are: Shigella, Campylobacter, Salmonella, E. Coli... And in the Jewish Tradition, there are four MashHittim <> (诪砖讞讬转讬诐) <> {destructive forces of darkness} Avon, MashHeett, ¢HaRon "Aph" and Hamatto... This is why THE HEBREW EVENING PRAYER begins with the submission of these four forces of darkness {i.e,. sunset time}.... 讜讛讜讗 专讞讜诐 讬讻驻专 注讜讜谉 讜诇讗 讬砖讞讬转 讜讛专讘讛 诇讛砖讬讘 讗驻讜 讜诇讗 讬讗讬专 讻诇 讞诪转讜... ________________
                                  Detox: How to Remove Chemtrail Toxicity/Nanotechnology from your body: 1. Put a pinch of high vibe, nutritional sea salt, Redmond's real salt, bamboo salt, programmed with love, holding the intention of blocking nano proliferation, commanding the unbinding and the purging through feces and urine all nano particulates safely, without harm to your physiology, on your food and in your drinking water daily, each meal, each glass of water. Most important thing you can do! 2. Drink 1 ounce of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water, 3 times a day. If that's too strong, make two cups of water. 3. Take 1/4 tsp of food grade aluminum free baking soda in freshly squeezed lemon water [not everyday]. 4. Take boron supplements as directed. 5. Take Activated Charcoal two to three times daily with plenty of water. It's a binder and it constipates. 6. Liquid Zeolite to pull heavy metals. 7. Take L Glutathione. Be gentle starting this for immune compromised folks. If you cant tolerate orally, take a capsule and insert vaginally or anally to let the amino acid get into your system and liver gently. 8. Foods high in natural L Glutathione is asparagus and globe artichokes. Bon appetite! 9. Golden Paste: Make and take golden paste three times a day. Google recipe. Make up. You can freeze extra. Great for inflammation, pain and so much more. 10. Golden Milk: Add golden paste to coconut milk, goat milk, raw cow milk, almond milk made at home. Add cinnamon, clove, cardamom, cayenne, whatever else you desire. Drink before bed. Inflammation buster. Mucous buster. 11. D3 with K2 daily. 12. Bentonite clay, take orally to extract toxins from bowels. 13. Take chlorophyll. Chlorella is now very contaminated as is spirulina. Chlorophyll is cleaner. 14. Take diatomaceous earth but start slow for weakened bodies especially people riddled with candida. A dusting on the pinky to make sure you can tolerate it. 15. Take oregano oil daily. 16. Take oil of cilantro. 17. Manuka honey. 18. Put 2-4 drops of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide in 1 liter of water and drink. This oxygenates the blood killing pathogens. 19. Take a high grade magnesium or use magnesium oil transdermally. 20. Take a high grade trace mineral daily. 21. Use Illumodine Iodine and Nascent Iodine. Suggested dose is 3-5 drops in 16oz of water, after 7 days this dosage can be safely doubled to 6-10 drops per 16oz of water. 22. Essiac Tea treats cancer, fungi, heavy metals, toxicity 23. Liquid Silica removes all sorts of pathogens from the body 24. Tea tree oil, 1 drop in manuka honey 25. Structured Silver in Suspension. Suggested dose is 2-3 drops per 1 liter of water, 2 times per day. 26. Take MMS 27. Take Fulvic Acids 28. Use colloidal silver especially nasal spray. 29. CBD oil, high organic grade 30. Take food grade vitamin C daily. Moringa, also high in vitamin C. Tapioca is a great one from Pure Formulas. 31. Eat plenty of lemons and limes. Take the peels of all of the above. Dry. Grind in a coffee grinder with no coffee residue in it until powder. Put in a jar. Theres your perfect Vitamin C. 32. Water cleanse for 3 days. Just lemon in water or apple cider vinegar in water only for three days with trace minerals, sea salt. 33. Eat tons of sunchoke artichokes, organic. Wash. Grate. Add in freshly squeezed lemon juice and put in fridge, raw. Balances blood sugar levels and pulls radiation especially in this raw, predigested way. Eat at least 1 TBS before your meal or a small bowl between meals. 34. Eat beets. Wash. Grate. Add lemon freshly squeezed. Refrigerate. Put on salads. On the side of food. In between meals. This heals everything especially the blood, liver, gallbladder so you can detox. 35. Eat one to two raw clove of garlic daily. Eat whole. Do NOT chew. Let it dissolve in your stomach slowly. If you must cut to swallow, cut, let it rest 1 minute. Drink down. 36. Use cayenne on everything. I put on most foods. It cleans liver and bowels. Habenara too. Blood cleanser. 37. In the morning, before you do anything else, make lemon tea. _______________________________________________________________________________
                                  And God created man with many openings, Nekavim, are small openings [as in Ezekiel 28:13 - the work of your drums and your orifices is in you; on the day of your creation they were established..] And Halulim, are wide ones [like tunnels in the earth]... Chest muscles called mafteah HaLev, Key of the heart, through which our lungs situated above the heart can be healed by flexing them. We see from this that the key of the heart is like a key that passes oxygen into the body and to produce a pathway for carbon dioxide out of the body. Also, in the work "Otzar Eden HaGanuz" it's written: the formation of man and his features is a TESTIMONY OF THE CREATOR'S WISDOM. -Orhot Tzion, by Rav Ben Tzion Mutzafi (v. 1, pages 134-137 ch. 2) where he details the human body. {translation by yours truly} 馃槈 ------------------------
                                  Sodium Potassium pump, responsible for Heart health, insulin, ear drums [hairs], Adrenaline and more...馃 --Prehistoric diet ranges from 7000MG to 15000MG of potassium. Currently, the average male consumes about 3,026mg and women about 2,290mg of potassium per day. The RDA for potassium is 4,700mg. The body is very flexible with potassium, if it has too much, it gets rid of it and if it doesn’t have enough, it does retain it. The reason why our body needs potassium is because each cell has a sodium-potassium pump so it uses a lot of those minerals to create energy and to move things around in the body. The more important factor for potassium and sodium than the quantity of these minerals is the ratio. You need 4x potassium than sodium. See
                                  讗讬讬专, 讗讘讬讘 讞讜讚砖 讛专驻讜讗讜转 诇诪讘讬谞讬诐... 馃 讘专砖讜转讻诐 诪砖讛讜 讞砖讜讘 讘注谞讬讬谉 砖讻谞讬诐 讬驻讬诐 馃尯馃尭馃尰馃崄馃尶 ____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _______________________ _______________________________________________ GLUCOSE VS KETONES -------------------- 诪讛 拽讜专讛 讘讙讜祝 讘转讝讜谞讛 拽讟讜讙谞讬转 讻讗砖专 诇讗讜专讱 讝诪谉 爪讜专讻讬诐 砖讜诪谉 讘专讬讗 讘专诪讛 讙讘讜讛讛 讜诪驻讞讬转讬诐 讘讗讜驻谉 诪砖诪注讜转讬 讗转 爪专讬讻转 讛驻讞诪讬诪讜转? (诇专讜讘 注讚 30 讙专诐 住讛”讻 诇讬讜诐), 讛讙讜祝 诪转讞讬诇 诇谞爪诇 讗转 讛砖讜诪谉 讻讗谞专讙讬讛 注讬拽专讬转. 转讜爪专讬 讛砖讜诪谉 谞拽专讗讬诐 “拽讬讟讜谞讬诐” 讜诪讻讗谉 诪讙讬注 讛砖诐 讛转讝讜谞讛. 诪爪讘 诪讟讘讜诇讬 讝讛 谞拽专讗 拽讟讜讝讬住 讜讛讜讗 讬注讬诇 讬讜转专 诪诪爪讘 诪讟讘讜诇讬 转诇讜讬 讙诇讜拽讜讝 讘诇讘讚. 讘讗讜驻谉 讟讘注讬 转讬谞讜拽讜转 讬讜谞拽讬诐 谞诪爪讗讬诐 讘拽讬讟讜讝讬住, 讘讝诪谉 爪讜诐 (讙诐 爪讜诐 诇讬诇讛 讬讻讜诇 诇讛讜讘讬诇 诇讻讱 讗爪诇 讗谞砖讬诐 诪住讜讬诪讬诐) 讜讘注讜讚 诪爪讘讬 讞讬讬诐 砖讜谞讬诐. 讬砖 诇爪讬讬谉 砖注讚讬讬谉 讘讻诇 注转, 讛讻讘讚 诪诇讘讚 讬讬爪讜专 拽讬讟讜谞讬诐, 诪驻讬拽 诇驻讬 爪讜专讱 砖诇 讛讙讜祝 讙诇讜拽讜讝 讻讱 砖砖转讬 爪讜专讜转 讛讗谞专讙讬讛 诪砖专转讜转 讗讜转谞讜 转讝讜谞讛 拽讟讜讙谞讬转 诪住讬讬注转 讘讗讜驻谉 诪砖诪注讜转讬 讘讗讬讝讜谉 专诪讜转 讛住讜讻专 讘讚诐 讜讛驻专砖转 讗讬谞住讜诇讬谉 讜讘砖讬诇讜讘 注诐 拽讬讟讜讝讬住 谞讜爪专讬诐 讬转专讜谞讜转 讘专讬讗讜转讬讬诐 专讘讬诐 讻驻讬 砖讬驻讜专讟讜 讘讛诪砖讱. (讛注专讛: 讛注讬谞讬讬诐, 讛诪讜讞, 讛注讜专 讜诪专讘讬转 讗讘专讬 讛讙讜祝 讛讗讞专讬诐 讝拽讜拽讬诐 诇讞讜诪爪讜转 砖讜诪谉 讗讜诪讙讛-3 [砖讜诪谉 诇讗 专讜讜讬] 讻讚讬 诇驻注讜诇 讻讛诇讻讛). 讙诇讜拽讜讝 讛讜讗 专注讬诇 讜诪住专讟谉, 诪讛诇讗讛 爪专讬讻讬诐 诇讞拽讜专 讗讬讝讜 诪讗讻诇讬诐 诪注诇讬诐 讗讬谞住讜诇讬谉 讜讘讗讬讝讛 专诪讛 馃馃
                                  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Intracellular Testing: What is intracellular testing? An intracellular blood test is a laboratory test that measures something inside a red or white blood cell, as opposed to measuring something in the liquid surrounding the blood cells in which they are essentially floating. Blood tests are not accurate for revealing nutritional deficiencies. "HTMA" - (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis test) or "Intracellular" tests can diagnose deficiencies. Spectracell Laboratories online does this type of testing micronutrient blood tests that measure vitamins and minerals at the cellular level. *Gut problems [nutrient malabsorbtion] are severely connected to junk foods, gluten and grain consumption. The bread was cursed in the sin of Adam...But knowing which inner organs will fail first is a mystery til this day, even with advanced technology...~Hebrew oral tradition agrees 馃憤 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Healthy Dietary Fats were demonized and replaced with sugar and carbs back in the 50's by big pharma/sugar industry, based on 1 false study 馃槚 Even though fats are complicated, eating a fat-free diet is not good for your health. We need fats to survive. Every cell is made of fat. Our nerve coverings are made of fat. Our brain is mostly fat. Our hormones are made of fat. Our cells and metabolism run 5x's better on fat. Fat helps you absorb all of the beneficial fat-soluble vitamins in plant foods, and some fats have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Eat 3 to 5 servings of healthy fats per day, and eat fats mostly with vegetables. If you’re eating a high-fat diet and are curious about how it’s affecting your body, I recommend looking into the NMR particle-size cholesterol test.

                                  讛讗诐 讗转讛 讬讻讜诇 诇拽讘诇 讞住专讬诐 转讝讜谞转讬讬诐 讘转讝讜谞讛 讚诇转 驻讞诪讬诪讜转? 讘专讜讘 讛诪拽专讬诐 讻谞专讗讛 砖讛讛驻讱 讛讜讗 讛谞讻讜谉. 讛诪讝讜谉 讛谞爪专讱 讘转讝讜谞讛 讚诇转 驻讞诪讬诪讜转 诪讝讬谉 讘讬讜转专. 诇讚讜讙诪讛, 讘讬爪讬诐 (诪爪专讱 注讬拽专讬 注讘讜专 讗谞砖讬诐 专讘讬诐 讛注讜拽讘讬诐 讗讞专讬 转讝讜谞讛 讚诇转 驻讞诪讬诪讜转) 注砖讜讬讜转 诇住驻拽 讗转 讛转讝讜谞讛 讛砖诇诪讛 讘讬讜转专 讘讛砖讜讜讗讛 诇讻诇 诪讝讜谉 注诇 驻谞讬 讻讚讜专 讛讗专抓 (25). 拽讞讜 讘讞砖讘讜谉 砖谞讬转谉 诇讬爪讜专 注讜祝 砖诇诐 诪讞讜诪专讬 讛诪讝讜谉 砖讘转讜讱 讛讘讬爪讛. 讗讬谉 砖讜诐 讚专讱 砖讛注讜祝 讬爪讜抓 讜讬拽讘诇 讻诪讛 讜讬讟诪讬谞讬诐 讜诪讬谞专诇讬诐 转讜讱 讻讚讬 讙讬讚讜诇 讘讘讬爪讛; 讛讻诇 爪专讬讱 诇讛讬讜转 砖诐. 讜注诇 讬讚讬 讗讻讬诇转 讘讬爪讬诐, 讗谞讜 讘谞讬 讛讗讚诐 诪拽讘诇讬诐 讗转 讻诇 讗讜转诐 讞讜诪专讬诐 诪讝讬谞讬诐. 讘砖专, 讚讙讬诐 讜讬专拽讜转 讛诐 讙诐 诪讝讜谉 诪讝讬谉 讘讬讜转专. 讜讗谞砖讬诐 专讘讬诐 砖讗讜讻诇讬诐 驻讞诪讬诪讜转 讚诇讜转 谞讜讟讬诐 诇讛讞诇讬祝 驻住讟讜转, 讗讜专讝 讜转驻讜讞讬 讗讚诪讛 转讝讜谞转讬讬诐 讘讬专拽讜转 讛诪讝讬谞讬诐 讬讜转专. 诪讞拽专讬诐 诪专讗讬诐 砖转讝讜谞讛 讚诇转 驻讞诪讬诪讜转 讬讻讜诇讛 诇讛讬讜转 诪讜砖诇诪转 转讝讜谞转讬转 (26). 讚讙谞讬诐 讻诪讜 讞讬讟讛 注砖讬专讬诐 讘讞讜诪爪讛 驻讬讟讬转 砖讬讻讜诇讛 诇讛驻讞讬转 讗转 住驻讬讙转诐 砖诇 诪讬谞专诇讬诐 专讘讬诐 (27). 讚讗讙讛 谞讜住驻转 讛谞讜讙注转 诇转讝讜谞讛 讚诇转 驻讞诪讬诪讜转 讛讜讗 讛讬注讚专 驻专讬, 砖谞讞砖讘 诇注讬转讬诐 拽专讜讘讜转 讻谞讚专砖 诇转讝讜谞讛 谞讻讜谞讛. 讝讜 讗讬 讛讘谞讛 注爪讜讘讛. 诪诇讘讚 讜讬讟诪讬谉 C, 讬砖谞诐 诪注讟 诪讗讜讚 讞讜诪专讬诐 诪讝讬谞讬诐 讘专讜讘 讛驻讬专讜转 讛诪讜讚专谞讬讬诐. 讘讬诪讬谞讜 讛驻专讜转 诪讛讜谞讚住讬诐 诇讛讬讜转 讙讚讜诇讬诐 讜诪转讜拽讬诐 诪讗讜讚. 驻讬专讜转 讛诐 讘注爪诐 住讜讻专讬讜转 诪讛讟讘注, 讜讻谞专讗讛 砖爪专讬讱 诇讗讻讜诇 讗讜转诐 讘诪转讬谞讜转. 诪讬抓 讛讜讗 讙专讜注 注讜讚 讬讜转专, 讘讛转讞砖讘 讘住讜讻专 讛诪专讜讻讝 讜讘诪讞住讜专 讘住讬讘讬诐 讻讚讬 诇讛讗讟 讗转 讛住驻讬讙讛 (29). 诪讝讜谉 诪讛讬专 讜诪讝讜谉 诪讛讬专 诪讜讚专谞讬 诪讻讬诇讬诐 讙诐 讛专讘讛 拽诇讜专讬讜转 讜诪注讟 讞讜诪专讬诐 诪讝讬谞讬诐 (30) 讜诪讜爪专讬诐 讚诇讬 砖讜诪谉 讚诇讬诐 讘讜讬讟诪讬谞讬诐 诪住讬住讬诐 讘砖讜诪谞讬诐 讞讬讜谞讬讬诐, 砖谞诪爪讗讬诐 讘讙讬专住讗讜转 砖诇 讬讜讙讜专讟 注砖讬专 砖讜诪谉, 讙讘讬谞讛 讜诪讝讜谞讜转 砖诇诪讬诐 讗讞专讬诐. 讘砖讜专讛 讛转讞转讜谞讛: 诪注讘专 诪转讝讜谞讛 诪注专讘讬转 住讟谞讚专讟讬转 诇转讝讜谞讛 讚诇转 驻讞诪讬诪讜转 讛诪讘讜住住转 注诇 讗讜讻诇 讗诪讬转讬, 注砖讜讬 诇讛讙讚讬诇 诪砖诪注讜转讬转 讗转 讻诪讜转 讛讜讜讬讟诪讬谞讬诐 讜讛诪讬谞专诇讬诐 砖转拽讘诇讜 诪讛转讝讜谞讛. 5. 讛讗诐 转讝讜谞讛 讚诇转 驻讞诪讬诪讜转 讬讻讜诇讛 诇讛讝讬拽 诇讻诇讬讜转 砖诇讱? 诪讗讜讚 诇讗 住讘讬专 (33). 讗谞砖讬诐 专讘讬诐 注讚讬讬谉 诪讗诪讬谞讬诐 砖转讝讜谞讛 讚诇转 驻讞诪讬诪讜转 讘讛讻专讞 注砖讬专讛 诪讗讜讚 讘讞诇讘讜谉, 砖注诇讜诇讛 诇讛讻讘讬讚 注诇 讛讻诇讬讜转. 讝讛讜 诪讬转讜住 讛诪讘讜住住 注诇 砖转讬 讗讬 讛讘谞讜转: 专讗砖讬转, 讚讬讗讟讛 诪注讜爪讘转 讛讬讟讘 讚诇转 驻讞诪讬诪讜转 讛讬谞讛 注砖讬专讛 讘砖讜诪谉 讜诇讗 讘讞诇讘讜谉. 讻诪讜转 讛讞诇讘讜谉 – 讻诪讜 讘砖专 – 爪专讬讻讛 诇讛讬讜转 诪转讜谞讛, 诪诪砖 讻诪讜 讘专讜讘 讛讚讬讗讟讜转 (34) 讗讬谉 讬转专讜谉 讘讗讻讬诇转 讻诪讜讬讜转 讙讚讜诇讜转 砖诇 讞诇讘讜谉. 讝讛 讗驻讬诇讜 讬讻讜诇 诇讛讝讬拽 讘转讝讜谞讛 讚诇转 驻讞诪讬诪讜转, 砖讻谉 谞讬转谉 诇讛诪讬专 注讜讚祝 讞诇讘讜谉 诇讙诇讜拽讜讝, 诪诪砖 讻诪讜 专讜讘 讛驻讞诪讬诪讜转 讛转讝讜谞转讬讜转 (35). 诪讻讬讜讜谉 砖讚讬讗讟讛 讚诇转 驻讞诪讬诪讜转 诇讗 爪专讬讻讛 诇讛讬讜转 注砖讬专讛 讘讞诇讘讜谞讬诐, 讻诇 讛”讘注讬讛” 砖诪讗讞讜专讬 讛诪讬转讜住 讛讝讛 驻砖讜讟 诇讗 拽讬讬诪转. 砖谞讬转, 讗谞砖讬诐 注诐 转驻拽讜讚 讻诇讬讛 转拽讬谉 讬讻讜诇讬诐 诇讛转诪讜讚讚 注诐 讻诪讜讬讜转 讙讘讜讛讜转 砖诇 讞诇讘讜谉 诇诇讗 砖讜诐 讘注讬讛 讘讻诇讬讜转 (36). 讙诐 讗诐 讗谞砖讬诐 讘讜讞专讬诐 诇讗讻讜诇 讞诇讘讜谉 讘专诪讛 诪讜讙讝诪转, 讝讜 转讛讬讛 讘注讬讛 专拽 讗诐 讛讻诇讬讜转 讻讘专 驻讙讜诪讜转 讘讗讜驻谉 拽砖讛. 讚讜讙诪讛 诇讻讱 讬讻讜诇讛 诇讛讬讜转 诪讞诇转 讻诇讬讜转 讘砖诇讘 讛住讜驻讬 讛拽专讜讘讛 诇讚专讬砖讛 诇讚讬讗诇讬讝讛. 讘注讬拽专讜谉, 讗诐 讬砖 诇讱 诪讞诇转 讻诇讬讜转 拽砖讛 讜谞讗诪专 诇讱 诇讛讙讘讬诇 讞诇讘讜谉, 注诇讬讱 讻诪讜讘谉 诇注砖讜转 讝讗转 (37) 讗讱 讝讛 注讚讬讬谉 讬讗驻砖专 诇讱 诇讗讻讜诇 讘讛爪诇讞讛 讚讬讗讟讛 讚诇转 驻讞诪讬诪讜转. 诇讗谞砖讬诐 诇诇讗 诪讞诇转 讻诇讬讜转 讗讬谉 住讬讘讛 诇讚讗讜讙 诪讛讛砖驻注讛 砖诇 讞诇讘讜谉 诪讜讙讝诐 注诇 讘专讬讗讜转 讛讻诇讬讜转 砖诇讱. 讜讛讻讬 讞砖讜讘, 讗讬谉 爪讜专讱 砖诪讬砖讛讜 讬讗讻诇 讞诇讘讜谉 诪讜讙讝诐 讘讚讬讗讟讛 讚诇转 驻讞诪讬诪讜转 诪诇讻转讞讬诇讛. 讘砖讜专讛 讛转讞转讜谞讛: 转讝讜谞讛 讚诇转 驻讞诪讬诪讜转 诪转讗讬诪讛 诇讻诇讬讜转 砖诇讱.诇诪注砖讛, 注诇 讬讚讬 讛讜专讚转 住讜讻专讬诐 讘讚诐 诪讜讙讘讛 转讝讜谞讛 讚诇转 驻讞诪讬诪讜转 注砖讜讬讛 诇诪注砖讛 诇讛讙谉 注诇 讛讻诇讬讜转 诪讗讞转 讛讙讜专诪讬诐 讛谞驻讜爪讬诐 讘讬讜转专 诇谞讝拽. 讘诪讬讜讞讚 注讘讜专 讗谞砖讬诐 注诐 住讜讻专转, 驻讞诪讬诪讜转 谞诪讜讻讜转 注砖讜讬讜转 诇注讝讜专 讘讛讙谞讛 注诇 讛讻诇讬讜转 砖诇讛诐, 注诇 讬讚讬 住讬讜注 讘讘拽专转 专诪讜转 讛住讜讻专 讘讚诐 (38). 转讜住驻讬 转讝讜谞讛 拽讟讜讙谞讬讬诐 诇诪专讜转 砖诇讗 谞讚专砖讬诐 转讜住驻讬诐 讘讚讬讗讟讛 讛拽讬讟讜讙谞讬转, 讞诇拽诐 讘讛讞诇讟 讬讻讜诇讬诐 诇讛讜注讬诇. 砖诪谉 MCT: 谞讜住祝 诇诪砖拽讗讜转 讗讜 诇讬讜讙讜专讟, 砖诪谉 MCT 诪住驻拽 讗谞专讙讬讛 讜诪住讬讬注 讘讛注诇讗转 专诪讜转 讛拽讟讜谉. 诪讬谞专诇讬诐: 诪诇讞 讜诪讬谞专诇讬诐 讗讞专讬诐 讬讻讜诇讬诐 诇讛讬讜转 讞砖讜讘讬诐 注拽讘 砖讬谞讜讬讬诐 讘诪讗讝谉 讛诪讬诐 讜讛诪讬谞专诇讬诐 讘转讞讬诇转 讛讚讬讗讟讛. 拽驻讗讬谉: 诇拽驻讗讬谉 讬讻讜诇讜转 诇讛讬讜转 讬转专讜谞讜转 诇讗谞专讙讬讛, 讗讜讘讚谉 砖讜诪谉 讜讘讬爪讜注讬诐. 拽讟讜谞讬诐 讗拽住讜讙谞讬讬诐: 转讜住祝 讝讛 注砖讜讬 诇注讝讜专 诇讛注诇讜转 讗转 专诪讜转 讛拽讟讜谉 讘讙讜祝. 拽专讬讗讟讬谉: 拽专讬讗讟讬谉 诪住驻拽 讬转专讜谞讜转 专讘讬诐 诇讘专讬讗讜转 讜讘讬爪讜注讬诐. 讝讛 讬讻讜诇 诇注讝讜专 讗诐 讗转诐 诪砖诇讘讬诐 转讝讜谞讛 拽讟讜讙谞讬转 注诐 驻注讬诇讜转 讙讜驻谞讬转. 转讝讜谞讛 拽讟讜讙谞讬转 谞讛讚专转, 讗讱 诇讗 注讘讜专 讻讜诇诐 转讝讜谞讛 拽讟讜讙谞讬转 讬讻讜诇讛 诇讛讬讜转 谞讛讚专转 注讘讜专 讗谞砖讬诐 讛住讜讘诇讬诐 诪注讜讚祝 诪砖拽诇, 住讜讻专转讬讬诐 讗讜 诪讞驻砖讬诐 诇砖驻专 讗转 讘专讬讗讜转诐 讛诪讟讘讜诇讬转.讬转讻谉 砖讛讬讗 驻讞讜转 转转讗讬诐 诇住驻讜专讟讗讬 注讬诇讬转 讗讜 诇讗诇讜 砖专讜爪讬诐 诇讛讜住讬祝 讻诪讜讬讜转 讙讚讜诇讜转 砖诇 砖专讬专 讗讜 诪砖拽诇. 讜讻诪讜 讘讻诇 讚讬讗讟讛, 讝讛 讬注讘讜讚 专拽 讗诐 讗转讛 注拽讘讬 讜转讚讘拽 讘讛 诇讟讜讜讞 讛讗专讜讱. 注诐 讝讗转, 诪注讟讬诐 讛讚讘专讬诐 讛诪讜讻讞讬诐 讛讬讟讘 讘转讝讜谞讛 讻诪讜 讛讬转专讜谞讜转 讛讞讝拽讬诐 诇讘专讬讗讜转 讜讬专讬讚讛 讘诪砖拽诇 讘诪讛诇讱 讚讬讗讟讛 拽讬讟讜讙谞讬转. 砖讗诇讜转 谞驻讜爪讜转 诇讛诇谉 转砖讜讘讜转 诇讻诪讛 诪讛砖讗诇讜转 讛谞驻讜爪讜转 讘讬讜转专 诇讙讘讬 讛讚讬讗讟讛 讛拽讟讜讙谞讬转 讛讗诐 讗讜讻诇 诇讗讻讜诇 砖讜讘 驻讞诪讬诪讜转? 讻谉. 注诐 讝讗转, 讞砖讜讘 诇讛驻讞讬转 讘讗讜驻谉 诪砖诪注讜转讬 讗转 爪专讬讻转 讛驻讞诪讬诪讜转 砖诇讱 讘讛转讞诇讛. 讗讞专讬 2–3 讛讞讜讚砖讬诐 讛专讗砖讜谞讬诐 转讜讻诇讜 诇讗讻讜诇 驻讞诪讬诪讜转 讘讗讬专讜注讬诐 诪讬讜讞讚讬诐 – 驻砖讜讟 讞讝专讜 诇讚讬讗讟讛 诪讬讚 讗讞专讬. 转诪讬讚 谞讬转谉 诇讗讻讜诇 驻讞诪讬诪讜转 讗讱 诇讗 专爪讜讬 诇讞讝讜专 诇转讝讜谞讛 注转讬专转 住讜讻专. 讬砖 诇拽讞转 讘讞砖讘讜谉 砖诪讬 砖诪爪讜讬 讘转讝讜谞讛 拽讟讜讙谞讬转 诇讗讜专讱 讝诪谉 诇专讜讘 讬砖驻专 讗转 讛专讙讬砖讜转 诇讗讬谞住讜诇讬谉 讜讬转讻谉 讻讬 讘注转 爪专讬讻转 诪讗讻诇讬诐 驻讞诪讬诪转讬讬诐 讗转诐 注诇讜诇讬诐 诇讞讜讜转 转讜驻注讜转 诇讗 谞注讬诪讜转 (讻讗讘讬 专讗砖, 讻讗讘讬 讘讟谉, 砖诇砖讜诇讬诐 讜注讜讚) 诪讗讞专 讛讙讜祝 讗讬谞讜 专讙讬诇 诇讻讱. 讻诪讜 讻谉, 讝讛 注诇讜诇 诇讙专讜诐 诇拽讜砖讬 诇讞讝讜专 诇转讝讜谞讛. 诇讗讞专 砖讛讝讛专谞讜 谞爪讬讬谉 砖讬砖谞诐 讗谞砖讬诐 讗砖专 诪爪诇讬讞讬诐 诪讬讚讬 驻注诐 诇讗讻讜诇 驻讞诪讬诪讜转 (讘讗讬专讜注讬诐 诪砖驻讞转讬讬诐 讜讞讙讬诐) 讜诇讞讝讜专 讘诪讛讬专讜转 诇谞讬爪讜诇 砖讜诪谉. 讝讛 转诇讜讬 讘专拽注 讛讗讬砖讬, 讘专讬讗讜转 诪讟讘讜诇讬转, 诪砖讱 讝诪谉 讘转讝讜谞讛, 讛讜专诪讜谞讬诐, 讜注讜讚. 讛讗诐 讗讗讘讚 诪住转 砖专讬专? 拽讬讬诐 住讬讻讜谉 诇讗讘讚 拽爪转 诪住转 砖专讬专 讘讻诇 讚讬讗讟讛. 注诐 讝讗转 爪专讬讻转 讛讞诇讘讜谉 讛讙讘讜讛讛 讜专诪讜转 讛拽讟讜谉 讛讙讘讜讛讜转 注砖讜讬讜转 诇住讬讬注 讘诪讝注讜专 讗讜讘讚谉 讛砖专讬专讬诐, 讘诪讬讜讞讚 讗诐 诪专讬诪讬诐 诪砖拽讜诇讜转. 讛讗诐 讗讜讻诇 诇讘谞讜转 诪住转 砖专讬专 讘砖讬诪讜砖 讘转讝讜谞讛 拽讟讜讙谞讬转? 讻谉, 讗讱 讬转讻谉 砖讝讛 诇讗 注讜讘讚 讘爪讜专讛 讬注讬诇讛 讻诪讜 讘转讝讜谞讛 注砖讬专讛 讘驻讞诪讬诪讜转. 讛讗诐 注诇讬 诇讛注诪讬住 讘诪讝讜谉 讗讜 驻讞诪讬诪讜转? 诇讗. 注诐 讝讗转, 讻诪讛 讬诪讬诐 注转讬专讬 拽诇讜专讬讜转 注砖讜讬讬诐 诇讛讜注讬诇 诪讚讬 驻注诐. 讻诪讛 讞诇讘讜谉 讗讜讻诇 诇讗讻讜诇? 讞诇讘讜谉 爪专讬讱 诇讛讬讜转 讘专诪讛 讘讬谞讜谞讬转, 诪讻讬讜讜谉 砖爪专讬讻讛 讙讘讜讛讛 诪讗讜讚 讬讻讜诇讛 诇注讜讚讚 讗转 专诪讜转 讛讗讬谞住讜诇讬谉 讜诇讛讜专讬讚 讗转 专诪讜转 讛拽讟讜谞讬诐. 讘注专讱 35% 诪讻诇诇 爪专讬讻转 讛拽诇讜专讬讜转 讛讜讗 讻讻诇 讛谞专讗讛 讛讙讘讜诇 讛诪拽住讬诪诇讬. 诪讛 讗诐 讗谞讬 注讬讬祝 讜讞诇砖 讻诇 讛讝诪谉? 讬讬转讻谉 砖讗讬谞讱 谞诪爪讗 讘拽讟讜讝讛 诪诇讗讛 讗讜 砖讗讬谞讱 诪砖转诪砖 讘砖讜诪谞讬诐 讜拽讟讜谞讬诐 讘讬注讬诇讜转. 讻讚讬 诇讛转诪讜讚讚 注诐 讝讛, 讛讜专讬讚讜 讗转 爪专讬讻转 讛驻讞诪讬诪讜转 讜讘拽专讜 砖讜讘 讘谞拽讜讚讜转 砖诇诪注诇讛. 转讜住祝 讻诪讜 砖诪谉 MCT 讗讜 拽讟讜谞讬诐 注砖讜讬 讙诐 诇注讝讜专. 讛砖转谉 砖诇讬 诪专讬讞 驻讬专讜转讬. 诇诪讛 讝讛? 讗诇 转讬讘讛诇. 讝讛 驻砖讜讟 谞讜讘注 诪讛驻专砖转 转讜爪专讬 诇讜讜讗讬 砖谞讜爪专讜 讘诪讛诇讱 拽讟讜讝讬住. 专讬讞 诇讗 谞注讬诐 诪讛驻讛. 诪讛 讗谞讬 讬讻讜诇 诇注砖讜转? 讝讜 转讜驻注转 诇讜讜讗讬 砖讻讬讞讛. 谞住讛 诇砖转讜转 诪讬诐 讘讟注诐 讟讘注讬 讗讜 诇诇注讜住 诪住讟讬拽 诇诇讗 住讜讻专. 转讜驻注讛 讝讜 讙诐 诪注讬讚讛 讻讬 讬砖 转讛诇讬讱 拽讬讟讜讝讬住 讜讬转讻谉 讻讬 讛讙讜祝 注讚讬讬谉 诇讗 诪谞爪诇 讗转 讛拽讬讟讜谞讬诐 讘讗讜驻谉 讬注讬诇. 讛转讜驻注讜转 讛讗诇讜 注讜讘专讜转 讜讘讬谞转讬讬诐 讗驻砖专 诇砖转讜转 拽驻讛 讗讜 诪讬诐 讻讚讬 诇讛拽诇 注诇 讛专讬讞 讛讗爪讬讟讜谞讬. 砖诪注转讬 砖拽讟讜讝讬住 讛讬谞讜 诪爪讘 诪住讜讻谉 讘讬讜转专. 讝讛 谞讻讜谉? 诇注转讬诐 拽专讜讘讜转 讗谞砖讬诐 诪讘诇讘诇讬诐 讘讬谉 拽讟讜讝讬住 诇讘讬谉 拽讟讜讗爪讬讚讜讝讬住. 讛专讗砖讜谉 讛讜讗 转讛诇讬讱 讟讘注讬, 讘注讜讚 砖讛砖谞讬 诪讜驻讬注 专拽 讘诪爪讘 住讜讻专转 讘诇转讬 诪讘讜拽专转. 拽讟讜讗爪讬讚讜讝讬住 讛讜讗 诪住讜讻谉, 讗讱 讛拽讟讜讝讬住 讘讚讬讗讟讛 拽讟讜讙谞讬转 转拽讬谉 讜讘专讬讗 诇讞诇讜讟讬谉 :诪转讜讱 KETO 住驻专 讬砖专讗诇讬 - 转讝讜谞讛 拽讟讜讙谞讬转 讬砖专讗诇讬转
                                    Remedies - Depression, ocd, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Mania
                                    • Psychosis/Schizophrenia etc...
                                    • The typical treatments for bipolar disorder and OCD have a lot of potential side effects. But, these treatments work by manipulating neurotransmitters. What’s interesting is that the friendly microbes in your gut actually make neurotransmitters. If you have gut problems, your friendly microbes probably aren’t making enough neurotransmitters. People with bipolar disorder have a much higher incidence of gut inflammation. The best natural protocol for bipolar disorder and OCD: Fix any gut issues first: • Consume fermented foods with prebiotics and probiotics. Go on a low-carb ketogenic diet: • The carnivore version of keto may be beneficial for people with gut problems. Take fish oil: • I like cod liver oil because it contains vitamin D, vitamin A, and omega-3 fatty acids or Alaskan, wild caught Salmon oil. Take B vitamins: • B1 and folate are very important. Nutritional yeast is a great source of natural B vitamins. Cut out grains, sugar, and grain oils: • It’s essential to support the friendly microbes in the gut and remove things from the diet that cause inflammation. A few additional options: • Lithium orotate (for bipolar disorder) • N-acetly cysteine NAC (for mania) • Hyperforin (for depression) • Glycine, 5 grams daily (for schizophrenia) • Niacin B3 (for schizophrenia) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Eggs and Cholesterol: This is all from the conventional medical system and it’s inaccurate. Pasture raised Eggs are one of the healthiest foods out there just stick to organic pasture raised eggs. Cholesterol is not what causes heart disease. This has been a very big hoax for many years and they are making billions off of statin drugs. The statin drugs are making people very sick and meanwhile heart disease has skyrocketed. According to holistic medicine it’s the high sugar carb diets that are causing plaque to build up in the arteries. Conventional doctors don’t even understand how to look at cholesterol numbers. Cholesterol is not bad. In fact we need cholesterol for many diff functions in the body. If cholesterol numbers go too low it can actually be deadly. Very low cholesterol numbers is extremely unhealthy. The issue is high triglycerides because that indicates high sugar/ high insulin levels. Anything that lowers insulin will help to lower cholesterol. Lower sugar/carbs, increase fiber and potassium by adding a lot of vegetables into the diet, increase healthy saturated fats in the diet, exercise, lower stress, take supplements that lower insulin like Berberine, Hawthorn Berry, Artichoke extract, pantethine, alpha lipoic acid etc… Drinking one cup of Hibiscus tea every day is very effective in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. It does have a slight diuretic effect so anyone on a diuretic should check with their doctor. There are plenty of natural supplements that work to lower cholesterol. There is no need to take a statin drug. Statin drugs have many dangerous side effects that have been making people very sick over time. Below is a list of side effects caused by statin drugs: 1) Raises sugar/insulin and puts you at risk for diabetes 2) liver damage 3) memory loss and dementia like symptoms - there are holistic doctors that believe that one of the reasons for the spike in Dementia and Alzheimer’s is due to statin drugs. Cholesterol is essential for brain function. 4) muscle damage and atrophy 5) Depletion of CoQ10 an essential nutrient for the muscles, heart and immune system. 6) lowers bile production which then causes issues with absorbing fats and fat soluble vitamins A,D,K and E. Issues with absorbing these vitamins can lead to osteoporosis and calcification in the arteries and joints. 7) increases risk for certain cancers
                                        "isolate protein powder" causes "oxidation" in the body...
                                          Whey/Soy powder "isolate", causes oxidized cholesterol - POWDERED milk, eggs, soy/pea/whey protein Isolate etc... {p.s. fermented non "GMO" soybeans, such as Tofu and Japanese "Natto" are healthy..} ________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                            Cholesterol: We have been brainwashed to think that cholesterol is bad. Cholesterol is essential in the body for so many functions and the body itself produces cholesterol. Most of the cholesterol in the body is being produced by the liver and only a small amount is from the food. Cholesterol is needed for brain function, production of bile, production of hormones, building new tissue and repairing damaged old tissues etc… if cholesterol levels are too low it can cause a whole host of issues in the body and can even lead to death. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. even with the majority of people on statin drugs. Heart disease has actually skyrocketed since they started putting everyone on statin drugs. They have been lowering and lowering the numbers for acceptable cholesterol levels to the point that it is so low that it is unhealthy and killing people. min This whole cholesterol thing is a scam to make millions on statin drugs. It’s not the cholesterol that is the underlying cause for plaque in the arteries but the over consumption of sugar/carbs and the high insulin levels. When insulin levels are high Vitamin C automatically gets depleted. Low Vitamin C levels cause tears and lesions in the arteries which cholesterol comes to patch up. Cholesterol is like the fireman coming to put out the fire, it is not causing the fire. The “bad” cholesterol actually stems from over consumption of sugar/carbs. But not even all of this cholesterol is bad. Conventional doctors are not reading cholesterol levels properly. Dr. Berg has a video on how to read cholesterol levels properly in order to determine the risk for heart disease. I believe the video was already posted on the chat. In some cases if there is an issue with the liver and bile production it can cause high cholesterol levels. In those cases taking bile salts like TUDCA and digestive bitters can help bring up bile production and lower cholesterol levels.another thing that’s important to understand is that plaque only builds up in the arteries when there is inflammation in the arteries. If there would be no inflammation there would be no plaque. The inflammation usually stems from high sugar/high insulin levels and other inflammatory foods like vegetable oils. ______________________________________________________________________
                                              Gluconeogenesis: Gluconeogenesis is the new creation of glucose made by your liver. It's stimulated by a hormone called glucagon, and it's inhibited by a hormone called insulin. Insulin is triggered by glucose from the diet. Our body uses fat and protein to make glucose. Certain amino acids in protein turn into glucose, as does a component of fat which breaks down into glycerol, then converts to glucose. Your body can easily get the glucose it needs from fat and protein. You don’t need carbohydrates to supply glucose. Nearly all of the cells in your body can run on ketones except for certain cells in the eye, a small part of your brain, and your red blood cells. Through the process of gluconeogenesis, your body can supply these cells with glucose.
                                              Vegetable Oils [margarine]: The conventional medical system tells you to remove healthy saturated fats from the diet and instead use vegetable oils. Those vegetable oils are clogging up the arteries and the healthy fats would have helped to unclog the arteries. So in truth whatever you’re being told is the opposite of what you need to be doing to keep the heart healthy. Vegetable oils are poison and a major source of inflammation in the body. Inflammation always leads to disease. I’m going to post a message I posted on other groups in regards to vegetable oils bec I think it’s extremely important to understand the lies that we have been told for years. Vegetable oils /seed oils are the most toxic food you can include in your diet even worse than sugar. Vegetable oils contain high amounts of Omega 6 and are highly inflammatory. They will increase inflammation in the body. They are also highly processed and refined, highly unstable and oxidize and go rancid very quickly. The oxidation causes inflammation in the body. When they are heated or even left out in a bottle exposed to light they will degrade and oxidize. Heating vegetable oils is known to create oxidation and toxins. There is a chemical compound that is created when you heat unsaturated oils which can have a negative effect on the heart and can potentially increase the risk for cancer. Vegetable oils are processed to such a point where they become toxic to the body. The oils need to be chemically extracted with a solvent called hexane (highly toxic). The fluid that is extracted is not even an oil. It’s a grey, rancid, bad smelling fluid which needs to be refined in a 17 step process to make it edible. Some of these steps are desolventizing (removing hexane) with heat and steam, deodorize, bleached, degum, neutralize, winterize, Dewax etc… a lot of times even after all this processing the oil still has residue of hexane in it. Unsaturated oils are very unstable, and they oxidize easily, especially when heated. There are studies that show that vegetable oils increase your risk of death by 62%, increase risk for heart attacks by 86%, increase risk for cancer by 82%. Vegetable oils promote insulin resistance, elevated glucose levels, fatty liver and cause chronic and degenerative diseases. It’s best to avoid them at all cost. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                The oils that should be avoided are: Soy oil, Corn oil, Canola oil, Cottonseed oil, Peanut oil, Sunflower oil, Safflower oil and Margarine... Sunflower, Safflower or Grape Seed oil might be okay for some in very small amounts as long as it’s cold pressed, but it’s not recommended [since Omega 6 increases inflammation]. The best oils to use when deep frying: 1. Coconut oil or palm oil 2. Tallow (fat from grass-fed beef) 3. Ghee [un-clarified butter] 4. Olive oil (keep below 400 degrees) 5. Avocado oil The above oils are more stable and won’t create the dangerous compound that unsaturated oils do. They won’t oxidize as fast, and they may be much safer when heated. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                _________________________ Avoid Synthetic Vitamins or supplements made with harsh chemicals or fillers, such as silicone dioxide, Titanium dioxide [has been shown to cause - DNA damage, intestinal and kidney damage], Hydrogenated oils, “ascorbic acid” found in synthetic Vitamin C and Maltodextrin (from genetically modified corn), Synthetic Color is labelled with FD&C followed by a number - such as FD&C Yellow #6 --- this is so manufacturers can use cheap nasty fillers to give us bigger horse sized pills... ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Synthetic vitamins and Antinutrients - such as phytic acid - block mineral absorption... IRON, copper, manganese... This is knowledge that stems from holistic medicine. There are sources for everything. If you understand how vitamins and minerals work then you understand how they interact with each other and how they deplete each other. I’ll just explain one of the items that I posted so you can understand where this information comes from. How do we know that synthetic Vitamin C depletes copper? We know this because natural Vitamin C comes in a complex of four - 3 vitamins and 1 mineral. The mineral in the Vitamin C complex is copper. Anytime you only consume one part of a vitamin complex you deplete the rest of the vitamins in the complex. So for example there are 8 B vitamins in the B complex. If you only consume one of those B vitamins you lower the rest of the B vitamins in the complex. Synthetic Vitamin C only has ascorbic acid which is the protective coating around the Vit C complex, it does not contain the other 3 vitamins and 1 mineral in the complex. Therefore synthetic Vit C actually depletes the other 3 vitamins and 1 mineral in the complex. Synthetic Vitamin C not only lowers copper levels but also lowers the natural Vit C levels. Same with Iron supplements, which should be taken in the form of a trace mineral complex [such as purified sea water, pure sea salt] - {Black currant seed oil is rich in iron and manganese...Olive oil, Eggs, Fish, Red Meat [especially liver], Sesame/Pumpkin seeds, Chickpeas, 100 grams of Tofu contains 5.4 mg out of the 18mg of daily iron requirement...' - *Spinach is high in "OXALATES" (500 grams per serving!) which can cause "gout" and "kidney stones", it should only be eaten within an hour of harvest --- Beans/Lentils are too starchy for Ketosis as they tend to procede 50 grams of carbs per serving}. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "With the sweat of your face you shall eat bread..." Can I include bread in my diet? [i personally consumed "sprouted spelt sourdough" bread, before discovering Keto's health benefits] Grains ------------------------- Bread [grain] was cursed by the primordial sin of man... - Genesis 3:19 writes: With the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, until you return to the ground, for you were taken therefrom, for dust you are, and to dust you will return." --- 讬讟: 讘ְּ讝ֵ注ַ֤转 讗ַ驻ֶּ֨讬讱ָ֙ 转ֹּ֣讗讻ַ诇 诇ֶ֔讞ֶ诐 注ַ֤讚 砖ֽׁ讜ּ讘ְ讱ָ֙ 讗ֶ诇־讛ָ֣讗ֲ讚ָ诪ָ֔讛 讻ִּ֥讬 诪ִ诪ֶּ֖谞ָּ讛 诇ֻ拽ָּ֑讞ְ转ָּ 讻ִּֽ讬־注ָ驻ָ֣专 讗ַ֔转ָּ讛 讜ְ讗ֶ诇־注ָ驻ָ֖专 转ָּ砖ֽׁ讜ּ讘 With the sweat of your face: After you toil with it very much. — [Mid. Tadshei, Otzar Midrashim] There are many alternative bread recipes that do not contain grains. Grain flour is bad in many ways that go far beyond being high on the glycemic index—gluten harms the colon lining, antinutrients like phytic acid block mineral absorption, and the reduction of nutrients in the milling process leaves you with a low-quality, high-carb product. The list of downsides to grains could go on and on. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ :讞诪砖讛 讚讘专讬诐 诪砖讬讘讬诐 讗转 讛诇讬诪讜讚 驻转 驻讞诪讬谉 讜讻诇 砖讻谉 驻讞诪讬谉 注爪诪谉 - (专砖"讬: 驻转 讛讗驻讜讬 讘讙讞诇讬诐) 讜讛讗讜讻诇 讘讬爪讛 诪讙讜诇讙诇转 讘诇讗 诪诇讞, 讜讛专讙讬诇 讘砖诪谉 讝讬转, 讜讛专讙讬诇 讘讬讬谉 讜讘砖诪讬诐, 讜讛砖讜转讛 诪讬诐 砖诇 砖讬讜专讬 注讬住讛; 讜讬砖 讗讜诪专讬诐 讗祝 讛讟讜讘诇 讗爪讘注讜 讘诪诇讞 讜讗讜讻诇 _____ Five things restore one's learning (and sharpen one's mind) 1: Charcoal from bread, {=toxin binder} [partially baked "cookie dough" such as "falafel chunks," "sufganiyot," or "kubaneh" - reduce memory] 2. Eating a half boiled egg {approx. 7 min. to cook} - without salt; =Beitzah Megulgelet 3. Frequent consumption of olive oil; 4. Frequently smelling/consuming spices; drinking {organic, low sugar, Rose is fine but not red *wine} [*Berries are even better! - note: alcohol can promote autophagy - the "elimination" of bad cells..] 5. Drinking water left over from kneading a dough [fermented foods]; i. Some say, sticking one or two fingers in salt and using it to eat [pure sea salt]. -Horayot 13b
                                                on Eclectic Herb makes: [freeze-dried] Tart cherry [skins=good for lowering oxalates] w/BlackBerry or BilBerry....also, Super Berry 'Blend' [Acai, Aronia, Black-Raspberry, etc..] 3.2 oz (90 g), Nutricost makes: Organic Blueberry Powder, Unflavored, 8 oz (227 g), MRM Nutrition makes: Organic Elderberry Fruit Powder, 4 oz (113 g)
                                                Halakhically Speaking

                                                Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef ztz”l rules in accordance with the opinion of the Tosafot and other Poskim who write that one must take care not to leave eggs, garlic, or onion peeled overnight, for an Evil Spirit rests upon them. However, if they were left peeled and the night has already passed, they are not forbidden for consumption, for one may rely on the opinion of the Mordechi and Maharshal. However, this should preferably not be done, as we have written. 
                                                There is a way to rule completely leniently regarding this matter which is if the peeled onion or garlic was mixed with another food, such as in a salad or in a cooked food [or onion/garlic powder], for in this manner, no Evil Spirit rests on it whatsoever. The custom is indeed to rule leniently in this manner. Maran Rabbeinu zt”l indeed rules leniently in this way. 

                                       writes: Halacha For - Thursday, 23 Tevet 5774  - 26/12/2013

                                                The Gemara (Niddah 17a) states in the name of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai...
                                                that if one does any one of five specific things, one takes his life into his own hands (meaning that one is endangering himself). One of these things is eating an egg, garlic, or onion that was left peeled all night. And the Poskim tell us that the reason why eating these foods left peeled overnight is dangerous is because an evil spirit which can cause much damage rests upon them

                                                讜诪讘讜讗专 讘讚讘专讬 讛驻讜住拽讬诐, 砖讟注诐 讛讚讘专 砖讬砖 住讻谞讛 讘讗讻讬诇转 讚讘专讬诐 讗诇讜 砖谞拽诇驻讜 讜注讘专 注诇讬讛诐 讛诇讬诇讛, 讛讜讗 诪驻谞讬 砖砖讜专讛 注诇讬讛诐 专讜讞 专注讛 砖注诇讜诇讛 诇讙专讜诐 谞讝拽. 讘讙诪专讗 讘诪住讻转 谞讚讛 (讚祝 讬讝.) 讗诪专 专讘讬 砖诪注讜谉 讘专 讬讜讞讗讬, 讞诪讬砖讛 讚讘专讬诐 讛注讜砖讛 讗讜转诐 诪转讞讬讬讘 讘谞驻砖讜 讜讚诪讜 讘专讗砖讜 (讻诇讜诪专 砖诪讘讬讗 讗转 注爪诪讜 诇讬讚讬 住讻谞讛), 讜讗讞讚 诪讛诐, 讛讗讜讻诇 砖讜诐 拽诇讜祝 讗讜 讘爪诇 拽诇讜祝 讗讜 讘讬爪讛 拽诇讜驻讛 砖注讘专 注诇讬讛诐 讛诇讬诇讛    

                                                讛讚讬谉 诇诪注砖讛 
                                                讜讻讚讘专讬 讛转讜住驻讜转 讜讛驻讜住拽讬诐 驻住拽 诪专谉 专讘讬谞讜 注讜讘讚讬讛 讬讜住祝 讝爪"诇 (讛讻"诪), 砖讬砖 诇讛讝讛专 砖诇讗 诇讛谞讬讞 砖讜诐 拽诇讜祝 讗讜 讘爪诇 拽诇讜祝 讜讘讬爪讛 拽诇讜驻讛, 讘讗讜驻谉 砖讬注讘讜专 注诇讬讛诐 讛诇讬诇讛, 诪驻谞讬 砖专讜讞 专注讛 砖讜专讛 注诇讬讛诐, 讗讘诇 讗诐 讻讘专 注讘专 注诇讬讛诐 讛诇讬诇讛, 讗讬谉 诇讗住讜专 讗转 讗讻讬诇转谉, 诪驻谞讬 砖讬砖 诇住诪讜讱 注诇 讚讘专讬 讛诪专讚讻讬 讜讛诪讛专砖"诇, 讗诪谞诐 诇讻转讞讬诇讛 讗讬谉 诇注砖讜转 讻谉, 讜讻讗诪讜专. 讜讬砖 讗讜驻谉 诇讛拽诇 讘讝讛 诇讙诪专讬, 讗诐 注讬专讘讜 讗转 讛砖讜诐 讜讛讘爪诇 讛拽诇讜驻讬诐 注诐 讚讘专讬诐 讗讞专讬诐, 讻讙讜谉 讘住讗诇讟 讗讜 转讘砖讬诇, 砖讗讝 诇讗 砖讜专讛 注诇讬讛诐 专讜讞 专注讛 讻诇诇. 讜讻谉 讛诪谞讛讙 诇讛拽诇 讘讝讛. 讜讻谉 驻住拽 诪专谉 专讘讬谞讜 讝爪"诇

                                                Five things cause one to forget the Torah one has learned - 讞诪讬砖讛 讚讘专讬诐 讛诪砖讻讞讬诐 讗转 讛诇讬诪讜讚

                                                The Gemara (Horayot 13b) states: "Our Sages taught: Five things cause one to forget the Torah one has learned: One who eats food which a cat or mouse have eaten from, one who eats the heart of an animal, one who eats olives regularly, one who drinks water which has been used for washing, and one who washes one's feet one on top of the other. Some say also one who places a vessel under one's head." 

Regarding eating an animal's heart, although it is indeed advisable to abstain from eating heart as it causes one to forget, there is no actual prohibition to do so.  

讞诪讬砖讛 讚讘专讬诐 讛诪砖讻讞讬诐 讗转 讛诇讬诪讜讚 - 诪讜讘讗 讘诪住讻转 讛讜专讬讜转 (讚祝 讬讙:), 转谞讜 专讘谞谉, 讞诪讬砖讛 讚讘专讬诐 诪砖讻讞讬诐 讗转 讛诇讬诪讜讚, 讛讗讜讻诇 诪诪讛 砖讗讜讻诇 注讻讘专 讜诪诪讛 砖讗讜讻诇 讞转讜诇, 讜讛讗讜讻诇 诇讘 砖诇 讘讛诪讛, 讜讛专讙讬诇 讘讝讬转讬诐, 讜讛砖讜转讛 诪讬诐 砖诇 砖讬讜专讬 专讞讬爪讛, 讜讛专讜讞抓 专讙诇讬讜 讝讜 注诇 讙讘讬 讝讜. 讜讬砖 讗讜诪专讬诐 讗祝 讛诪谞讬讞 讻诇讬 转讞转 诪专讗砖讜转讬讜... 讜讛谞讛 讘注谞讬谉 讗讻讬诇转 诇讘 砖诇 讘讛诪讛, 讻讘专 讛讗专讻谞讜 讘讛诇讻讛 诪讬讜讞讚转 讘注谞讬谉 讗讻讬诇转 诇讘 砖诇 讘讛诪讛 讗讜 砖诇 注讜祝 注诇 驻讬 讚讘专讬 讛诪拽讜讘诇讬诐, 讜讛讘讗谞讜 砖讗讬谉 讝讛 讗讬住讜专 诪谉 讛讚讬谉 讻诇诇, 讜讗祝 砖讗讻讬诇转 诇讘 讛讘讛诪讛 讗诪谞诐 讙讜专诪转 诇砖讻讞讛, 诪讻诇 诪拽讜诐 讗讬住讜专 诪诪砖 讗讬谉 讻讗谉 讙诐 讗诐 讻讚讗讬 诇讛诪谞注 诪讻讱

Eating Olives

Regarding eating olives, when analyzing the Baraita carefully, the Baraita states "One who eats olives regularly" and not just "One who eats olives." Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt"l writes that that the word "regularly" is indeed specific, for if one eats them only sparingly and not regularly, this will not cause one any forgetfulness. Hagaon Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt"l would say so as well. Nevertheless, it is quoted in his name that if one eats olives once a month, this is already considered one who eats olives "regularly."  讗讻讬诇转 讝讬转讬诐 - 讜诇注谞讬谉 讗讻讬诇转 讝讬转讬诐, 讛谞讛 讘诇砖讜谉 讛讘专讬讬转讗 砖谞讬谞讜: "讛专讙讬诇 讘讝讬转讬诐", 讜诇讗 砖谞讬谞讜 "讛讗讜讻诇 讝讬转讬诐". 讜诇讻谉 讻转讘 诪专谉 专讘讬谞讜 讛拽讚讜砖 专讘讬 注讜讘讚讬讛 讬讜住祝 讝爪"诇 (讛讻"诪), 砖诇砖讜谉 讝讜 讛讬讗 讘讚拽讚讜拽, 诪砖讜诐 砖诪讬 砖讗讬谞讜 "专讙讬诇" 讘讝讬转讬诐, 讗诇讗 讗讜讻诇 诪讛诐 讘讗拽专讗讬 讘注诇诪讗, 讗讬谉 讘讗讻讬诇讛 讝讜 讻诇 讞砖砖, 讜讗讬谞讜 注转讬讚 诇讘讗 诇讬讚讬 砖讻讞讛 诪驻谞讬 讗讻讬诇讛 讝讜. 讜讻谉 讛讬讛 讗讜诪专 讛讙讗讜谉 专讘讬 砖诇诪讛 讝诇诪谉 讗讜讬专讘讱 讝爪"诇. 讜讗诪谞诐 谞诪住专 讘砖诪讜, 砖讗诐 讗讜讻诇 讝讬转讬诐 驻注诐 讗讞转 讘讞讜讚砖, 讻讘专 谞讞砖讘 讛讚讘专 诇讗讻讬诇讛 "专讙讬诇讛" 讘讝讬转讬诐

Hagaon Harav Yosef Chaim Zonenfeld zt"l writes in his Responsa Salmat Chayim:
that if one eats olives along with olive oil, this will prevent one from becoming forgetful, for olive oil is beneficial for one's memory. Indeed, the Gemara states that in this instance, the son's power is greater than the father's. 
For the olive, which is the "father", causes forgetfulness while olive oil, the byproduct of the olive, is beneficial for one's memory. Thus, if one dips the olives in olive oil, one need not be concerned at all. Many G-d-fearing individuals customarily act accordingly.  讜讛讙讗讜谉 专讘讬 讬讜住祝 讞讬讬诐 讝讜谞谞驻诇讚 讘住驻专讜 砖讜"转 砖诇诪转 讞讬讬诐, 讻转讘 砖讗诐 讗讜讻诇 讗转 讛讝讬转讬诐 注诐 砖诪谉 讝讬转, 讬砖 讘讻讱 转讜注诇转 砖诇讗 讬讘讗 诇讬讚讬 砖讻讞讛, 砖砖诪谉 讛讝讬转 诪讜注讬诇 诇讝讻专讜谉. 讜讻诪讜 砖讗诪专讜 讘讙诪专讗, 砖讘讝讛 讙讚讜诇 讻讞 讛讘谉 诪讻讞 讛讗讘, 砖讛讗讘 讛讜讗 讛讝讬转, 诪讘讬讗 诇砖讬讻讞讛, 讜诪讛 砖谞讜诇讚 诪诪谞讜, 讛讜讗 砖诪谉 讛讝讬转, 诪讜注讬诇 诇讝讻专讜谉. 讜注诇 讻谉, 诪讬 砖诪讟讘诇 讗转 讛讝讬转讬诐 讘砖诪谉 讝讬转, 讗诇 诇讜 诇讞讜砖 诇注谞讬谉 讝讛 讻诇诇. 讜讻谉 谞讜讛讙讬诐 专讘讬诐 诪讬专讗讬 讛

Forgetting Words of Torah

The Torah states, "Guard yourself and your soul very much lest you forget"; the Mishnah in Pirkei Avot (Chapter 3, Mishnah 10) explains that this verse warns about forgetting Torah. The Poskim discuss whether or not eating things which cause forgetfulness are included in the prohibition to forget the Torah. Indeed, the Meiri writes that this does constitute the prohibition of forgetting the Torah and therefore, if an individual is obligated to wash his hands, such as if one wakes up from his sleep or if one leaves the restroom, and does not do so, besides for transgressing the edict of our Sages who instituted that one must wash his hands, one transgresses an additional prohibition of causing himself to forget words of Torah, for not washing one's hands when one is required to, causes one to forget and as we have explained, there is a Torah prohibition to forget words of Torah. 砖讻讞转 讚讘专讬 讛转讜专讛 - 谞讗诪专 讘转讜专讛 "讛砖诪专 诇讱 讜砖诪讜专 谞驻砖讱 诪讗讚 驻谉 转砖讻讞" 讜诪讘讜讗专 讘诪砖谞讛 讘诪住讻转 讗讘讜转 (驻"讙 诪"讬) 砖驻住讜拽 讝讛 讘讗 诇讛讝讛讬专 注诇 砖讻讞转 讛转讜专讛. 讜讚谞讜 专讘讜转讬谞讜 讛驻讜住拽讬诐 讗诐 讬砖 讘讗讻讬诇转 讚讘专讬诐 讛讙讜专诪讬诐 诇砖讻讞讛 诪砖讜诐 讗讬住讜专 讝讛 砖诇 砖讬讻讞转 讛转讜专讛. 讜讘住驻专 讛诪讗讬专讬 讻转讘, 砖讬砖 讘讻讱 讘讗诪转 诪砖讜诐 讗讬住讜专 讝讛 砖诇 砖讻讞转 讛转讜专讛, 讜诇驻讬讻讱 讻转讘, 砖诪讬 砖爪专讬讱 诇讬讟讜诇 讬讚讬讜, 讻讙讜谉 讛拽诐 诪谉 讛诪讟讛, 讜讛讬讜爪讗 诪讘讬转 讛讻住讗, 讜讻讚讜诪讛, 讜讗讬谞讜 谞讜讟诇 讬讚讬讜, 诪诇讘讚 讛讗讬住讜专 砖注讜砖讛 砖讗讬谞讜 谞讜讟诇 讬讚讬讜 讻转拽谞转 讞讝"诇, 注讜砖讛 讘讻讱 讗讬住讜专 谞讜住祝, 砖诪砖讻讞 讗转 注爪诪讜 诪讚讘专讬 转讜专讛, 砖讻谉 讗讬 谞讟讬诇转 讬讚讬诐 诪讘讬讗讛 诇砖讻讞讛, 讜讻讗诪讜专 讬砖 讗讬住讜专 诪谉 讛转讜专讛 诇砖讻讜讞 讗转 讚讘专讬讛

Similarly, Hagaon Harav Eliezer Papo zt"l (author of the Sefer Peleh Yo'etz) writes:

that if one is not careful regarding all of the things mentioned by our Sages which cause forgetfulness, one must be concerned lest he be included in the teaching of our Sages (in Masekhet Avot) which states, "One who causes himself to forget any Torah one has studied is taking his life into his own hands, as the verse states: 'However, guard yourself and your soul very much lest you forget.'  

Hagaon Chazon Ish rules likewise. On the other hand, other great Aharonim are doubtful about this matter, for it is not absolutely certain that doing these things will cause one to forget one's Torah; rather, one who does these things is merely prone to forgetfulness similar to other Segulot (auspicious matters). 

Furthermore, it is possible that one will do other things that are beneficial for one's memory and the end result will be that one will not forget anything at all. Thus, others write that there is no prohibition whatsoever to eat the above items. In cases like these, we have a great rule that whenever there is a disagreement among the Aharonim, if we find any one of the Rishonim who discusses this issue, his words will act as the deciding factor, for the Rishonim were greater than the Aharonim. 

讜讻谉 讻转讘 讛讙讗讜谉 专讘讬 讗诇讬注讝专 驻讗驻讜 讝"诇 (讘注诇 住驻专 "驻诇讗 讬讜注抓"), 讻讬 诪讬 砖讗讬谞讜 讝讛讬专 讘讗讜转诐 讚讘专讬诐 砖讛讜讝讻专讜 砖讙讜专诪讬诐 诇砖讻讞讛, 讞讜砖砖谞讬 驻谉 讬讛讬讛 讘讻诇诇 诪讛 砖讗诪专讜 讞讝"诇 (讘诪住讻转 讗讘讜转) 讻诇 讛诪砖讻讞 讚讘专 讗讞讚 诪转诇诪讜讚讜 讻讗讬诇讜 诪转讞讬讬讘 讘谞驻砖讜, 砖谞讗诪专 专拽 讛砖诪专 诇讱 讜砖诪讜专 谞驻砖讱 诪讗讚 驻谉 转砖讻讞. 讜讻谉 讛讬讗 讚注转 讛讙讗讜谉 讛讞讝讜谉 讗讬砖 讝爪"诇. 讗讜诇诐 讙讗讜谞讬诐 讗讞专讬诐 诪专讘讜转讬谞讜 讛讗讞专讜谞讬诐 讻转讘讜 诇讛住转驻拽 讘注谞讬谉 讝讛, 诪砖讜诐 砖讗讬谉 讜讚讗讜转 砖讚讘专讬诐 讗诇讜 讬讙专诪讜 诇砖讻讞讛, 讜专拽 讛诐 诪住讜讙诇讬诐 诇砖讬讻讞讛, 讻砖讗专 讛住讙讜诇讜转, 讗讘诇 讗讬谉 驻讬专讜砖 讛讚讘专 砖讘讛讻专讞 诪讬 砖讬讗讻诇 讜讬注砖讛 讚讘专讬诐 讻讙讜 讗诇讜 讬砖讻讞 转诇诪讜讚讜. 讜讙诐 讗驻砖专 砖讬注砖讛 讚讘专讬诐 讗讞专讬诐 讛诪讜注讬诇讬诐 诇讝讻专讜谉, 讜讘讻讱 谞诪爪讗 砖讗讬谞讜 诪砖讻讞 讻诇讜诐. 讜诇讻谉 讬砖 砖讻转讘讜 砖讗讬谉 讘讗讻讬诇转 讚讘专讬诐 讗诇讜 讗讬住讜专 讻诇诇. 讜讛谞讛 讻诇诇 讙讚讜诇 讘讬讚讬谞讜, 砖讘讻诇 讚讘专 砖讬砖 讘讜 住驻拽 讘讚讘专讬 讛讗讞专讜谞讬诐, 讗诐 讬诪爪讗 诪讬 诪专讘讜转讬谞讜 讛专讗砖讜谞讬诐 砖讬讚讘专 讘注谞讬谉 讝讛, 转讘讗 讛讛讻专注讛 讻讚讘专讬讜, 砖讛专讬 讗诐 专讗砖讜谞讬诐 讻诪诇讗讻讬诐 讗谞讜 讻讘谞讬 讗讚诐
____________________ Mayim Aharonim Hovah, washing the fingers until the joint is "Hovah" [mandatory] for women as well. Three reasons are said for this - 1) because of [blinding] sodomite salt. 2) filth upon the fingers. 3) removal of the evil spirit and extremities from upon us and to give a over portion to the 'other' side so they will have no accusasions upon us. As for those who wrote that "there is no sodomite salt nowadays," the poskim wrote that one should nevertheless be "weary" to it. And all three reasons pertain to us today, and heaven forbid should one belittle such a central issue as this. And through this, may you prevent yourselves from many troubles, ailments, anti-semitism, accusations and various decrees. But rather have them all in their aid towards Am Yisrael. -HaRav Ben Tzion Mutzafi shlita

The Benefits of Physical Activity, According to Maimonides

讛讜讬讗诇 讜讛讬讜转 讛讙讜祝 讘专讬讗 讜砖诇诐, 诪讚专讻讬 讛 '讛讜讗, 砖讛专讬 讗讬 讗驻砖专 砖讬讘讬谉 讗讜 讬讬讚注 讜讛讜讗 讞讜诇讛 爪专讬讱 讗讚诐 诇讛专讞讬拽 注爪诪讜 诪讚讘专讬诐 讛诪讗讘讚讬谉 讗转 讛讙讜祝, 讜诇讛谞讛讬讙 注爪诪讜 讘讚讘专讬诐 讛诪讘专讬诐 讛诪讞诇讬诪讬诐

In the fourth chapter of MT, Hilkhot De'ot, Maimonides says that maintaining a strong and healthy body helps to prevent diseases, allowing us to serve HaShem with all our strength. "Being that maintaining a healthy and sound body is part of our service to God, since one can not understand or have knowledge of the Creator if he is ill, therefore, one must avoid everything that damages the body and get accustomed to what it is healthy and helps the body to get stronger. " Hilkhot De'ot, 4: 1

In the same chapter, halakha 14, the celebrated rabbi and physician,
explains the importance of regular physical activity.
Hilkhot De'ot 4, Halakha 14
"There is another principle with regards to physical well-being: As long as one exercises, exerts himself greatly, and does not eat to the point of satiation ... he will not suffer sickness and he will grow in strength...."
This Halakha [LAW], written more than 800 years ago, sounds very familiar to our modern ears, and allows us to appreciate that our Rabbis had long known the basic principles of preventive medicine.

Maimonides also wrote, Hilkhot De'ot 4 Halakha 15
"... whoever feels idle and does not exercise, ... even if he eats the proper foods and is careful to follow the rules of medicine, he will suffer pain [and disease] ... and his physical strength will diminish.

I would like to share with the readers other advices from Maimonides, less known, where he also refers to the importance of physical activity. I will quote below the words of Maimonides from David J. Zulberg's book, "The Life Transforming Diet", a modern book of medical advice based entirely on the medical principles of HaRambam.
"Hippocrates [a renowned Greek physician, 460 - 370 BC, considered the Father of Modern Medicine] taught that exercise is the cornerstone of the preservation of health and the prevention of most illness. There is nothing that can substitute for exercise in any way" (p. 99)
"Without exercise diet alone is not sufficient for the preservation of health, and eventually medical treatment will be needed" (p. 100)
"...someone who is used to physical activity, even if he has a sick body or is old, is able to tolerate [illness and recover from it] better than a healthy person who is not used to physical activity" (p. 102)
This text is from a letter Maimonides sent to one of this patients
"As to what you mentioned, that you feel weak after exercises, the cause of this is the omission of regular exercises. If you resume exercising gradually, little by little, you will gain...strength and vitality..." (p. 102)
SEGULA FOR A GOOD HEALTH: Do not overeat, and do physical activity regularly.


Segulot (auspicious matters)

HaRav Ben Tzion Mutzafi writes:

The S'dei Hemed wrote: that by KISSING the SEFER TORAH (or kissing holy books after learning), one becomes BOUND to the Torah, and it is a SEGULAH for REMEMBERING ones LEARNING.   
讛砖讚讬 讞诪讚 讻转讘: 砖注诇 讬讚讬 谞砖讬拽转 讛住驻专 转讜专讛 讛讗讚诐 诪转讞讘专 诇转讜专讛 讜讬砖 讘讝讛 住讙讜诇讛 诇讝讻讜专 讗转 讛诇讬诪讜讚 

The Rashash z"l also wrote: to RUB SNOW (ice) on one's FOREHEAD 3x's back and forth, while saying the word "ALEF" each time and this is good for remembering TORAH study.

note: Alef is a reference to Alupho Shel Olam (master of the universe) ALEF ALEF ALEF = SHELEG (=snow) in Gematria 111 x 3 = 333

And why the letter Aleph in particular? for it is written in the Gemara (Shabat 104a): Alef Beth - Aleph Bina, as in Job 33:33 - "...listen to me; be silent [VaAaLefkha] and I will teach you wisdom..." And Rashi comments: this is speaking about Torah Study.

 讛专砖"砖, 专讘谞讜 砖专 砖诇讜诐 砖专注讘讬 讝״诇 讜讝讬注״讗 讘住讬讚讜专 讛讻讜讜谞讜转 砖诇讜 讻转讘: 诇讛注讘讬专 砖诇讙 注诇 讛诪爪讞 砖诇砖 驻注诪讬诐 讛诇讜讱 讜砖讜讘, 讜讬讗诪专 "讗诇祝" 讘讻诇 驻注诐  讜讛专讬 讗诇祝 讗诇祝 讗诇祝 讙讬诪讟专讬讗 砖诇讙, 讜讝讛 讟讜讘 诇讝讻讜专 诇讬诪讜讚 讛转讜专讛

讜诪讚讜注 讛讗讜转 讗诇祝 讚讜拽讛? 讻讬 讻转讜讘 讘讙诪专讗 (砖讘转 拽讚,讗): "讗诇祝 讘讬转 – 讗诇祝 讘讬谞讛", 讻讗讜诪专讜 [讗讬讜讘 诇讙,诇讙]: "...讜讗讗诇驻祝 讞讻诪讛..." 讻诇讜诪专, 砖讛讗诇祝 诪讗诇驻转 讗转 讛讘讬谞讛. 讚讛讬讬谞讜, 诪讛 砖讛讞讻诪讛 砖谞拽专讗转 讘砖诐 讗诇״祝 "诪讗诇驻转" (诪诇诪讚转) 讗转 讛讘讬谞讛 - 讜驻讬专砖 专砖"讬: 砖诪讚讜讘专 讘诇讬诪讜讚 转讜专讛

讻讜谞转 讛诪爪讞 ~ 讬诪专讞 诪爪讞讜 讘砖诇讙 讙"驻 讜讬讻讜讬谉 诇讛诪砖讬讱 讙' 讗诇驻讬谉 砖诇 讙' 讗讛讬讛 讘诪讬诇讜讬 讛讙' 讗诇驻讬谉 讙讬' 砖诇讙 讜讛诐 讘讘讬谞讛 诇讛诪砖讬讻诐 讘诪爪讞"讗 讚讝"讗 诇诪转拽 讛讚讬谞讬诐 砖讗讜转讜 讛诪爪讞讗 讜转专讞爪讜 讘讞诇讘 讜讛讜讗 讟讜讘 诪讗讚 诇讛住讬专 讛讻注住 讜讛砖讻讞讛

PalaDor/BalaDor = a powerful herb that strengthens the memory :讘拽砖专 诇爪诪讞 驻诇讗讚讜专 砖诪讞讝拽 讗转 讛讝讬讻专讜谉

It's source is in the book Sefer Ha P'liah v. 2 p. 17  
"Hazor, Hazor (repeat, repeat) and you will not need Ballador...."
As well as: Abarbanel, Nahalat Avot ch. 5 - and Lev Aryeh MiModenah 1:1 - Mikhtam LeDavid, YD siman 28 - and the Yaabetz in Migdal Oz p. 50... And there's rumor that HaRambam ate from this herb when he was 20 years old as mentioned in Brill v. 9 in Luazit. 

And HaRav Avraham Gebishon [Algeria] in Omer Hashikh'Ha  p. 133a wrote: 
about someone who fed it to his student, causing him a bizarre death
And it is told that HaGaon HaPri Hadash, as well as the Hida [R' Hayim Yosef David Azulai] ingested it 
(as written by R' Avraham Khalfon from Livorno). 

 诪拽讜专讜 讘住驻专 讛驻诇讬讗讛 讞"讘 讚讬"讝, 讞讝讜专 讞讝讜专 讜讗诇 转爪讟专讱 诇讘讗诇讚讜专...  讜讻谉 讛讗讘专讘谞讗诇 讘谞讞诇转 讗讘讜转 驻"讛. 讜诇讘 讗专讬讛 诪诪讜讚讬谞讗 讗,讗. 诪讻转诐 诇讚讜讚 讬讜"讚 住讬诪谉 讻讞. 讜讛讬注讘抓 讘诪讙讚诇 注讜讝 讚"谞. 讜讬砖 砖诪讜注讜转 砖讛专诪讘"诐 讗讻诇 诪注砖讘 讝讛 讘讛讬讜转讜 讘谉 注砖专讬诐 讻谞讝讻专 讘讘专讬诇 讻专讱 讟 讘诇讜注讝讬转.

 讜讛专讘 讗讘专讛诐 讙讘讬砖讜谉 讘注讜诪专 讛砖讻讞讛 讚拽诇"讙 注"讗 讻转讘: 注诇 讗讞讚 砖讛讗讻讬诇 讗转 转诇诪讬讚讜 讜讙专诐 诇讜 诪讬转讛 诪砖讜谞讛 讘专 诪讬谞谉. 讜讻谉 讛讜讗 讘诪讗讜专 注讬谞讬讬诐 讞诇拽 讗诪专讬 讘讬谞讛 诇专讘谞讜 注讝专讬讛 诪谉 讛讗讚讜诪讬诐 驻专拽 谞"讟. 讜诪住驻专讬诐 注诇 讛讙讗讜谞讬诐 讛驻专讬 讞讚砖, 讛讞讬讚"讗, 讜讻谉 讻转讘 专讘讬 讗讘专讛诐 讻诇驻讜谉 诪诇讬讜讜专谞讜. 讙诐 讗讻诇讜 诪诪谞讜 专讘讬 讞讬讬诐 住转讛讜谉 讘注诇 讗专抓 讛讞讬讬诐, 讜专讘讬 讬注拽讘 拽爪讬谉 诪讞讘专 驻专讬 注抓 讛讙谉 砖讗讻诇讜 诪诪谞讜

Indeed, Rabbeinu Yehuda Ha'Hassid (one of the great Rishonim) writes as follows in his Sefer Hassidim: 

"An individual once asked a scholar if he was permitted to eat a loaf of bread which a mouse had eaten from (about which the Gemara in Masekhet Horayot states that eating from such bread causes one to forget). The scholar asked, 'Why would you not eat it?' The man replied, 'I am afraid that I will forget my Torah learning and I am usually careful not to eat things which cause one to forget but I am hungry now.' The scholar answered, 'You need not abstain from eating this bread since the Mishnah in Avot states that one is not liable for forgetting the Torah until one actually sits and purposely makes himself forget (however, in this instance, one would not be liable, for one is not certainly and advertently causing himself to forget). Nevertheless, I see that you are empty and waste your valuable time on anything but Torah study so it would be better for you not be as careful from eating foods that cause forgetfulness so that you indeed forget all of the futile things you are involved with.' 

Based on this, Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt"l rules on the aforementioned disagreement between the Aharonim and writes: that it is certainly preferable to abstain from eating such foods; however, there is no actual prohibition to do so.  讜讛谞讛, 专讘讬谞讜 讬讛讜讚讛 讛讞住讬讚 (诪专讘讜转讬谞讜 讛专讗砖讜谞讬诐) 讘住驻专 讞住讬讚讬诐 讻转讘 讘讝讜 讛诇砖讜谉: 讗讞讚 砖讗诇 诪讞讻诐 讜讗诪专 砖注讻讘专讬诐 讗讻诇讜 诪诇讞诪讜 (砖讗诪专讜 讘诪住讻转 讛讜专讬讜转, 砖讗讻讬诇讛 诪诇讞诐 讝讛 讙讜专诪转 诇砖讻讞讛), 讗诐 讬讗讻诇 诪谉 讛诇讞诐. 讗诪专 诇讜 (讛讞讻诐) 讜诇诪讛 诇讗 转讗讻诇? 讗诪专 诇讜 讬专讗 讗谞讬 (诪驻讞讚 讗谞讬) 驻谉 讗砖讻讞 转诇诪讜讚讬, 讜讗谞讬 谞讝讛专 诪诇讗讻讜诇 讻诇 诪讛 砖诪砖讻讞 讛转诇诪讜讚, 讜注转讛 专注讘 讗谞讻讬. 讗诪专 诇讜 讛讞讻诐, 讗讬谞讱 讞讬讬讘 (诇讛诪谞注 诪讛讗讻讬诇讛) 讻讚转谞谉 注讚 砖讬砖讘 讜讬住讬专诐 诪诇讘讜 (讻诇讜诪专 砖讘讗讜驻谉 讻讝讛 讗讬谉 讗讬住讜专 砖诇 砖讬讻讞转 讛转讜专讛, 诪砖讜诐 砖讗讬谞讜 诪砖讻讞 转诇诪讜讚讜 讘讜讚讗讬 讜讘讻讜讜谞讛). 讗讱 讗谞讬 专讜讗讛 讗讜转讱 砖讗转讛 驻谞讜讬 讜讘讟诇 诪讚讘专讬 转讜专讛, 讜诪讜讟讘 诇讱 砖诇讗 讛讬讬转 谞讝讛专 诪谉 讛讚讘专讬诐 讛诪砖讻讞讬诐, 讻讚讬 砖转砖讻讞 讚讘专讬诐 讘讟诇讬诐 砖讗转讛 注讜住拽 讘讛诐. 注讚 讻讗谉 讚讘专讬 住驻专 讞住讬讚讬诐. 讜诪讻讗谉 讛讻专讬注 诪专谉 专讘讬谞讜 注讜讘讚讬讛 讬讜住祝 讝爪"诇, 讗转 住驻拽 讛讗讞专讜谞讬诐 砖讛讝讻专谞讜, 讜讻转讘, 砖讗祝 砖讘讜讚讗讬 专讗讜讬 诇讛诪谞注 诪讗讻讬诇转 讚讘专讬诐 讗诇讜, 诪讻诇 诪拽讜诐 讗讬谉 讘讻讱 讗讬住讜专 诪诪砖 

from:  - 讚讘专讬诐 讛讙讜专诪讬诐 诇砖讻讞讛


HaRav Mutzafi writes:
The Gemara in Eruvin 53b as well as Shulhan Arukh YD 246:22 wrote: 
that one should to "exclaim" his learning out loud in order to remember it, and there's nothing like repetition and reiteration. 

And Tosfot in Megillah 32b wrote: one should sing it nicely - and remember it. The "Tzalah" (R' Yechezkel ben Yehuda Landau, 1713 – 1793) in Brakhot 64 wrote: to bless Birkat HaTorah in the morning with Kavannah. 讛讙诪专讗 讘注讬专讜讘讬谉 谞讙, 讘. 讜讘砖诇讞谉 注专讜讱 讬讜专讛 讚注讛 专诪讜,讻讘. 谞讻转讘: 讻讬 爪专讬讱 诇讛砖诪讬注 讛诇讬诪讜讚 诇讗讝谞讬讜 讜诇讗 讬砖讻讞谞讜. 讜讛转讜住驻讜转 讘诪讙讬诇讛 诇讘,讘 讻转讘讜 诇拽专讜讗 讘谞讬讙讜谉 讜讬讝讻讜专. 讜讛爪诇"讞 (爪讬讜谉 诇谞驻砖 讞讬讛 讗讜 "讛谞讜讚注 讘讬讛讜讚讛") 讘专讻讜转 住讚. 讻转讘 诇讘专讱 讘讘讜拽专 讘专讻转 讛转讜专讛 讘讻讜讜谞讛. 讗讬谉 讻诪讜 "讛讞讝专讛 讜讛砖讬谞讜谉..." ~注讬讬谉 转注谞讬转 讞. 讘专讻讜转 讻讞. 讜讻谉 专讘 讗砖讬 讛讬讛 讞讜讝专 注诇 讻诇 讛砖"住 讻诇 砖诇砖讬诐 讬讜诐, 讘讘讗 讘转专讗 拽谞讝. 讜讻谉 专讘 砖砖转 驻住讞讬诐 住讞 - 讜注讜讚 专讘讬诐 讜讟讜讘讬诐
The Rambam and AriZal wrote: that in the first part of the night the "men" should sleep on their left sides for optimal health... And the Shvilei Emuna explains that this "eases digestion." Then on the "second half" of the night he should switch to the right. According to the Kabbalah: when sleeping on one's right, a person should have the Kavanah [intention] to subdue all the forces of evil in the world - which belong to the left. Then, after midnight, one should intensify the attribute of Rahamim [compassion] while sleeping on his right.

And according to this, sleeping on one's left is applicable to women as well - only if physically possible.  And also if one were to say "this does not apply in the daytime, as far as Kedusha [attaining holiness]," there still exists the health reasons in which we are obligated to abide by. -Mutzafi 讻转讘 讛专诪讘"诐 讜讻谉 专讘谞讜 讛讗专讬讝"诇 讘砖注专 讛讻讜讜谞讜转, 讜讻诇 讝讛 诇讙讘专 '讜讗讬诇讜' 诇讗砖讛 诪讜转专 (讘驻砖讟), 讜诪讟注诪讬 爪谞讬注讜转 讜拽讚讜砖讛 诪讜讘谞讬诐, 讜讻转讘 讛专诪讘"诐: 砖讘讞爪讬 讛诇讬诇讛 讛专讗砖讜谉 讬砖讻讘 注诇 砖诪讗诇讜 诪讟注诪讬 讘专讬讗讜转 讜讛住讘讬专 讚讘专讬讜 讛专讘 "砖讘讬诇讬 讗诪讜谞讛": 讘讙诇诇 拽诇讜转 讛注讬讻讜诇, 讜讘讞爪讬 讛砖谞讬 讬砖讻讘 注诇 讬诪讬谞讜. ~ *讜讘拽讘诇讛 讻转讘讜 讻讬 讬砖谉 注诇 砖诪讗诇讜 讜讬讻讜讬谉 诇讛讻谞讬注 讬爪专 讛专注 讜讻讜讞讜转 讛专砖注 讘注讜诇诐 砖讛诐 讘砖诪讗诇, 讜讗讞专 讞爪讜转 讬讙讘讬专 讛专讞诪讬诐 讻砖讬砖谉 注诇 讬诪讬谞讜, 讜诇驻讬 讝讛 砖讻讬讘讛 注诇 砖诪讗诇 砖讬讬讻转 讙诐 讘谞砖讬诐 讗诐 讬讻讜诇讜转. 讙诐 讗诐 讬砖 诪讬 砖讬讗诪专: 砖讘讬讜诐 讗讬谉 讗转 讛讟注诪讬诐 砖诪爪讚 讛拽讚讜砖讛, 讬砖 讗转 讟注诪讬 讛讘专讬讗讜转 砖讞讬讬讘 讛讗讚诐 诇谞讛讜讙 注诇 驻讬讛诐.   ~讘谉-爪讬讜谉 诪讜爪驻讬 砖诇讬讟"讗


"Man's best friend" is a phrase referring to domestic dogs, highlighting their close relations, loyalty, and companionship with humans within many societies. 

The research presented at the 2012 (112th) General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) on June 19 in San Francisco demonstrates how Pets and dogs in particular, may protect infants from the effects of a common virus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).  If this is true, in the future, it may be possible to add certain bacteria to foods, as is already the case with some yogurts.

To lick or not to lick

Your dog's mouth and intestines harbor all sorts of bacteria and parasites. Some of these are zoonotic, meaning they can be transmitted to people and can cause disease, says veterinarian Ken Tudor of PetMD. Some common bacteria that can be transmitted this way include salmonella, E. coli, clostridium and campylobacter, which can be found in a dog's intestines.

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    Because pets lick their bottoms, these bacteria can eventually end up in a dog's mouth and then possibly be transferred to people with a lick. 

    讘讙诪专讗 诪住讜驻专: 讚专讬砖 专' 讚讜住转讗讬 讚诪谉 讘讬专讬 (讘诪讚讘专 讬, 诇讜) 讜讘谞讞讛 讬讗诪专 砖讜讘讛 讛' 专讘讘讜转 讗诇驻讬 讬砖专讗诇 诇诇诪讚讱 砖讗讬谉 砖讻讬谞讛 砖讜专讛 注诇 讬砖专讗诇 驻讞讜转 诪砖谞讬 讗诇驻讬诐 讜砖谞讬 专讘讘讜转 讞住专 讗讞转

    讜讛讬转讛 讗砖讛 诪注讜讘专转 讘讬谞讬讛诐 讜专讗讜讬讛 诇讛砖诇讬诐 讜谞讘讞 讘讛 讻诇讘 讜讛驻讬诇讛 - 谞诪爪讗, 讝讛 讙讜专诐 诇砖讻讬谞讛 砖转住转诇拽 诪讬砖专讗诇

    讜讛讬转讛 讗砖讛 诪注讜讘专转 讘讬谞讬讛诐 讜专讗讜讬讛 诇讛砖诇讬诐, 讜谞讘讞 讘讛 讻诇讘 讜讛驻讬诇讛 谞诪爪讗 "讝讛 讙讜专诐 诇砖讻讬谞讛 砖转住转诇拽 诪讬砖专讗诇..." 讛讛讬讗 讗讬转转讗 讚注诇转 诇诪讬驻讗 讘讛讛讜讗 讘讬转讗 谞讘讞 讘讛 讻诇讘讗 讗诪专 诇讛 诪专讬讛 诇讗 转讬住转驻讬 诪讬谞讬讛 砖拽讜诇讬 谞讬讘讬讛... 讗诪专讛 诇讬讛: 砖拽讬诇讬 讟讬讘讜转讬讱 讜砖讚讬讗  讗讞讬讝专讬 - 讻讘专 谞讚 讜诇讚. -讘讘讗 拽诪讗 驻讙,讗

    Except, the Talmud in Bava Kama 83a tells over: 

    Rabee Dustai b'Rabee Yanai taught: 
    based on the verse in Parashat Beha'alotkha - "Shuvah Hashem Riv'vot Alfei Yisrael..." 
    that the  "Shekhinah(Divine Presence) does not rest on Yisrael - if there are less than twenty-two thousand Jews

    a) If there were one less than this amount, and a woman were pregnant, about to complete the number, and she miscarried due to a dog's bark, this would cause the Divine Presence to depart from Yisrael...!!!

    b) Once, a pregnant woman went to bake in another's house. 
    A dog in the house barked at her, so the owner assured her 'don't worry, It's teeth were removed...!' 
    The woman then answered: "The fetus has already died {from the shock}." 

    And "Da" [讚注=know this], Dogs are in the general category of "things which are forbidden due to Sakanah..." [HaZaRdouS]." 讚讘专讬诐 讛讗住讜专讬诐 诪砖讜诐 讛住讻谞讛

    R' Eliezer Pappo wrote in Hesed LaAlafim: 
    "It is forbidden for a child to raise a dog [nor any un-kosher animal], for they have impurities which [spiritually block] stuff a person's heart - especially children." 
    专讘谞讜 讗诇讬注讝专 驻讗驻讜 讻转讘: 砖讙讬讚讜诇 讻诇讘 注诇 讬讚讬 讬诇讚 讙讜专诐 诇讜 讟诪讟讜诐 讛诇讘 讘转讜专讛

    Note: according to the Kabbalah, these impurities can prevent a person from understanding spiritual concepts, as well as prevent spirituality from 
    entering the home - and therefore it is hazardous.

     So read this carefully - if you wish to receive the light of Torah wisdom, Brethren 

    HaRav Mutzafi writes: rather Kosher animals would suffice [like pet birds and the like], for it is written in the Zohar: that the spiritual essence of the wicked, stumbling and unfixed tend to fall (reincarnate) in them, while the righteous reincarnate in fish (Ramban beginning of Vayikra). And this is why there were no korbanot (sacrifices) with fish - since the sacrifices were performed in order to fix these spiritual souls.  

    *note: There are no korbanot with fish since their foundation is "water based" and not "earth based" (the animals were created from the earth), and fish do not resemble these animals, which is why it is permitted to consume their blood. Also, it's flesh is not considered "meat" with regards to the dietary laws of milk and meat. 
    讗讬谉 拽讜专讘谞讜转 讘讚讙讬诐 诪讻讬讜讜谉 砖讘诪讬诐 讬住讜讚诐, 讜讗讬谉 讛诐 注砖讜讬讬诐 诪注驻专, 讜讚讙 讗讬谞讜 讚讜诪讛 诇砖讗专 讘注诇讬 讛讞讬讬诐 讘讻讱 砖讗讬谉 讗讬住讜专 诇讗讻讜诇 讗转 讚诪讜, 讜讘砖专讜 讗讬谞讜 谞讞砖讘 "讘砖专讬" 诇注谞讬讬谉 讗讬住讜专 讘砖专 讘讞诇讘. -注诇 驻讬 讛讙讬诇讬讜谉 讛砖讘讜注讬 砖诇 讗讜专 讛讝讜讛专

    And for what reason would a Tzadiq have to reincarnate in a fish...?? 

    This is because the verse in (Kohelet 7:20) states
    "there is no righteous man on earth who does good and does not sin." And there is only a small essence which exists within the fish, one that is hidden from the evil eye, hidden from all to see beneath the ocean.
     讜诪讗讬讝讛 住讬讘讛 转讛讬讛 诇爪讚讬拽 诇讛转讙诇讙诇 讘讚讙...?? 讛专讬 讛讜讗 爪讚讬拽!! 讗诇讗 砖讗讬谉 爪讚讬拽 讘讗专抓 砖诇讗 讬讞讟讗... (拽讛诇转 讝,讻), 诇讻谉 诪讛讜转 诪住讜讬诪转 诪诪谞讜 砖讜专讛 讘讚讙, 讘讜 诇讗 讗讜讞讝转 注讬谉 讛专注, 讻讬 讛讜讗 诪讜住转专 诪注讬谉 讻诇 诪转讞转 诇诪讬诐. -诪讗转 讛讙讬诇讬讜谉 讛砖讘讜注讬 砖诇 讗讜专 讛讝讜讛专

    And know this: 
    from the same place that "KOSHER ANIMALS"  are from... 
    while the souls of the GOYIM (gentiles) with the NON-KOSHER ones. 

    And by eating from THE SPECIFIED ANIMALS GIVEN TO US (with a "before" and "after" blessing), we are able to COMPLETE OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL SOULS
    -based on Zohar Shemot   

    As the AriZal wrote in Shaar HaMitzot, Parashat Ekev: 
    that through the blessings over eating food, "before and after... the spiritual souls in them become rectified and complete [note: only if one tastes the amount of a Revi’it (approx. 81 ml) for the purpose of eating/enjoyment - must one recite a blessing]. 讻转讘讜 讛诪驻专砖讬诐 讘驻专砖转 讜讬拽专讗 砖讗讬谉 拽讜专讘谞讜转 讘讚讙讬诐 讻讬讜谉 砖讙诇讙讜诇 专讜讘 讛专砖注讬诐 讛讜讗 讘讘讛诪讜转 讜诪拽专讬讘讬诐 讜诪转拽谞讬诐 讗讜转诐. 讗讱 讛爪讚讬拽讬诐 讘讚讙讬诐... 讜注讜讚 讬砖 诇讜诪专: 砖讗讬谉 "谞砖诪讛" 诇诪讗讻诇讬诐, "讗诇讗 讬砖 专讜讞谞讬讜转 讗讜 谞砖诪讜转 诪讙讜诇讙诇讜转 讘讜." 讜讻转讘 专讘谞讜 讛讗专讬讝"诇, 讘砖注专 讛诪爪讜讜转 驻专砖转 注拽讘: 讻讬 注诇 讬讚讬 讛讘专讻讜转 讛专讗砖讜谞讛 讜讛讗讞专讜谞讛 诪转拽谞讬诐 讛专讜讞谞讬讜转 砖讘讜 讜讗转 讛诪讙讜诇讙诇讬诐 砖诐

    Of course! this does NOT mean we should treat non-kosher animals disrespectfully, considering the "Biblical prohibition" of "Tzaar Baalei Hayim" [avoiding cruelty to animals is Biblical according to most Poskim]. Furthermore, it is written: (Psalms 145:9) God is good to all, and His mercies are on all His creations. 

    It must also be mentioned - that Gitin 62a teaches: 
    Rav Yehudah taughtbased on the Pasuk: "ve'Natati Eisev be'Sad'kha li'Vehemtekha, ve'Akhalta ve'Sava'ta...
    ("...and I will give grass in your field for your animals..." then it says: "you will eat and be satiated...") 
    From this it is derived, that one may not taste anything before giving food to his animal...
    讗诪专 专讘 讬讛讜讚讛 讗诪专 专讘: 讗住讜专 诇讜 诇讗讚诐 砖讬讟注讜诐 讻诇讜诐 注讚 砖讬转谉 诪讗讻诇 诇讘讛诪转讜 砖谞讗诪专 (讚讘专讬诐 讬讗, 讟讜) 讜谞转转讬 注砖讘 讘砖讚讱 诇讘讛诪转讱 讜讛讚专 - 讜讗讻诇转 讜砖讘注转. -讙讬讟讬谉 住讘,讗

    And HaRambam in Mishne' Torah, Hilkhot Shabat 21:36 wrote:
    "Only regarding an animal that one is responsible for feeding - e.g., one's domesticated animals, one's beasts, doves raised within one's home, geese, and chickens." 讘诪讛 讚讘专讬诐 讗诪讜专讬诐...? 讘诪讬 砖诪讝讜谞讜转讬讜 注诇讬讜 - 讻讙讜谉 讘讛诪转讜 讜讞讬讬转讜 讜讬讜谞讬 讛讘讬转 讜讗讜讜讝讬谉 讜转专谞讙讜诇讬谉, 讗讘诇 诪讬 砖讗讬谉 诪讝讜谞讜转讬讜 注诇讬讜 - 讻讙讜谉 讞讝讬专 讜讬讜谞讬 砖讜讘讱 讜讚讘讜专讬诐 诇讗 讬转谉 诇驻谞讬讛诐 诇讗 诪讝讜谉 讜诇讗 诪讬诐. -讛诇讻讜转 砖讘转 诇专讘讬谞讜 讛专诪讘"诐 驻专拽 讻讗 讛诇讻讛 诇讜

    And this is why there exists a prohibition...
    to buy, sell or raise unkosher animals. -Shulhan Arukh, Yoreh Deah 117 
    讻诇 讞讬讛 讟诪讬讗讛 讗住讜专讛 讘拽谞讬讛 讜讘讙讬讚讜诇 讜诪驻讜专砖 讘砖诇讞谉  注专讜讱 讬讜专讛 讚注讛, 住讬' 拽讬"讝
    砖讗住讜专 诇拽谞讜转 , 诇诪讻讜专 , 诇讙讚诇 , 讞讬讜转 讜讘讛诪讜转 讟诪讗讜转
    讗. 讗住讜专 诇住讞讜专 讘讘讛诪讜转 讟诪讗讜转, 讜讻谉 讗住讜专 诇讛讬讜转 砖讜转祝 讘诪住讞专 讝讛
    讘. 注诇 诪谞转 诇诪讻讜专 讗转 讘砖专诐 讗住讜专, 讜注诇 诪谞转 诇住讞讜专 讘讛诐 诇爪讜专讱 讗讜诪谞讜转 讜讻讚讜诪讛 讬砖 讗讜住专讬诐 讜讬砖 诪转讬专讬诐 - 讜诇讻转讞讬诇讛, 讬砖 诇讛讞诪讬专 讘讝讛. 注讬讬谉 讘注专讜讱 讛砖讜诇讞谉 砖诐 住注讬祝 讚' 讜讛' 砖讛讘讬讗 诪讞诇讜拽转 专讗砖讜谞讬诐 讘讝讛

    *Rishonim who rule that cruelty to animals is D'Orayta (from the Torah):
    Rif, Rosh, Ramban, Rambam, Meiri, Sefer HaHinukh, Nimukei Yosef, Rama, Sefer Haredim, and Maran HaRav Yosef Karo (see; Hoshen Mishpat 272) 
    讜讻转讘讜 专讜讘 讛驻讜住拽讬诐 砖讛讗讬住讜专 讛讜讗 讗讬住讜专 讚讗讜专讬讬转讗... ‏讛专讬"祝, 讛专讗"砖, 讜讻谉 讻转讘 讛专诪讘"诐 讘驻讬专讜砖 讛诪砖谞讛 (讘讬爪讛 讙,讚): "讻诇诇 讛讜讗 讗爪诇谞讜 爪注专 讘注诇讬 讞讬讬诐 讚讗讜专讬转讗...", 专诪讘"谉 (讘专讗砖讬转 讗' 讻"讟), 讛诪讗讬专讬, 住驻专 讛讞讬谞讜讱 (诪爪讜讜讛 转谞"讗 讜诪爪讜讜讛 转拽"谞‏), 谞讬诪讜拽讬 讬讜住祝, 讛专诪"讗, 住驻专 讞专讚讬诐 驻专拽 讬"讚
    讜注讜讚 讗谞讜 驻讜住拽讬诐 讻讚讘专讬 讛讗讜诪专: "砖爪注专 讘注诇讬 讞讬讬诐 讚讗讜专讬讬转讗..." -专诪讘"诐 讛诇' 专讜爪讞 驻讬"讙 讞', 讜诪专谉 讘砖讜诇讞谉 注专讜讱, 讞讜砖谉 诪砖驻讟 住讬' 专注"讘
    讜注讬讬谉 注讜讚 讘诪讛 砖讻转讘 讛讬注讘"抓 讝"诇: 讗讬住讜专 爪注专 讘注诇讬 讞讬讬诐 讗讬谞讜 讗诇讗 讘讘注诇讬 讞讬讬诐  讙讚讜诇讬诐, 讛注讜砖讬诐 诪诇讗讻讛 诇爪讜专讱 讛讗讚诐 讻讘讛诪讜转 诪砖讗, 讗讜 讻诇讘 讜讞转讜诇 砖讛诐 讘谞讬 转专讘讜转. 讝讘讜讘讬诐 讜驻专注讜砖讬诐 讜讞专拽讬诐 砖讛诐 诪讗讜住讬诐, 讗讜 砖讬砖 讘讛诐 拽爪转 住讻谞讛 讜爪注专 诇讘谞讬 讗讚诐, 讗讬谉 讘讛诐 诪砖讜诐 爪注专 讘注诇讬 讞讬讬诐. -砖讜"转 砖讗讬诇转 讬注讘"抓 讞"讗 住讬' 讬"讝 讜住讬' 拽"讬

    note: land animal is kosher if it has spilt hooves and chews its cud. It must have both kosher signs. 
    Examples: cows, sheep, goats and deer are kosher, while pigs, rabbits, squirrels, bears, dogs, cats, camels and horses are not.

    And HaRambam (Hilkhot Nizkei Mamon 5:9) wrote: Similarly, our Sages forbade raising pigs in all places.
    The Hakhamim forbade to raise dogs because their damage is great and common [for it barks and can cause miscarriages].
    And our Sages said: 
    "Cursed be one who raises dogs and pigs, because they frequently cause a great degree of damage."

    讜讻谉 讗住专讜 讞讻诪讬诐 诇讙讚诇 讞讝讬专讬诐 讘讻诇 诪拽讜诐. 讜诇讗 讗转 讛讻诇讘 讗诇讗 讗诐 讻谉 讛讬讛 拽砖讜专 讘砖诇砖诇转. 讗讘诇 诪讙讚诇 讛讜讗 讻诇讘讬诐 讘注讬专 讛住诪讜讻讛 诇住驻专. 讘讬讜诐 拽讜砖专讜 讜讘诇讬诇讛 诪转讬专讜. 讜讗诪专讜 讞讻诪讬诐 讗专讜专 诪讙讚诇 讻诇讘讬诐 讜讞讝讬专讬诐 诪驻谞讬 砖讛讬讝拽谉 诪专讜讘讛 讜诪爪讜讬... -讛专诪讘"诐 谞讝拽讬 诪诪讜谉 驻专拽 讛,讟

    "It is prohibited to raise pigs..." -Code of Jewish Law, Hoshen Mishpat 409

?讛讗诐 拽讬讬诐 讗讬住讜专 诇讙讚诇 讻诇讘 讘讘讬转 诇诇讗 讞爪专
讘讙诪专讗 砖讘转 住讙. 讻转讜讘: 砖谞诪谞注转 讛讘专讻讛 诪讘讬转讜. 讜讻转讜讘讜转 诪讗: 注讜讘专 注诇 讜诇讗 转砖讬诐 讚诪讬诐 讘讘讬转讱. 讜讛专诪讘"诐 转诇诪讜讚 转讜专讛 讜, 讬讚. 诪讞讬讬讘 讗讜转讜 谞讬讚讜讬. 讜专拽 讗诐 讙专 讘诪拽讜诐 砖讬砖 讙谞讘讬诐 讜诪讞讘诇讬诐 诪讜转专 诇讗 讬讙讚诇 讗讚诐 讗转 讛讻诇讘 讗讗"讻 拽砖讜专 讘砖诇砖诇讗讜转 讜讻讜

a) And the Gemara in Shabbat 63b writes: that someone who keeps a vicious dog in his house [one that barks], withholds the blessings from his home (because of impurities and poor people will be afraid to come to his door).

b) Rabee Natan in a Beraita learns from the Pasuk "v'Lo Tasim Damim b'VeiTekha..."
that one is forbidden to retain a dangerous dog or to put up a rickety ladder in one's house.

c) HaRambam in Talmud Torah 6:14 writes:
A ban of ostracism is imposed upon a person - either man or woman - in 24 situations...
situation #7 - a person who possesses an entity that can cause damage - e.g., a dangerous dog or a faulty ladder - is placed under ban until he removes that entity.

And HaRav Mutzafi adds, that only if he lives in a place with house burglars (or if the owner is blind) is it permitted outside the house, and it must remain on a leash or in a closed yard (where it won't come in contact with it's owner's food).

Just as HaRambam (Hilkhot Nizkei Mamon 5:9) wrote: 
Our Sages forbade raising dogs unless they are tied by a chain. One may, however, raise dogs in a city near the border. During the day [the dogs] should be chained, and at night let loose [serving as watchdogs].

讜讬砖 诪爪讜讛 诇讛爪讬诇 讜诇专讞诐 注诇 讘注诇 讞讬讬诐 砖住讜讘诇. 讜讗诐 讝讛 专讻讜砖 砖诇讱 讝讛 讞讜讘讛. 讗诐 讝讛 讘注诇 讞讬 讛驻拽专 讗讜 砖诇 讗讞专 诇讗 讞讬讬讘, 讜讘诪讬讜讞讚 讗诐 讝讛 讙讜专诐 诇讱 讛驻住讚 讻住驻讬

Mercury and Fluoride...  

The seat of our soul rests in the middle of our brain - in our "Pineal gland - [soul receptor]..."

"Zehirut" [be cautious]: avoid consumption of mercury and fluoride, as these two poisonous chemicals tend to calcify and block our ability to enjoy our soul.

note: The Nazi's used fluoride to make prisoners docile during the war. 
Mercury also poisons the pineal, while raw cocoa detoxifies and stimulates the Pineal gland. 
see also my essay: Segulot, Briyut Ve Sakanah ~ Anecdotes, Health and Hazards

谞砖诪讛 讬转讬专讛 砖诇 砖讘转 ~ Neshamah Y'teirah [additional soul] of Shabbat

The Neshamah is a spiritual light beyond comprehension or sight, and this light intensifies more than 1000 X’s on Shabbat and 1000 more on the following Shabbat and so on... 谞砖诪讛 讝讛 讗讜专 专讜讞谞讬 讘诇转讬 诪讜砖讙 讗讜 谞专讗讛, 讜讛讗讜专 讛讝讛 诪转注爪诐 驻讬 讗诇祝 讜讬讜转专 讘砖讘转 讜注讜讚 驻讬 讗诇祝 讘砖讘转 讛讘讗讛 诇讗讞专讬讜 讜讻谉 注诇 讝讛 讛讚专讱... ~讞讻诐 诪讜爪驻讬 砖诇讬讟"讗

转专讗讜 讗讬讝讛 讞讬讚讜砖 讘"讛 讬转讘专讱... 诪拽讜诐 讛诪讜砖讘 砖诇 讛谞砖诪讛 讛讗诇讛讬转 谞诪爪讗转 讘讗诪爪注 讛诪讞 砖诇谞讜. 讛谞讗爪讬诐, "讬诪讞 砖诪诐" 讬讚注讜  诪讝讛 讜讛讻谞讬住讜 驻诇讗讜专讬讚 诇诪讬诐 讻讚讬 诇讛专讜住 讗转 讛谞拽讜讚讛 讛讝讗转 砖谞拽专讗转 讛-驻讬讬谞讬讗诇 讙诇讗谞讚

 - 注诇 讬讚讬 讛讝讛讬专讜转 讜讛诪讜讚注讜转, 讗驻砖专 诇转拽谉 讗转 讛讗讬讘专 [诇讜讝 讗讜 讘诇讜讟讛] 讛讝讗转. 讗诐 讝讛 注诇 讬讚讬 爪专讬讻转 拽拽讗讜 讟讛讜专 讜讞讬 讜注诐 诪谞讬注讛 诪诪讜爪专讬诐 砖诪讻讬诇讬诐 驻诇讜讗专讬讚 讜讻住驻讬转. 诇讘专讬讗讜转 诇讻讜诇诐, 讗诪谉 讻讬"专! -讗讛专谉 

for more on this topic see:  讗转 讛砖讘转 ~ The Sabbath


  • Mayim Aharonim Hovah

washing the fingers [until the knuckles (14 joints), according to the kabbala, see; Ben ish Hai 1st year, Parashat Shelah Lekha] is "Hovah" [mandatory] - for women as well. Three reasons are said for this...

1) because of [blinding] sodomite salt. 

2) filth upon the fingers.
3) removal of the evil spirit and extremities from upon us and to give over a portion to the 'other' side so they will have no accusations upon us. And it's best to wash in the sink for several reasons...
As for those who wrote that "there is no sodomite salt nowadays," the poskim wrote that one should nevertheless
be "weary" to it. And all three reasons pertain to us today, and heaven forbid should one belittle such a central issue as this.
And through this, may you prevent yourselves from many troubles, ailments, persecutions, accusations and various decrees,
but rather have them all in their aid towards Am Yisrael. -HaRav Ben Tzion Mutzafi shlita


讗诇祝, 讘讬转, 讙讬诪诇, 讚诇转, 讛讬, 讜讬讜, 讝讬谉, 讞讬转, 讟讬转, 讬讜讚, 讻祝, 诇诪讚, 谞讜谉, 住诪讱, 注讬谉, 驻讛, 爪讚讬, 拽讜祝, 专讬砖, 砖讬谉, 转讬讜. (爪讚讬 讜诇讗 爪讚讬拽)讬 _____
A Segulah [charm] to increase one's MAZAL [fortune] - and to SUCCEED.
By spelling: 1) the Letters of one's Name... 2) it's Filling... 3) the Filling of the Filling

The Mekubalim wrote in the name of Our teacher, the Ari {R' Yitzhak Luriah Ashkenazi ztz"l}:
That if a person notices that their MAZAL isn't a SUCCESS, he should
MEDITATE on his NAME throughout the DAY [note: not during prayer services].
For EXAMPLE, if one's name is YAAKOV - WRITE DOWN the following:
讬 1) 讬-注-拽-讘... 2) 讬讜讚,注讬谉, 拽讜祝,讘讬转...
3) 讜注讜讚 讬讻讜讬谉: 讬讜讚,讜讬讜,讚诇转 - 注讬谉,讬讜讚,谞讜谉 - 拽讜祝,讜讬讜,驻讛 - 讘讬转,讬讜讚,转讬讜

And by doing this, that person FILLS their NESHAMAH-SOUL with SUPERNAL LIGHTS from ABOVE...
And the HIDA [R' Hayim Yosef Azulai] adds: that one may also CONTINUE until NO END. But rather
THREE times [spellings] can SUFFICE [from the principal of: "Hazakah" THREE times to CLAIM].
Sources - 诪拽讜专讜转
诪拽讜专讜转: 讗讜专 爪讚讬拽讬诐 诇诪讛专"诐 驻讗驻讬专砖 砖讛讘讬讗讜 讘砖诐 讛讗专讬讝"诇,
注专讘讬 谞讞诇 讘专讗砖讬转, 讘驻住讜拽 谞驻砖 讞讬讛 讛讜讗 砖诪讜 讗讚专转 讗诇讬讛讜 诇讱 诇讱. 讝讻讬专讛 诇讞讬讬诐 驻拽讜讚讬. 讜讬砖 拽爪转 专讗讬讛 诪讛讗诇砖讬讱 专讜转 讙, 讬讚
____________________________ 讗诇祝, 讘讬转, 讙讬诪诇, 讚诇转, 讛讬, 讜讬讜, 讝讬谉, 讞讬转, 讟讬转, 讬讜讚, 讻祝, 诇诪讚, 谞讜谉, 住诪讱, 注讬谉, 驻讛, 爪讚讬, 拽讜祝, 专讬砖, 砖讬谉, 转讬讜. (爪讚讬 讜诇讗 爪讚讬拽.) 讬
住讙讜诇讛 诇讗讚诐 诇专讜诪诐 讗转 诪讝诇讜 讜诇讛爪诇讬讞 - 讗讜转讬讜转 砖诪讜, 诪讬诇讜讬讜, 诪讬诇讜讬 诪讬诇讜讬讜
讻转讘讜 讛诪拽讜讘诇讬诐 讘砖诐 专讘讬谞讜 讛讗专讬: 砖讗诐 讛讗讚诐 专讜讗讛 砖诪讝诇讜 诇讗 诪爪诇讬讞, 讬讻讜讬谉 讘讗讜转讬讜转 砖诪讜 [诇讗 讘转驻讬诇讛] 讘诪砖讱 讛讬讜诐.
讜讛讬讬谞讜 诪讬 砖砖诪讜 讬注拽讘 讬讻讜讬谉: 1) 讬-注-拽-讘... 2) 讬讜讚,注讬谉, 拽讜祝,讘讬转... 3) 讜注讜讚 讬讻讜讬谉: 讬讜讚,讜讬讜,讚诇转. 注讬谉,讬讜讚,谞讜谉 - 拽讜祝,讜讬讜,驻讛 - 讘讬转,讬讜讚,转讬讜.
讜注诇 讬讚讬 讝讛 讛讗讚诐 诪诪诇讗 讗转 谞砖诪转讜 讘讗讜专讜转 注诇讬讜谞讬诐 诪诇诪注诇讛 - 讜诪讜住讬祝 讛讞讬讚"讗: 砖讗驻砖专 诇讛诪砖讬讱 注讜讚, 注讚 诇讗讬谉 拽抓, 讜讚讬 讘砖诇砖 [讘转诇转讗 讘讞讝拽讛]. 讬_____________

  • 诇驻专谞住讛

诇诪谞爪讞 讘谞讙讬谞讜转 讘爪讜专转 讛诪谞讜专讛 ,
      诪讜诪诇抓 诇拽专讗讜 砖讘注 驻注诪讬诐 讗诐 讗驻砖专 

拽专讬讗转 讗讜转讬讜转 砖诪讱 诪转讜讱 诪讝诪讜专 拽讬״讟 讘转讛诇讬诐 诪讜注讬诇讛 讜讟讜讘讛 诇讚讘专讬诐 专讘讬诐.  诪讝诪讜专 讻"讙-讻"讚 诇驻专谞住讛 讟讜讘讛, 诇讘专讱 诪讛诇讘 讜讘讻讜讜谞讛 专讘讛 讘专讻转 
诪讝讜谉 诪转讜讱 住讬讚讜专 讗讜 讘专讻讜谉


讻转讘 专讘谞讜 讞讬讬诐 驻诇讗讙׳讬 讝״诇 讻讬 讘讻诇 驻注诐 砖讛讗讚诐 讘讗 诇讘拽砖 讘拽砖讛 砖讛讬讗 诪讗转 讛讘讜专讗, 讬驻转讞 转讞讬诇讛 讘讚讘专讬 讛讜讚讗讛, 砖讘讞 讜讛诇诇 诇讘讜专讗讜 注诇 讻诇 讛讞住讚讬诐 讜讛谞驻诇讗讜转 砖注砖讛 注诪讜 讻诇 讬诪讬 讞讬讬讜, 讜讗讞专 讻讱 讬讘拽砖 讘拽砖转讜. 讜讝讜 住讙讜诇讛 砖讘拽砖转讜 转讬注谞讛.

For parnassah: Psalms 23 and 24 (study commentary on it...)
You can read the letters of your name from tehilim 119..

Birkat hamazon with kavannah from Sephardic sidur or birkon (pamphlet). Make sure to rinse fingers in the sink until the knuckles after bread meal.
Meditate on:
Poteah Et Yadekha, (Peh, alef, Yod) in first paragraph...

 Manna Prayer Rabenu Bahye...

Lamnatzeah binginot in the shape of menorah 7 times... (only in Sephardic siddur).
And, Ashrei Yoshvei Betekha

Before requesting anything, thank Hashem for all the goodness he gave you (Segulah for effective prayer)...

There are some kabalistic names in the cohanim blessing very powerful for miracles/blessing of clothes, house, furniture, health etc

There's also a prayer from the Hida (R, Hayim David Azulay) with kabalistic names...

And finally, make sure there's no theft in any dealings.

:讛讙讗讜谉 讛讞讬讚״讗 讝״诇 砖讻转讘
砖诪讬 砖诪爪讗 诪讟讘注 讗讜 砖讟专 讻住祝 讬砖诪专谞讜 讜诇讗 讬讘讝讘讝谞讜 , 讜注诇 讬讚讬 讝讛 讬转专讘讛 讻住驻讜 
HaHida writes: one who finds money should save it, through it his money will expand.
 "Elaha d'Meir Anena"  is for fetus... Or eye sight... Or lost objects or missing people.

讛讚诇拽转 谞专 讘诪砖讱 砖讘讜注 诇讻讘讜讚 谞砖诪转 专讘讬 诪讗讬专 注诇讬讜 讛砖诇讜诐. 讜诇讜诪专. ״讗诇讛讗 讚诪讗讬专 注谞谞讬״ 讜诇讘拽砖 注讜讘专 讘专讬讗.
砖讗诇讛 - 110485
诇讻讘讜讚 讛专讘 砖诇讜诐 专讘
讛讗诐 讛专讘 讬讻讜诇 讘讘拽砖讛 诇讻转讜讘 拽爪转 注诇 专讘讬 诪讗讬专 讘注诇 讛谞住 讜诪讛 诪讬讬讞讚 讗讜转讜 诪砖讗专 讛转谞讗讬诐 讜诪讚讜注 驻讜谞讬诐 讗祝 讛讬讜诐 砖诪讝讻讬专讬诐 讗转 砖诪讜 诇讬砖讜注讛 讻诇 砖讛讬讗 讜诇讗 转谞讗 讗讞专.转讜讚讛 专讘讛 讜转讘讜专讱

诪讙讜讚诇讬 讛转诇诪讬讚讬诐 砖诇 专讘讬 注拽讬讘讗 注诇讬讜 讛砖诇讜诐, 讻转讘 讗转 讻诇 讛诪砖谞讬讜转, 讗讛讘 讗转 注诐 讬砖专讗诇 诪讗讜讚, 诇讬诪讚 转讜专讛 讘讟讘专讬讛, 讛讬讛 讘注诇 谞讬住讬诐 讜谞驻诇讗讜转.
爪讬讜讜讛 诇拽讘专讜 住诪讜讱 诇讬诐 讛讻谞专转 讻砖讛讜讗 诇讘讜砖 讘讘讙讚讬讜 讜讙专讘讬讬诐 诇讻驻讜转 专讙诇讬讜 讻讚讬 诇讛讬讜转 诪讜讻谉 讜诪讝讜诪谉 讻诇 专讙注 诇讘讬讗转 讛诪砖讬讞.
讛讜讗 转讬拽谉 诇讜诪专 讗诐 讗讚诐 讝拽讜拽 诇讬砖讜注讛, ״讗诇讛讗 讚诪讗讬专 注谞谞讬״.

诪讬 讛讜讗 专讘讬 诪讗讬专 讘注诇 讛谞住 讛拽讘讜专 讘讟讘专讬讛 , 讜讗诐 拽讘专讜 诪讜住诪讱 ? 讜讘讗讬讝讛 转拽讜驻讛 讛讬讛 ?
讘转诇诪讜讚 谞讝讻专 专讘讬 诪讗讬专 住转诐 拽专讜讘 诇讗诇祝 讜讞诪砖 诪讗讜转 驻注诪讬诐 !!! 讜讛讜讗 讛讗讬砖 讛注谞拽 砖讻转讘 诇谞讜 讗转 讛诪砖谞讬讜转 . 讜住转诐 诪砖谞讛 专讘讬 诪讗讬专 讘住谞讛讚专讬谉 驻讜, 讗. 讻诇讜诪专 讻诇 诪砖谞讛 砖诇讗 诪爪讬谞讜 砖诪讜 砖诇 讛转谞讗 砖讗诪专 讗讜转讛 , 讛讜讗 专讘讬 诪讗讬专 .

讜谞拽专讗 ״讘注诇 讛谞住״ 讘讙诇诇 讛谞住 砖注砖讛 讻讗砖专 讛专讜诪讗讬诐 砖讘讜 讗转 讗讞讜转 讗砖转讜 讘专讜专讬讛 讜讛诇讱 讜讛爪讬诇讛 讜诇讬诪讚 讗转 讛砖讜诪专 诇讜诪专 ״讗诇讛讗 讚诪讗讬专 注谞谞讬״ . 讻讚讗讬转讗 讘诪住讻转 注讘讜讚讛 讝专讛 讬讞, 讘.

讜诪拽讜诐 拽讘讜专转讜 讛讜讗 讘诪拽讜诐 讛谞拽专讗 讞诪转 注诇 砖诐 诪注讬谉 讞诪讬 讟讘专讬讛 讛住诪讜讱 , 讜砖诐 讛讬讛 讘讬转讜 讜讬砖讬讘转讜 讜拽讘专讜讛讜 砖诐 , 讜专讘谞讜 讛讗专讬讝״诇 讘砖注专 讛讙诇讙讜诇讬诐 讗讬砖专 讗转 诪拽讜诐 拽讘讜专转讜, 讙诐 讘讻诇 住驻专讬 讛诪住注讜转 砖诇 讛谞讜住注讬诐 诇讙诇讬诇 讘讗诇祝 砖谞讬诐 讛讗讞专讜谞讜转 谞讝讻专 拽讘专讜 , 讜讬砖 讗讙讚讜转 谞驻诇讗讜转 注诇 砖讗讬专注 砖诐 , 讜注讬讬谉 讘住驻专 讟讜讘转 诪专讗讛 讜讘住驻专 讟讘讜专 讛讗专抓 讜注讜讚 诪讛 砖讻转讘讜 注诇 讛诪拽讜诐 讛拽讚讜砖 讛诇讝讛 , 讻讬 讛转讜专讛 讛拽讚讜砖讛 讜讻诇 讛诪砖谞讬讜转 谞诪爪讗讜转 砖诐 (

专讘讜转讬讜 讛讬讜 专讘讬 讬砖诪注讗诇 , 专讘讬 注拽讬讘讗 , 专讘讬 讬讛讜讚讛 讘谉 讘讘讗 , 讗诇讬砖注 讘谉 讗讘讜讬讛 . 讞讘讬专讬讜 讛诪讜讘讛拽讬诐 : 专讘讬 讬讛讜讚讛 , 专讘讬 砖诪注讜谉 讘专 讬讜讞讗讬 , 专讘讬 讗诇注讝专 讘谉 砖诪讜注 , 专讘讬 谞讞诪讬讛, 讜专讘讬 谞转谉 讛讘讘诇讬 . 讝讻讜转诐 转讙谉 注诇讬谞讜 

诇讻讘讜讚 讛专讘 诪讜爪驻讬 砖诇讬讟"讗
讛讗诐 爪专讬讱 诇讻讜讜谉 讘讘专讻转 讛专讜爪讛 讘转砖讜讘讛 砖诐 讛砖诐 住讙讜诇 爪专讛 住讙讜诇 爪专讛 ?

讻转讘 专讘谞讜 讛讗专"讬 讝"诇 讘住驻专 砖注专 专讜讞 讛拽讜讚砖.
"讛专讜爪讛 讘转砖讜讘讛, 讜转讻讜讬谉 讘讛 砖讛讬讗 砖诐 讛讜讬"讛 谞拽讜讚讛 讘住讙讜诇 讻诇 讗专讘注 讗讜转讬讜转讬讛诐 讛讜讬"讛, 讜讛谞讛 讛讞住讚 谞拽砖专 注诐 讘讬谞讛, 讜诇讻谉 转讻讜讬谉 诇拽砖专 讜诇讞讘专 讛讞住讚 注诐 讘讬谞讛 讛谞拽专讗 讬诪讬谉 讜转砖讜讘讛, 讜转讻讜讬谉 砖讬驻砖讜讟 讬讚 讬诪讬谞讜 讛谞拽专讗 讞住讚, 讻讚讬 诇拽讘诇讜 讘转砖讜讘讛 讛谞拽专讗转 讘讬谞讛, 讛住诪讜讻讬诐 讬讞讚".
讜注讬讬谉 驻专讬 注抓 讞讬讬诐 [砖注专 讛注诪讬讚讛, 驻专拽 讬"讟] 砖讻转讘 "讜讘砖诐 讛讜讬讛 讚讞转讬诪转 讛讘专讻讛 转讻讜讬谉 讘爪讬专讬 讻讜诇讛, 砖讛讬讗 讛讘讬谞讛. 讜讝讛讜 讘专讜讱 讗转讛 讬讬 讛专讜爪讛 讘转砖讜讘讛, 讚讛讬讬谞讜 讘讬谞讛 讛谞拽专讗转 转砖讜讘讛".


拽讟讜专转 讛住诪讬诐

讛讚讘专 讘讚讜拽 讜诪谞讜住讛 讻讚讬 砖诇讗 讬讚讘拽讜 讘拽讜专讜谞讛, 讜讗驻讬诇讜 讗讞讚 砖讬砖 诇讜 砖驻注转 - "砖讬注砖讛 驻讜驻驻驻驻⚡, 讜讛砖驻注转 转爪讗⚡". 馃槉
讞爪讬 讻驻讬转 拽讬谞诪讜谉 讟讞讜谉(砖诇 住讜诇讙专, 拽驻住讜诇讜转 诪专讜讻讝讜转), 注诐 诪注讟 爪讬驻讜专谉 讜讝谞讙讜讜讬诇 (讙'讬谞讙'专), 讜诇注专讘讘 讞讝拽 注诐 诪讬诐 专讜转讞讬诐__诇讗讞专 注专讘讜讘 讞讝拽 讜讛诪转谞讛 砖诇 2 讚拽讜转, 讬砖 诇砖转讜转 讘爪讜专讛 讗讬讟讬转".

 驻注诐 讬爪讗讛 讘转 拽讜诇 诪讛砖诪讬诐 讜讗诪专讛: "讛专讬 讚讬谉 砖诪讬诐 诇讗 砖讜专讛 讻讗谉, 讻讬讜谉 砖讬讜讚注讬诐 诇讘讟诇 讗讜转讜 注"讬 讛拽讟讜专转..." *讜讛诇讘讜谞讛 讝讛 讛诪砖驻讬注 (注诇 讛诪讙驻讜转 讜讛住"讗讞专讗) 讛讻讬 谞注诇讛 诪讻诇 讛诪专讻讬讘讬诐 砖讘拽讟讜专转.

 诪ַ诇ְ讻讜ּ 讗ַ讞ֲ专ָ讗.
讗ָ诪ַ专 专ַ讘ִּ讬 砖ִׁ诪ְ注讜ֹ谉, 讗ִ诐 讘ְּ谞ֵ讬 讗ָ讚ָ诐 讛ָ讬讜ּ 讬讜ֹ讚ִ注讬谉  讻ַּ诪ָּ讛 讛讜ּ讗 注ֶ诇ְ讬讜ֹ谉 诪ַ注ֲ砖ֵׂ讛 讛ַ拽ְּ讟ֹ专ֶ转, 讛ָ讬讜ּ 谞讜ֹ讟ְ诇ִ讬诐 讻ָּ诇 讚ִּ讘ּ讜ּ专 讜ְ讚ִ讘ּ讜ּ专 诪ִ诪ֶּ谞ּ讜ּ 讜ְ讛ָ讬讜ּ 诪ַ注ֲ诇ִ讬诐 讗讜ֹ转讜ֹ 注ֲ讟ָ专ָ讛 注ַ诇 专ָ讗砖ֵׁ讬讛ֶ诐 讻ְּ诪讜ֹ 讻ֶּ转ֶ专 砖ֶׁ诇 讝ָ讛ָ讘. 讜ּ诪ִ讬 砖ֶׁ诪ִּ砖ְׁ转ַּ讚ֵּ诇 讘ּ讜ֹ, 爪ָ专ִ讬讱ְ 诇ְ讛ִ住ְ转ַּ讻ֵּ诇 讘ְּ诪ַ注ֲ砖ֵׂ讛 讛ַ拽ְּ讟ֹ专ֶ转, 讜ְ讗ִ诐 讬ְ讻ַ讜ֵּ谉 讘ּ讜ֹ 讘ְּ讻ָ诇 讬讜ֹ诐, 讬ֵ砖ׁ 诇讜ֹ 讞ֵ诇ֶ拽 讘ָּ注讜ֹ诇ָ诐 讛ַ讝ֶּ讛 讜ּ讘ָ注讜ֹ诇ָ诐 讛ַ讘ָּ讗, 讜ְ讬ִ住ְ转ַּ诇ֵּ拽 讛ַ诪ָּ讜ֶ转 诪ִ诪ֶּ谞ּ讜ּ 讜ּ诪ֵ讛ָ注讜ֹ诇ָ诐, 讜ְ讬ִ谞ָּ爪ֵ诇 诪ִ讻ָּ诇 讛ַ讚ִּ讬谞ִ讬诐 砖ֶׁ诇 讛ָ注讜ֹ诇ָ诐 讛ַ讝ֶּ讛, 讜ּ诪ִ爪ְּ讚ָ讚ִ讬诐 专ָ注ִ讬诐, 讜ּ诪ִ讚ִּ讬谉 讛ַ讙ֵּ讬讛ִ谞ֹּ诐 讜ּ诪ִ讚ִּ讬谉 讛ַ诪ַּ诇ְ讻讜ּ转 讛ָ讗ַ讞ֶ专ֶ转.

讘ְּ讛ַ讛讜ּ讗 拽ְ讟ֹ专ֶ转 讻ַּ讚 讛ֲ讜ָ讛 住ָ诇ִ讬拽 转ְּ谞ָ谞ָ讗 讘ְּ注ַ诪ּ讜ּ讚ָ讗, 讻ַּ讛ֲ谞ָ讗 讛ֲ讜ָ讛 讞ָ诪ֵ讬 讗ַ转ְ讜ָ讜谉 讚ְּ专ָ讝ָ讗 讚ִּ砖ְׁ诪ָ讗 (讚祝 专讬讟 注''讗谞) 拽ַ讚ִּ讬砖ָׁ讗, 驻ְּ专ִ讬砖ָׂ讗 (谞''讗 驻专讞讬谉) 讘ַּ讗ֲ讜ִ讬专ָ讗, 讜ְ住ַ诇ְ拽ֵ讬 诇ְ注ֵ讬诇ָּ讗 讘ְּ讛ַ讛讜ּ讗 注ַ诪ּ讜ּ讚ָ讗. 诇ְ讘ָ转ַ专 讻ַּ诪ָ讛 专ְ转ִ讬讻ִ讬谉 拽ַ讚ִּ讬砖ִׁ讬谉 住ָ讞ֲ专ִ讬谉 诇ֵ讬讛ּ 诪ִ讻ָּ诇 住ִ讟ְ专ִ讬谉, 注ַ讚 讚ְּ住ָ诇ִ讬拽 讘ִּ谞ְ讛ִ讬专讜ּ 讜ְ讞ֶ讚ְ讜ָ讛, 讜ְ讞ַ讚ֵּ讬 诇ְ诪ַ讗谉 讚ְּ讞ַ讚ֵּ讬, 讜ְ拽ָ砖ַׁ专 拽ִ砖ְׁ专ִ讬谉 诇ְ注ֵ讬诇ָּ讗 讜ְ转ַ转ָּ讗 诇ְ讬ַ讞ֲ讚ָ讗 讻ֹּ诇ָּ讗, 讜ְ讛ָ讗 讗讜ֹ拽ִ讬诪ְ谞ָ讗. 讜ְ讚ָ讗 诪ְ讻ַ驻ֵּ专 注ַ诇 讬ֵ爪ֶ专 讛ָ专ָ注, 讜ְ注ַ诇 注ֲ讘讜ֹ讚ָ讛 讝ָ专ָ讛, 讚ְּ讗ִ讬讛讜ּ 住ִ讟ְ专ָ讗 讗ַ讞ֲ专ָ讗. 讜ְ讛ָ讗 讗讜ֹ拽ְ诪讜ּ讛ָ
讘ְּ讗讜ֹ转ָ讛ּ 拽ְ讟ֹ专ֶ转, 讻ְּ砖ֶׁ讛ָ讬ָ讛 注讜ֹ诇ֶ讛 注ָ砖ָׁ谉 讘ָּ注ַ诪ּ讜ּ讚, 讛ַ讻ֹּ讛ֵ谉 讛ָ讬ָ讛 专讜ֹ讗ֶ讛 讛ָ讗讜ֹ转ִ讬ּ讜ֹ转 砖ֶׁ诇 讛ַ砖ֵּׁ诐 讛ַ拽ָּ讚讜ֹ砖ׁ 驻ְּ专讜ּ砖ׂ讜ֹ转 (驻讜专讞讜转) 讘ָּ讗ֲ讜ִ讬专 讜ְ注讜ֹ诇讜ֹ转 诇ְ诪ַ注ְ诇ָ讛 讘ְּ讗讜ֹ转讜ֹ 注ַ诪ּ讜ּ讚. 讗ַ讞ַ专 讻ָּ讱ְ 讻ַּ诪ָּ讛 诪ֶ专ְ讻ָּ讘讜ֹ转 拽ְ讚讜ֹ砖ׁ讜ֹ转 住讜ֹ讘ְ讘讜ֹ转 讗讜ֹ转讜ֹ 诪ִ讻ָּ诇 讛ַ爪ְּ讚ָ讚ִ讬诐 注ַ讚 砖ֶׁ注讜ֹ诇ֶ讛 讘ְּ讗讜ֹ专 讜ְ砖ִׂ诪ְ讞ָ讛, 讜ּ诪ְ砖ַׂ诪ֵּ讞ַ 讗ֶ转 诪ִ讬 砖ֶׁ诪ְּ砖ַׂ诪ֵּ讞ַ, 讜ְ拽讜ֹ砖ֵׁ专 拽ְ砖ָׁ专ִ讬诐 诇ְ诪ַ注ְ诇ָ讛 讜ּ诇ְ诪ַ讟ָּ讛 讻ְּ讚ֵ讬 诇ְ讬ַ讞ֵ讚 讛ַ讻ֹּ诇...
拽讞 诇讱 住诪讬诐,  讛爪讜专讬 谞讟祝 (讙讝注 注抓 讗驻专住诪讜谉 砖讝讜诇祝), 讜砖讞诇转 (爪驻讜专谉 讗讜 拽诇讬驻转 砖专抓 讬诐), 讞诇讘谞讛 (讚讘砖 砖讞讜专 诪专讬专), *讜诇讘讜谞讛 (讛讻讬 谞注诇讛, 讻谞讙讚 住驻讬专转 讛讻转专) 讝讻讛... "诪讜专" (砖转讬 讚注讜转, 专诪讘"诐: 讚诐 砖谞拽专砖 诪注讜专 砖诇 讞讬讛 砖讘讛讜讚讜 讘讜住诐 诪讜住拽讟 讗讜 爪诪讞 拽讜爪谞讬, 专诪讘"谉).  拽诇讜驻讛 (拽诇讬驻讛 砖诇 注抓 讘讜住诐) 拽讬谞诪讜谉 (讙讝注 讗讞专), 讻讜专讻讜诐 (讝注驻专谉).. 讘讜专讬转 拽专砖讬谞讛(住讘讜谉 诇谞拽讜转 爪驻讜专谉), 讬讬谉 拽驻专讬住讬谉, 讜诪注诇讛 注砖谉 讛讬讛 讙讜专诐 诇注砖谉 诇注诇讜转 讘爪讜专转 "拽讜 讬砖专" 诇砖诪讬诐 (讜诪讬讬砖专 诇讘谞讜 讝拽讜祝 讻讗讞讚 讜诪砖驻讬诇 讙讗讜转谞讜) 诪诇讞 住讚讜诪讬转 讻驻转 讛讬专讚谉 (讗, 讜专讚 砖诇 砖驻转 讛讬专讚谉 - 讘, 拽爪祝/讬专拽转 砖谞讜爪专 讘诪讬诐 讻诪讜 谞讬讬专 讗驻讬讛) 讜讻讜... 讜讛讬讜 砖专讬诐 诇住诪诪谞讬诐: 讛讚拽, 讛讟讘, 诪驻谞讬 砖讛拽讜诇 讬驻讛 讜诪砖讘讞 诇讘砖诪讬诐 馃榿

讛爪专讬, 讻转专. 讜讛爪驻讜专谉, 讬住讜讚. 讜讞诇讘谞讛, 诪诇讻讜转. 讜讛诇讘讜谞讛, 讛讜讗 讗讜专 诪拽讬祝
 讜讗谞讜 爪专讬讻讬谉 诇拽砖专 讛诪诇讻讜转 注诐 讗讜专 诪拽讬祝 砖讛讬讗 讛诇讘讜谞讛

讻转专, 讞讻诪讛, 讘讬谞讛, 讞住讚, 讙讘讜专讛, 转驻讗专转, 谞爪讞 讛讜讚, 讬住讜讚, 诪诇讻讜转... 诪讛专讗砖 注讚 讛专讙诇讬讬诐 谞爪讞 讜讛讜讚 砖讜拽 讬诪讬谉 讜砖诪讗诇 讞住讚 讙讘讜专讛, 讝专讜注讛 讬诪讬谉 讜砖诪讗诇 讜讻谉 注诇 讝讛 讛讚专讱...

驻专讬 注抓 讞讬讬诐 砖注专 注讜诇诐 讛注砖讬讛 (讗 - 讜

砖注专 讛讛' 砖注专 注讜诇诐 讛注砖讬讛 讜讘讜 讜' 驻专拽讬诐:

() 谞诇注"讚 谞转谉 - 讻讬 诇讘谞讛 讝讻讛, 讙讬诪讟专讬讗 住诪讗诇. 诇讻谉 诪拽讟讬专讬诐 诇驻谞讬 注"讝 砖诇讛诐 砖讛讜讗 住"诪, 诇讘谞讛 讝讻讛. 砖讛讜讗 讻诪谞讬谉 砖诇讜, 诇讬转谉 诇讜 讘讝讛 讻讞, 砖讬讜讻诇 诇注砖讜转 讻诪讜 砖讛诐 专讜爪讬诐 诪诪谞讜. 注"讻:
讜讗诪专讜, 讘讚 讘讘讚 讬讛讬讛. 讝讛 转讘讬谉 注诐 诪讛 砖讛讜讚注转讬讱 讘注谞讬谉 诇讘讬砖转 讛砖拽, 讘讗"转 讘"砖, 讘"讚. 讜讝讛讜 讛注谞讬谉, 讜诇讘砖 讛讻讛谉 诪讚讜 讘讚. 讜讛注谞讬谉, 讻讬 讛砖拽 讛诐 讛拽诇讬驻讜转 讛诪转诇讘谞讬诐 诪砖讞讜专 诇诇讘谉, 砖讛讜讗 讘讚, 砖讛讜讗 驻砖转谉, 讘住讜讚 砖注讟谞讝. 讻讬 讙诐 讛讜讗 诪讞诇拽讜 砖诇 拽讬谉, 诪爪讚 住"讗. 讜讛谞讛 讗诇讜 讛住诪讬诐 讛讬讜 诪讜讞讬谉 讗诇 住"讗, 讜注转讛 谞讻谞住讬谉 讘诪讜讞讬谉 讚拽讚讜砖讛, 讜讝讛讜 讬讛讬讛. 驻讬' 讬讛讬讛 - 讻讬 讻讘专 讛讜讚注转讬讱 讻讬 讘' 诪讜讞讬谉 讚谞讜拽讘讗 讛诐 讘' 讬"讛 讬"讛, 讜讝讛讜 讬讛讬讛:

讜注转讛 谞讘讗专诐 讘讘专讬讬转讗, 讜讗诇讜 讛谉 - 讛爪专讬, 讻转专. 讜讛爪驻讜专谉, 讬住讜讚. 讜讞诇讘谞讛, 诪诇讻讜转. 讜讛诇讘讜谞讛, 讛讜讗 讗讜专 诪拽讬祝. 讜讗谞讜 爪专讬讻讬谉 诇拽砖专 讛诪诇讻讜转 注诐 讗讜专 诪拽讬祝 砖讛讬讗 讛诇讘讜谞讛, 讻讚讬 砖讬讗讬专 讘讛. 讗诪谞诐 讛讬住讜讚 砖讛讜讗 讛转讞转讜谉 诪砖讗专 拽爪讜讜转, 讗讘诇 讛讜讗 注诇讬讜谉 讬讜转专 诪诪谞讛, 讻讚讬 砖讬讗讬专 讛讻转专 讛注诇讬讜谉, 诇讻谉 讗谞讜 诪讞讘专讬诐 讗诇讜 讚', 砖谞讬诐 讘砖谞讬诐 注讚"讝. 诪讜专 - 讝讛 讗讘专讛诐, 讻诪"砖 讗诇讱 诇讬 讗诇 讛专 讛诪讜专. 讜拽爪讬注讛 - 讙讘讜专讛. 讜砖讘诇转 谞专讚 - 转"转, 讻讬 讛讜讗 拽讜 讗诪爪注讬, 讜讬讜爪讗讬谉 诪诪谞讜 注谞驻讬诐, 讝专讜注讜转 讜专讙诇讬诐, 讜谞注砖讛 讻注讬谉 讛砖讘诇转. 讜讻专讻讜诐 - 谞爪讞, 讻讬 讙诐 讛讜讗 诪专讬讞 拽爪转, 讻讬 讛讜讗 拽讜 讬诪讬谉, 讗讘诇 讗讬谞讜 诪专讬讞 讻"讻 讻诪讜 讛讞住讚 砖讛讜讗 讛诪讜专. 拽讜砖讟 - 讞讻诪讛. 拽诇讜驻讛 - 讘讬谞讛. 拽谞诪讜谉 - 讛讜讚:

专讗砖讬转, 转讜驻注转 讛诪讜转 讙讜专诪转 诇讻诇讘讬诐 诇谞讘讜讞 – "讻诇讘讬诐 讘讜讻讬诐, 诪诇讗讱 讛诪讜转 讘讗 诇注讬专"[2] (讜讻谉, 讘讗讜驻谉 讙砖诪讬 讬讜转专, 讛诪爪讗讜转谉 砖诇 讙讜驻讜转 讘住讘讬讘讛 讙讜专诪转 诇讻诇讘讬诐 – 讘注诇讬 讞讜砖 讛专讬讞 讛诪驻讜转讞 – 诇讛转专讙砖 讜诇谞讘讜讞).

砖谞讬转, 诪讻转 诪爪专讬诐 讛转讞讜诇诇讛 讘讞爪讜转 讛诇讬诇讛, 讘讗诪爪注讛 砖诇 讛诪砖诪专转 讛砖谞讬讛 讘诇讬诇讛, 讛讝诪谉 讘讜 讛讻诇讘讬诐 谞讜讘讞讬诐 讘讗讜驻谉 讟讘注讬 – "诪砖诪专转 专讗砖讜谞讛 讞诪讜专 谞讜注专, 砖谞讬讛 讻诇讘讬诐 爪讜注拽讬诐, 砖诇讬砖讬转 转讬谞讜拽 讬讜谞拽 诪砖讚讬 讗诪讜"

砖诇讬砖讬转, 讻讗砖专 讬砖谞讛 转讻讜谞讛 讘诇转讬 诪爪讜讬讛 讘讗诪爪注 讛诇讬诇讛 专讙讬诇讬诐 讛讻诇讘讬诐 诇谞讘讜讞 – 讜注诇 讻谉 讛诐 诪砖诪砖讬诐 诇砖诪讬专讛 – 讜讻讗谉 讛讬转讛 转讻讜谞讛 专讘讛, 砖诇 讬砖专讗诇 讛诪转讻讜谞谞讬诐 诇讚专讻诐 讜讘注讬拽专 "讞驻讝讜谉 讚诪爪专讬诐" 砖讬爪讗讜 诇讝专讝 讗转 讬砖专讗诇.

砖诇砖 讛住讬讘讜转 诇谞讘讜讞 砖讬讬讻讜转 诇砖诇砖转 诪诪讚讬 讛诪爪讬讗讜转, 注讜诇诐-砖谞讛-谞驻砖: 讛专讙讬砖讜转 诇诪诇讗讱 讛诪讜转 讛讬讗 讞讜砖 专讬讞 讘诪诪讚 讛谞驻砖 讛专讜讞谞讬, 讛谞讘讬讞讛 讘讝诪谉 诪住讜讬诐 砖讬讬讻转 诇诪诪讚 讛砖谞讛 砖诇 讛诪爪讬讗讜转, 讜讛谞讘讬讞讛 讻转讜爪讗讛 诪讛转讻讜谞讛 讘砖讟讞 砖讬讬讻转 诇诪诪讚 讛注讜诇诐 讛驻砖讜讟. 诇诪专讜转 砖讛讬讜 诇讻诇讘讬诐 住讬讘讜转 诇谞讘讜讞 讘讻诇 讛诪诪讚讬诐 砖诇 注讜诇诐-砖谞讛-谞驻砖 讛转讞讜诇诇 谞住 讜讛诐 讛转讗驻拽讜 诪诇谞讘讜讞

 诪讬 砖专讜爪讛 诇砖诪讜专 注诇 讛专讗讬讛 砖讬讚讗讙 转诪讬讚 诇专讞讜抓 专讙诇讬讬诐 诇驻谞讬 讛砖讬谞讛 (讻讬 讛讗讚讬诐 注讜诇讬诐 诇注讬谞讬讬诐 讘讝诪谉 讛砖讬谞讛). 讻讬 讛讚讬谞讬诐 注讜诇讬诐 诪讛专讙诇讬讬诐 . 专讙诇讬 诪讘砖专 讜讻讜' 讗讜讝谞讬讬诐 讗讬讝讜谉 砖诇 讻讞 讛讘讬谞讛
 There may not be people on the streets in a few years...
 No more walking, this is the secret of mashiah.
For the Mazikim are attached to the feet..
  讝讛 住讜讚 讜讬讙注 讘讻祝 讬专讞讜 讻砖诇讗 诪砖转诪砖讬诐 讘专讙诇讬讬诐 讗讝 讗讬谉 讬讜转专 诪讝讬拽讬诐


For "Viral Prevention" of most Viruses:

Rubiaceae Family Cinchona, Kratom etc.. 

Supplements between/30-60mg Zinc and Quinine found in sugar free tonic... In phase 1 it's like 9 out of 10 effective preventing viral replication... (Quinine, from the chinchona plant; is a Zinc "ionophore", also Quercetin, ECGC from green tea and Kratom).

讛转砖拽讜专转 诪讜谞注 诪讛爪讬讘讜专 讘讗讜驻谉 诪讞讘诇讬诐 诪诪砖 讗转 讛诪讬讚注 讛诪爪讬诇 讞讬讬诐 讛讝讗转讬 诇爪注专 讬讙讜谞谞讜

讛讗讘抓 注诐 讛讬讬讚专讜拽住讬讻诇讜专讜拽讜讜讬谉 100% 诪讜谞注 讗转 讛诪讞诇讛... 讗讜 转讜住祝 诪讝讜谉 "讗讘抓" (50 诪讬诇讬讙专诐 诇讬讜诐) 诪讬 讟讜谞讬拽 住讜讚讛 讟讜谞讬拽 注诐 "讻讬谞讬谉" 诇诇讗 住讜讻专

Moshe Feldenkrais was a phisio therapist who studied under Kano , founder of Judo, he went to England to teach the soldiers choking techniques in 1 day alone. Amazing history 讛讬讛 讙专 讘转诇 讗讘讬讘 讜诇诪讚 讗爪诇 拽讗谞讜 诪讬讬住讚 讙'讜讚讜 讜讛诇讱 诇讗谞讙诇讬讛 讻讚讬 诇诇诪讚 讞讬讬诇讬诐 讞谞讬拽讜转 讘讬讜诐 讗讞讚 讘诇讘讚 . 讛讜讗 讛诪爪讬讗 砖讬讟转 转专驻讬讛 诇讙讜祝
Vaccines contain many dangerous poisons - instead supplement with a trace mineral blend... India has great medicine here's they're way of dealing with Covid-19
MRNA is like playing God trying to change DNA and even eliminate parts of the brain responsible for Emunah - Faith!
In fact, Bill Gates is the head of a 250 yr old German science cult and his father is on record saying "we created Hitl-er..." Ym"Sh Lockdowns are against science - a person needs Sun fresh air etc to heal... So be careful of "expert advise" as they are all paid promoters and profiteers.
SELENIUM - MILK THISTLE AND MANY LIVER STRENGTHENING FOODS -''CRUCIFEROUS VEGGIES'' ARE PRE-CURSORS TO ''GLUTATHIONE''-WHICH CAN PREVENT ''WHITE HAIRS'' [HYDROGEN PEROXIDE]. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Visions cookware [made in france]
  • Introducing: "Ceramic/Glass Pot" - slow cooker by "VISIONS" Vitroceramic cookware - Recipe: for grass-fed Beef with non-china sourced garlics and Persian Dried Lemons (2.5 hours slow cooked neck, shoulder, ribs, etc..')
    This cookware is made of glass-ceramic, which is highly resistant to thermal shock and can withstand extreme temperatures. It can be used on almost all types of stove tops, including gas, electric, and ceramic. The glass-ceramic material used to create VISIONS does not include lead or similar harmful metals as an ingredient. Visions cookware will also test negative for cadmium, mercury, arsenic, etc. --------
      ---6 ways to help the kidneys:
    • 1. Drink 2.5 liters of fluid a day (about 10.5 cups or 84.5 oz. ) 2. Add at least 1 tbsp. of lemon to your water (I also like to add 1tsp. of apple cider vinegar and a drop of stevia) 3. Avoid high-oxalate foods 4. Massage the parts of your abdomen where your kidneys are 5. Consume a low-carb diet 6. Consume vitamin D, magnesium, and potassium
        7 foods that destroy the kidneys: 1. Instant noodles Instant noodles often contain the preservative TBHQ, which is toxic to the kidneys. 2. Foods high in artificial dyes Foods like Skittles contain dyes that can wreak havoc on your kidneys. 3. Fried chicken The combination of high heat, seed oils, and breading in fried chicken can lead to glycation—a process that clogs everything up, especially in the kidneys. 4. Commercial bread Commercial bread is loaded with potassium bromate, a harmful chemical linked to kidney cancer. 5. Soda Soda contains phosphoric acid, which is harmful to the kidneys. It’s also high in sugar, which contributes to diabetes—the number one cause of kidney damage. 6. Agave syrup Often falsely marketed as healthy, agave syrup is high in fructose, which puts immense stress on the liver and kidneys. 7. Cereals Cereals are packed with refined sugar, seed oil, and refined starch. They also often contain glyphosate, a harmful pesticide. Kidney disease prevention is key. Avoid bad habits that damage the kidneys, like consuming the foods above, and focus on a diet that supports kidney function.
          Foods high in oxalates [oxalates create kidney stones/Gout = calcium deposits in the big-toe joint]: • Almonds • Spinach • Beet tops • Peanuts • Grains • Beans • Sweet potatoes • Cassava • Tapioca • Kiwi • Chocolate • Swiss chard • Turmeric • Cinnamon • Clove --------- What to do if you have high oxalate levels or are prone to kidney stones: 1. Limit foods high in oxalates or consume them with cheese 2. Take a probiotic with a mixture of lactobacillus and Apple cider vinegar with the "mother" [unfiltered] 3. Maintain higher levels of magnesium and citrates (by consuming magnesium and lemon) 4. Get plenty of vitamin D 5. Avoid fructose 6. Avoid consuming high levels of vitamin C 7. Consume potassium (not for end-stage kidney disease) 8. Consume plant foods and microgreens 9. limit the amount of protein, include more plant-based foods in the diet 10. Get on the Healthy Keto® diet and do intermittent fasting [avoid sugar!] These are the best ways to protect your kidneys...
            Whole Sugar --- Processed sugar... More Nutrients vs Less...
          • Sugar is considered toxic in the body, so it is removed from the blood when you consume it. Similar to body temperature, blood sugar is kept constant at around 80. When you consume sugar, the hormone insulin removes sugar from the blood and puts it into the cells. If you continue eating large amounts of sugar, the body begins to protect itself by blocking the receptors for insulin in your cells. This ultimately decreases the amount of sugar inside your cells. Over time, this compensation mechanism will break down, and you will no longer produce enough insulin to keep your blood sugar levels down, eventually leading to diabetes. There are two types of sugar: processed sugars and whole sugars. Heavily processed sugars, such as glucose, dextrose, corn syrup, glucose syrup, high fructose corn syrup, agave syrup, white sugar, brown sugar, and rice syrup, are devoid of important nutrients like B vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and phytonutrients. Your body requires nutrients to turn sugar into energy. When you consume processed sugars without the nutrients, your body pulls from your nutrient reserves to use the sugar as fuel. Raw honey has 181 different chemicals that offer protection and allow you to metabolize the sugar. Maple syrup, turbinado sugar, molasses, coconut sugar, palm sugar, and date sugar are also less processed forms of sugar. If you’re having trouble quitting sugar, consume fruits or whole sugars instead of processed sugars as you focus on lowering your intake.
            Modern medicine is primarily influenced by big pharma and big food. The medical industry is also overspecialized, and nutrition and food therapy training is virtually nonexistent.
              Check out these 9 common medical industry lies!
            • 1. You don’t need a gallbladder. The gallbladder stores bile salts that help you extract fats from the digestive system. If you don't have a gallbladder, you won’t be able to concentrate bile. 2. Statins have minimal side effects. Statins have major side effects and increase your risk for type 2 diabetes and liver damage. 3. Hypertension is caused by too much salt in the diet. Instead of trying to lower sodium, increase potassium. Focus on adequate potassium intake to support healthy blood pressure levels. 4. Low amounts of vitamin D will fix a deficiency. If you’re low in vitamin D, 600 to 800 IU will not be enough. You need around 10,000 IU every day. 5. Red meat causes cancer. Grass-fed red meat is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. It’s a high-quality protein source and contains all of the B vitamins, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, creatine, l-carnitine, coenzyme Q10, and glutamine. 6. Avoid saturated fats. Unsaturated fats are a much bigger problem. Dangerous seed oils and ultra-processed foods are full of unsaturated fats—not saturated fats. 7. Your weight is causing your health issues. Your weight is a symptom, not the cause of your problems. The root cause of your weight problems and the associated health issues is likely insulin resistance. 8. Plant-based diets are best. Doctors and dieticians often falsely claim that plant-based diets are cleaner. Most fake meat products contain many ultra-processed ingredients. 9. Hypoglycemia is a complication of diabetes. If you have hypoglycemia, you have too much insulin. Instead of focusing on lowering insulin, doctors will advise patients to eat glucose pills or candy if their blood sugars drop too low.
                    Distillers cost less than reverse osmosis water systems... It's super clean. Zero toxins. You can replenish "minerals" w/celtic salt, vegetables and good nutrition. Fluoride is a NeuroToxin, PFAs and micro-plastics are endocrine disruptors... Electrolytes exit the body constantly. They are water soluble, eat avocado for potassium, leafy greens for magnesium, Nutritional yeast and Red meat for B vitamins [also water soluble].


  1. Joseph Schroeder, an Associate Professor
    at Connecticut College said:

    Our research supports the theory that high fat and high sugar
    foods stimulate the brain in the same way that drugs do.
    This finding lends support to the hypothesis that high fat
    and high sugar foods are addictive.

    SOURCE: Study Finds Oreos Addictive by Dan Rivoli,
    AM New York, 2013/10/17, page 8

  2. Persian: ADD/adhd is caused by Parasites 馃あ
    [ : Attention deficit.. Persian: Podcasts are the Best: It's a minor small type autism Chlorine dioxide kills smaller Parasites...
    : Add adhd 讝讛 住讜讙 砖诇 讗讜讟讬讝诪
    [ 讻诇讜诪专 讬砖 诇讛 谞讬爪讜抓 砖诇 讗住转专 讛诪诇讻讛
    : 讗讬讬诇转 砖拽讚 讝讗转 讗讬讬诇转 讛砖讞专
    讜讙诐 讛讬讗 诪讘讟诇转 专讙讜诇讗爪讬讜转

  3. Quercetin acts as a zinc ionophore, (to transport through plasma membrane).

    Anti aging trick
    #1) Controlling glycemic index..

    keeping blood sugar fluctuations far away, including chewing your food 25-40 times, "carb backloading" the pre-meal use of digestifs and bitters, two teaspoons of ceylon cinnamon each day, berberine, apple cider vinegar, fish oil..

    Anti Aging therapies..

    Telomere analysis (Spectra Cell)

    Methylation measurements may be more precise in the future


    PEMF therapy

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy





    Tailor Made Compounding

    Social workouts


    1. GHK-cu copper peptide (found in body tissues) Tailor made makes it from amino acids

  4. Rubiaceae Family Cinchona, Kratom etc.. Supplements between/30-60mg Zinc and Quinine found in sugar free tonic... In phase 1 it's like 9 out of 10 effective preventing viral replication... (Quinine, from the chinchona plant; is a Zinc "ionophore", also Quercetin, ECGC from green tea and Kratom).

  5. Rashi Ki Tisa (Exodus32:20) explains PFizer is from the Root Vayizer, to "sprinkle" "Gofrit" Sulfer/aka;mercury (aluminum, dangerous metals) or inject into our fortresses/veins/bodies (Navehu). This portion was read when the ceo canceled his trip to israel!! *** 拽讞讜 讗讘抓 + 拽讜讜专爪讟讬谉 讗讜 讟讜谞讬拽 砖讬砖 讘讛 讻讬谞讬谉 诇讚讬讻讜讬 讻诇 讛讜讬专讜住讬诐 诇诪讬谞讬讛诐 - Take Zinc sulfate 30mg + Quercetin or Quinine in Tonic water for viral suppression instead. *** 讜讗诐 诇讗 诇讜拽讞讬诐 讗讘抓 讻诇 讬讜诐 注诐 讟讜谞讬拽 讗讜 拽讜讜专爪讟讬谉 讗讝 讝讛 专砖诇谞讜转 注爪诪讬转...专砖讬 讻讜转讘 砖讬讝专讬拽讜 讙驻专讬转 诇讙讜祝 诪转讻讜转 诪住讜讻谞讜转. 讝讛讜 讛讞讬住讜谉 专讞诪谞讗 诇爪诇谉... 讜讘讛诪砖讱 讻转讜讘: 诪讬 诇讛' 讗诇讬 讻诇 讘谞讬 诇讜讬 砖讘讟 讻砖专. 讛诇讜讬讬诐 砖诇 讛讚讜专 讝讛 讛诪讝讛讬专讬诐

    1. Thiomersal: mercury based protein
      Persian: Moderna developed MRNA from Jellyfish and sinister DNA sources it's ingredients are top secret under emergency act w/5 yr Zero liability as well...
      Bill Gates: is head of a 250 yr old German science cult and his dad said "we created Hitler..." Ym"Sh

    2. Thiomersal: mercury based chemical
      Persian: Moderna developed MRNA from Jellyfish and sinister DNA sources it's ingredients are top secret under emergency act w/5 yr Zero liability as well...
      Bill Gates: is head of a 250 yr old German science cult and his dad said "we created Hitler..." Ym"Sh

    3. Sources: Johns Hopkins school of Medicine articles from 2005 MIT - American Chemical Journal - Zelenko Protocol

    4. I read an article from 2009 chinese scientists use jellyfish dna to make cats glow in the dark. If this is how they created RNA technology, why is this info hidden from the public?!

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  7. 砖讗诇讛 - 224939
    诇讻讘讜讚 讛专讘 砖诇讬讟"讗, 讛讗诐 讗驻砖专 讘谞讜砖讗 砖讛专讘 讻转讘 诇谞讜 注诇 讛讞讝拽转 讛讻诇讘, 诇驻讬 讛拽讘诇讛 诪讛 谞讗诪专?
    讘讝讜讛专 讛拽讚讜砖 讘砖诇讞 住"讛, 讘. 讻转讘 注诇 讛驻住讜拽 诇讗 转讞专讜砖 讘砖讜专 讜讘讞诪讜专 讬讞讚讬讜, 讻讬 诇诪注诇讛 讬砖 拽诇讬' 拽砖讛 砖讛讬讗 砖讜专 讜讞诪讜专, 讜讛讗讜转讬讜转 砖讘转讜讻诐 讜' 诪砖讜专, 诪"讜 诪讞诪讜专, 讛诐 讻诪住驻专 "讻诇讘", 讜讛讜讗 讛讞爪讜祝 诪讻诇 讛讘专讬讜转, 讻讻转讜讘 讜诇讻诇 讘谞讬 讬砖专讗诇 诇讗 讬讞专抓 讻诇讘 诇砖讜谞讜. 讜讞讝专 讜砖谞讛 讘驻专砖转 诪砖驻讟讬诐 拽讻"讗, 讘. 注诇 驻住讜拽 讜讘砖专 讘砖讚讛 讟专讬驻讛 诇讗 转讗讻诇讜 诇讻诇讘 转砖诇讬讻讜谉 讗讜转讜, 讻讬 讛讜讗 讚讬谉 拽砖讛 诪讗讜讚 讜讬砖 讘讜 讝讜讛诪讗 专讜讞谞讬转 拽砖讛 讘讬讜转专, 讜诇讻谉 谞讗诪专 [讬砖注讬讛 谞"讜, 讬讗] 讜讛讻诇讘讬诐 注讝讬 谞驻砖 诇讗 讬讚注讜 砖讜讘注讛. 讻讬 讘讜 诪转诇讘砖讬诐 讻讜讞讜转 讛住讬讟专讗 讗讞专讗, 讜讗讬诇讜 讗谞讞谞讜 注诐 讘谞讬 讬砖专讗诇 注诐 拽讚讜砖, 讜诇讻谉 讛讝讛讬专讛 讗讜转谞讜 讛转讜专讛 诇讗 诇讗讻讜诇 谞讘讬诇讜转 讜诇讗 讟专讬驻讜转 讻讬 讛诐 专讗讜讬讬诐 专拽 诇讻诇讘讬诐.

    注讜讚 讻转讘 讘驻专砖转 爪讜 诇"讘, 讘. 讻讬 讻砖讛讬讜 讬砖专讗诇 诪拽专讬讘讬诐 拽专讘谞讜转 注诇 讙讘讬 讛诪讝讘讞, 讛讬讜 专讜讗讬诐 讗转 讛讗砖 讘讚诪讜转 讗专讬讛 专讜讘抓 注诇 讛诪讝讘讞, 专诪讝 诇拽讚讜砖讛 讜诇诪诇讗讱 讗讜专讬讗"诇 砖讛讬讛 讬讜专讚 讻讚讬 诇讛注诇讜转 讛拽专讘谉 诇驻谞讬 讗讘讬谞讜 砖讘砖诪讬讬诐 讜讛讬讛 诪转诪诇讗 讘专讞诪讬诐 注诇讬谞讜, 讗讱 讘讘讬转 砖谞讬 讻砖讛讬讜 讘讬谞讬讛诐 讗谞砖讬诐 诇讗 讟讜讘讬诐, 讜讛讬讜 诪拽专讬讘讬诐 拽专讘谉, 讛讬讜 专讜讗讬诐 讗转 讛讗砖 讘讚诪讜转 讻诇讘 讞讜爪驻谉 专讜讘抓 注诇 讛诪讝讘讞, 讜讛讬讜 讬讜讚注讬诐 砖诇讗 注诇讛 诇专爪讜谉 诇诪注诇讛. 讛砖诐 讬专讞诐 注诇讬谞讜.

    讜讻转讘 专讘谞讜 诪谞讞诐 诪专讬拽讗谞讟讬 [砖诪讜转 讻讘, 诇] "讜讗谞砖讬 拽讚砖 转讛讬讜谉 诇讬 讜讘砖专 讘砖讚讛 讟专驻讛 诇讗 转讗讻诇讜 诇讻诇讘 转砖诇讬讻讜谉 讗讜转讜. 讻讬 讚讘讬拽讜转 讬砖专讗诇 讛讜讗 讘诪拽讜诐 讛拽讜讚砖 讻诪讛 讚讗转 讗诪专 [讚讘专讬诐 诇"讘, 讟'] 讻讬 讞诇拽 讬"讬 注诪讜. 讜讘砖专 讘砖讚讛 讟专驻讛 讛谞讝讻专 讛讜讗 砖讚讛 砖诇 转驻讜讞讬诐, 讜讗讞专讬 砖谞讟专驻讛 注"讬 讞讬讜转 讛讬注专 讘砖讚讛 讛谞讝讻专, 讗讬谉 专讗讜讬 诇讬砖专讗诇 诇讗讻诇讛, 专拽 诇讬转谉 讗讜转讛 诇讻诇讘 讛讬讚讜注 砖讛诇拽讛讜 讜讬转讙专讛 讘讜 讜讬讻砖讻砖 诇讜 讘讝谞讘讜 讜注讜诇转讛 拽驻爪讛 驻讬讛, 讜诇讗 讬讞专抓 讻诇讘 诇砖讜谞讜. 讜讝讛讜 讟注诐 讗讜 诪讻讜专 诇谞讻专讬, 讻讬 诪砖诐 讻讞讜".

    讜专讘讬谞讜 讘讞讬讬 [砖诪讜转 讬讗] 讻转讘 "讻讬讚讜注 讻讬 讛讻诇讘 讞讬讛 讙砖诪讬转 (讻讜讜谞转 讚讘专讬讜 诪讙讜砖诪转) 诇讗 讬砖讘注 诇注讜诇诐, 讜讻谉 讗诪专 讛谞讘讬讗 (讬砖注讬讛 谞讜, 讬讗) "诇讗 讬讚注讜
    砖讘注讛", 讜讛讻讞 讛诪砖讞讬转 诇讗 讬砖讘注 诇注讜诇诐 诇讗诪专 (诪砖诇讬 诇, 讟讜) "讛讘 讛讘",
    讜讘注讘讜专 讻讬 讛谞讘诇讛 讜讛讟专驻讛 诇拽讜 诪爪讚 讻讞 讛诪砖讞讬转, 诇讻讱 爪讜转讛 讛转讜专讛 诇讛砖诇讬讱 讛讟专驻讛 讜讛谞讘诇讛 诇讻诇讘讬诐 砖谞讗诪专 (砖诪讜转 讻讘, 诇) "诇讻诇讘 转砖诇讬讻讜谉 讗讜转讜", 诇驻讬 砖讛讻诇讘讬诐 诪讗讜转讜 爪讚 讛诐, 讜讝讛讜 砖讗诪专: 讜诇讻诇 讘谞讬 讬砖专讗诇 诇讗 讬讞专抓 讻诇讘 诇砖讜谞讜, 诇诪讚讱 讻讬 讛讻诇讘 讞专讜抓 讛诇砖讜谉 讻注谞讬谉 砖讻转讜讘 讘谞讞砖: (拽讛诇转 讬, 讬讗) "讜讗讬谉 讬转专讜谉 诇讘注诇 讛诇砖讜谉". 讜讛谞讛 讗爪讬诇讜转 讛讻讞 讛诪砖讞讬转 讬讘讗 讗诇讬讜 诪讻讞 诪讚转 讛讚讬谉 讛诪讻讛 讻诇 讘讻讜专讬 诪爪专讬诐, 讜诪讚转 讛讚讬谉 注爪讜诪讛 讛讬讗 讘讞爪讬 讛诇讬诇讛, 讜诇驻讬讻讱 讞诇讛 讘讛诐 讜诪转讜 讻诇 讘讻讜专讬讛诐, 讜讙讬诇讛 诇讱 讛讻转讜讘 讻讬 讘讞爪讬 诪砖诪专讛 砖谞讬讛 爪注拽讜 讛讻诇讘讬诐 讘诪爪专讬诐, 诇驻讬 砖讘讗 诪诇讗讱 讛诪讜转 讘讬谞讬讛诐, 讜讘驻讬专讜砖 讗诪专讜 专讝"诇: (讘"拽 住. 讘) 讻诇讘讬诐 爪讜注拽讬诐 诪诇讗讱 讛诪讜转 讘讗 诇注讬专 讻诇讘讬诐 砖讜讞拽讬诐 讗诇讬讛讜 讘讗 诇注讬专".
    讜讬砖 注讜讚 讗专讬讻讜转 专讘讛 讘住驻专讬 讛拽讘诇讛 讘讙谞讜转 讛讻诇讘 讜讞讜爪驻转讜, 讜诇讗 诪爪讗转讬 注讜讚 讬讻讜诇转 诇讛注转讬拽诐 讻讬 专讘讬诐 讛诐, 讜讗讝讻讬专 讚讘专讬 专讘谞讜 讗诇讬注讝专 驻讗驻讜 讝"诇 砖讻转讘 砖诇讗 讬转谞讜 诇讬诇讚 讗讜 诇爪注讬专 诇砖讞拽 讘讻诇讘, 讻讬 讘诇讬 砖讬专讙讬砖 讻讜讞讜转 砖诇讬诇讬讬诐
    注讜讟驻讬诐 讗讜转讜 讜诪讟诪讟诪讬诐 讗转 诇讘讜, 讜讻砖讬讙讚诇 讬驻专讬注讜 诇讜 讘诇讬诪讜讚 讛转讜专讛 讜讘讬专讗转
    砖诪讬诐. 讜诇讻谉 讗诐 讛讬诇讚 讚讜讜拽讗 讝拽讜拽 诇讘注诇讬 讞讬讬诐 诇转拽砖专 注诪诐, 讬讘讬讗讜 诇讜 讘注诇讬 讞讬讬诐 讟讛讜专讬诐 讻诪讜 讬讜谞讛 讗讜 转讜专 讜爪讬驻讜专讬诐 讟讛讜专讬诐 诇讛砖转注砖注 讘讛诐.

    1. 砖讗诇讛 - 224818
      砖诇讜诐 诇讻讘讜讚 讛专讘. 讘诪讞讬诇讛 诪讻讘讜讚讜 讗诐 讗驻砖专 讻诪讛 诪拽讜专讜转 诇讗讬住讜专 讙讬讚讜诇 讻诇讘 讘讘讬转?
      诪讻诪讛 讘讞讬谞讜转 讛讚讘专 讗住讜专 讜讙专讜注 诪讗讜讚 诇诪讬 砖诪讙讚诇讜,
      讗, 讛讗讬住讜专 砖诇讚注转 讛专讘讛 驻讜住拽讬诐 讛讜讗 诪讛转讜专讛 讜注讜讘专 注诇 注砖讛 讜注诇 诇讗 转注砖讛. 讘, 讛讟讜诪讗讛 砖讬砖 诪诪谞讜 讜砖讜专讛 注诇 讛讘讬转 讜讬讜砖讘讬讜.
      讗, 讘转诇诪讜讚 砖讘转 住讙, 讗. "讗诪专 专讘讬 讗讘讗 讗诪专 专讘讬 砖诪注讜谉 讘谉 诇拽讬砖, 讻诇 讛诪讙讚诇 讻诇讘 专注 讘转讜讱 讘讬转讜, 诪讜谞注 讞住讚 诪转讜讱 讘讬转讜, 砖谞讗诪专 诇诪住 诪专注讛讜 讞住讚, 砖讻谉 讘诇砖讜谉 讬讜讜谞讬转 拽讜专讬谉 诇讻诇讘 诇诪住, 专讘 谞讞诪谉 讘专 讬爪讞拽 讗诪专, 讗祝 驻讜专拽 诪诪谞讜 讬专讗转 砖诪讬诐, 砖谞讗诪专 讜讬专讗转 砖讚讬 讬注讝讜讘".
      讜讻转讘 专讘讬谞讜 讘讞讬讬 讝"诇 讚讘专讬诐 讻讘, 讞. "讛砖诪专 诇讱 讜砖诪讜专 谞驻砖讱 诪讗讚", 讜诇讻讱 讬爪讜讛 讻讬 讻砖讬讘谞讛 讘讬转讜 砖讬注砖讛 诪注拽讛 诇讙讙讜 讜诇讗 讬谞讬讞 讘专砖讜转讜 谞讝拽 讜诪讻砖讜诇 诇讛讻砖诇 讘讜 讘谞讬 讗讚诐, 讜诇讗 讬砖讬诐 讚诪讬诐 讘讘讬转讜, 讜讻注谞讬谉 讝讛 讛诪讙讚诇 讻诇讘 专注 讗讜 讛诪注诪讬讚 住讜诇诐 专注讜注 讘转讜讱 讘讬转讜, 讜讻谉 讛讝讻讬专讜 讝"诇. 讻讬 讬驻讜诇 讛谞讜驻诇, 砖诪讗 讬驻讜诇".
      讜注讬讬谉 诇诪讛专砖"诇 讘讬诐 砖诇 砖诇诪讛 砖诐, 砖讻转讘 讗驻讬诇讜 讗讬谞讜 专注, 讜讗驻讬诇讜 拽砖讜专 讘砖诇砖诇转 讗住讜专 诪驻谞讬 讛驻讞讚 诪诪谞讜. 讜讻转讘 讛诪讛专砖"讗 讘讞讬讚讜砖讬 讗讙讚讜转 "讜讗诪专 讜讬专讗转 砖讚讬 讬注讝讜讘 讚驻讜专拽 诪诪谞讜 讻讜' 讚讚专讱 诪讙讚诇 讛讻诇讘 诇讛注诪讬讚讜 注诇 讛驻转讞 诇砖诪讬专转 讘讬转讜 讜讬专讗转 砖讚讬 砖讛讬讗 注诇 讛诪讝讜讝讛 诇砖诪讬专转 驻转讞 讘讬转讜 讛讜讗 讬注讝讜讘 讜驻讜专拽". 专讗讛 讻诪讛 专注讛 讙专诐 诇注爪诪讜, 砖讛诪讝讜讝讛 讗讬谞讛 诪讜注讬诇讛 诇讘讬转.
      讜讛专讘 砖驻转 讗诪转 讝"诇 驻讬专砖 "诪讛 砖谞拽专讗 讻诇讘 专注, 讛讜讗 讘注诇 诪讜诐 讜注拽专讜 砖讬谞讬讜 讜爪驻专谞讬讜,讜讘讻诇 讝讗转 讗住讜专 诇讛讞讝讬拽讜".

      讘, 讜讘转诇诪讜讚 讘讘讗 拽诪讗 驻讙, 讗. "转谞讬讗, 专讘讬 讗诇讬注讝专 讛讙讚讜诇 讗讜诪专, 讛诪讙讚诇 讻诇讘讬诐 讻诪讙讚诇 讞讝讬专讬诐. 诇诪讗讬 谞驻拽讗 诪讬谞讛? 诇诪讬拽诐 注诇讬讛 讘讗专讜专. 讜注讬讬谉 讘住驻专 讬专讗讬诐 住讬诪谉 专"讬 砖讻转讘 注诇 驻讬 讛讙诪专讗 讘讘讗 拽诪讗 砖讛诪讙讚诇讜 讘讘讬转讜 讛讜讗 讗专讜专. 讜讻谉 讻转讘 专讘谞讜 砖谞讬讗讜专 讝诇诪谉 诪诇讗讚讬 讝"诇 讘砖诇讞谉 注专讜讱 砖诇讜 讘讞讜砖谉 诪砖驻讟 讛诇讻讜转 砖诪讬专转 讛谞驻砖. 讜注讬讬谉 讘讚专讱 驻讬拽讜讚讬讱 诪"注 讗' 讻转讘 砖讛讜讗 讘谞讬讚讜讬. 讜讘住驻专 住讜讚讬 专讝讬讬讗 讞诇拽 讗 讘驻转讬讞讛 讻转讘 砖讛讜讗 讻注讜讘讚 注讘讜讚讛 讝专讛, 讜讬专讗转 砖讚讬 讬注讝讜讘, 砖讛讜讗 诪转驻诇诇 诇讗讘讬谞讜 砖讘砖诪讬讬诐, 讜讘讜讟讞 讘讜 砖讬爪讬诇谞讜 诪讻诇 专注, 讜讬讘专讻讛讜 讘驻专讬讛 讜专讘讬讛, 讜讬砖诪专讛讜 诪讛诪讝讬拽讬诐, 讜诪注诇讬诐 注讬谞讬讜 诪讛注谞讬讬诐 讛专讜爪讬诐 诇讛讬讻谞住 讗诇讬讜 讜诇讛砖讘讬注 专注讘讜谞诐.

      讙, 讜注讬讬谉 讘驻转讞讬 讞讜砖谉 讞诇拽 讜, 驻专拽 讛, 讛注专讛 爪讜
      砖讜"注 住讬诪谉 转讟, 讙, 讜讘砖讜"注 讛专讘 讛' 砖诪讬专转 讙讜祝 讜谞驻砖, 砖诪讗 转驻讬诇 讗砖讛 诪讬专讗转讜, 讜诇讚讘专讬讜 讙诐 讝讛 讘讻诇诇 诪讻砖讜诇 砖讬砖 讘讜 诪砖讜诐 住讻谞讛, 砖讬砖 讘讜 诪砖讜诐 注砖讛 讜诇"转 (注讬' 驻专拽 讘 住注讬祝 讙), 讜住讬讬诐 砖讛诪讙讚诇 讻诇讘 专注 注讜诪讚 讘讗专讜专 讻诪讜 讛诪讙讚诇 讞讝讬专讬诐 (注讬' 砖讜"注 砖诐), 讜诪砖诪注 讘砖讜"注 住讬诪谉 砖爪讛, 讗. 砖讙诐 讻诇讘 砖讗讬谞讜 谞讜砖讱 讗诇讗 注诇 讬讚讬 砖住讜讬 讛讜讗 讘讻诇诇 讻诇讘 专注 砖讗住讜专 诇讛谞讬讞讜.

      讚, 讜注诇 驻讬 讛讝讜讛专 讛拽讚讜砖 讜讞讻诪讬 讛拽讘诇讛 讬砖 讘讝讛 讚讘专讬诐 讞诪讜专讬诐 讘讬讜转专, 讜讛诪讝讬拽讬诐 讞住 讜砖诇讜诐 讘讗讬诐 注诪讜.

      谞"讘 讘诇讬 谞讚专 谞诪砖讬讱 讘讻讱 讘讘讗 讛注转.

  8. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), the antiscorbutic vitamin, cannot be synthesized by humans and other primates, and has to be obtained from ''diet.'' THE ACID IN IT MAY STIMULATE URE IMMUNE SYSTEM BUT NO ACTUAL VITAMIN C IN IT... 馃

    1. Dr. Berg talks about hormone imbalance. The endocrine system is the superior communication system. It has various glands that makes and send hormones through the blood and hormones are the communications. Any type of problem along the communication pathway could cause hormones to go up(hyper) or down(hypo). Hormones are very sensitive to the environment especially chemicals, medications, pesticides, insecticides, toxins, etc. Chemicals in the environment are called endocrine disruptors. When dealing with either hypo or hyper hormone, support the gland and not the hormone.

      Adrenal Hormones Sensitivity: Stress, Emotional Stress, Loses, Physical Stress, Trauma, Surgery

      Estrogen: Things that are food, commercial dairy that has hormones, birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, menopause

      Thyroid: 80% of the thyroid hormone (T4) has to be converted into an active form (T3) through liver, gallbladder and 20% on the kidney.

      Testosterone: Insulin, Androgens, Overactive Adrenals

      Cortisol (Hyper)
      • Belly Fat
      • Allergies
      • Diabetes – high cortisol breaks down own protein and the body makes more sugar.
      • Raising Mind – thinking and analyzing things 24/7 leads to memory loss
      • High Blood Pressure
      • High Cholesterol – from the chain reaction of high insulin
      • Low Vitamin D
      • Round Face (Rosacea)
      • Low Tolerance Stress

      Cortisol (Hypo)
      • Poor Immune System
      • Weight Loss
      • Tan
      • Vitiligo – White spots or lose of pigments of skin
      • High Virus
      • Darker Skin
      • Salt Cravings

      Estrogen (Hypo)
      • Depression
      • Dry Skin
      • 0 Libido
      • Hot Flashes / Night Sweats
      • Poor Memory
      • Insomnia
      • Vaginal Dryness

      Estrogen (Hyper) or Estrogen Dominance
      • Breast Tenderness
      • Cysts
      • Fluid Retention
      • Heavy Cycle
      • Heavy Cramping
      • Weight Gain in lower part of the body – (Hips, Butt, Thighs)
      • PMS

      Thyroid (Hypo)
      • Fatigue
      • Depression
      • Dry Skin
      • Loss of Eyebrows
      • Brittle Hair
      • Hot Flashes
      • Weight Gain (All Over)
      • Constipation

      Thyroid (Hyper)
      • Excess Sweat
      • Nervous
      • Hyper
      • High Pulse Rate
      • Protruding Eyeballs
      • Insomnia
      • No cycle
      • Weight Loss

      Testosterone (Hypo) in Women
      • Hair Loss
      • Low Sex Drive
      • Depression
      • Fatigue
      • Loss of Drive
      • Vaginal Dryness
      • Weight gain

      Testosterone (Hyper) in Women
      • Hair Loss
      • Acne
      • Deep voice
      • Facial Hair
      • PCOS

      *Before you start taking remedies and supplements for any of these symptoms, get your basic eating corrected and clean up to the point where you no longer doing any chemicals with your food.

    2. SEARCH; best foods for balancing hormones


    4. Sodium Potassium pump, responsible for Heart health, insulin, ear drums [hairs], Adrenaline and more...馃

      OMEGA 3 COD LIVER OIL FOR SKIN...[ACV] APPLE CIDER VINEGAR [ANTI HISTAMENE] FOR HEALTHY PH... · Benfotiamine supplements [thiamine - vitamin B1] FOR NERVE HEALTH/ANXIETY...AND For ''Electrolytes'' Himalayan or Celtic sea salt. I would do Avocado for Potassium, healthy fat and fiber. Also ACV to keep insulin low, plus omit the fruit for now.

    5. Symptoms of adrenal fatigue:
      • Insomnia
      • Dizziness when standing up too fast
      • Brain fog
      • Low tolerance to stress
      • Low libido
      • Allergies
      • A poor immune system
      • Inflammation
      • Poor focus

      The best home tests for adrenal fatigue (check out the video to learn how to do each test):
      1. Ragland’s test
      2. Iris test
      3. Hold your breath
      4. Recovery after exercise
      5. Ability to tolerate stress
      6. Ability to go up inclines
      7. Ability to sleep all night

      Thank you Dr Berg!

    Too many purines in the body can cause uric acid in the kidneys to crystallize and harden, resulting in kidney stones.



    Currently, the average male consumes about 3,026mg and women about 2,290mg of potassium per day. The RDA for potassium is 4,700mg but prehistoric diet ranges from 7000 to 15000 of potassium.

    The body is very flexible with potassium, if it has too much, it gets rid of it and if it doesn’t have enough, it does retain it. The reason why our body needs potassium is because each cell has a sodium-potassium pump so it uses a lot of those minerals to create energy and to moves things around in the body.

    The more important factor for potassium and sodium than the quantity of these minerals is the ratio. You need 4x potassium than sodium.

    Potassium Deficiency Symptoms
    • High blood pressure / High pulse rate
    • Kidney stones
    • Insulin resistance
    • Risk of stroke
    • Fatigue – Low endurance
    • High Risk of Cardiac Hypertrophy (means that the heart enlarges)




  11. What is autophagy?
    The word autophagy means “self eat” because your cells are basically eating up and recycling damaged proteins or pieces of the cell that are no longer working.

    Benefits of autophagy:

    1. Anti-aging
    2. Dropping inflammation
    3. Improving the immune system
    4. Decreasing the risk of cancer

    12 autophagy triggers:

    1. Regular exercise
    2. Intermittent fasting
    3. Ketones
    4. Sleep
    5. HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy)
    6. Cold/hot therapy
    7. Coffee (polyphenols)
    8. Wine [DRY ROSE IS TOP]
    9. Cruciferous vegetables
    10. Green tea
    11. Extra virgin olive oil
    12. Shiitake and oyster mushrooms

    Several large studies have found that people who drink moderately have better blood sugar control and a decreased risk of heart disease, stroke, dementia, diabetes, and more[*][*].

    A glass of keto-friendly wine with dinner may actually make you healthier. Just make sure you keep your alcohol intake to one or two drinks a night.

    Don’t Drink Alcohol on an Empty Stomach
    If you’re going to drink during an intermittent fasting diet, be careful about breaking your fasts with alcohol. You’re probably better off eating something first, or at least having your drink alongside a large meal.

    When you’ve been fasting and you don’t have any food in your stomach, you’ll break down alcohol much more quickly than you usually would[*].

    As a result, more alcohol makes it into your bloodstream, and you feel the effects of drinking much more strongly and rapidly. Even a couple drinks on an empty stomach can get you fairly drunk.

    If You’re Going to Drink, Choose the Right Alcohol
    Certain types of alcohol are healthier than others.

    Here are a few guidelines for drinking during your eating window. These guidelines are also good for a keto or low-carb diet.

    Avoid Sugary Cocktails and Premixed Drinks
    Sugary drinks have a bunch of extra calories. And while there’s no research, many people say they feel worse the next day after drinking high-sugar cocktails.

    Sugar also destabilizes your blood glucose, which can lead to hunger pangs and cravings. You may go off the rails with late-night snacking, especially if you’ve had quite a few drinks.

    Choose Dry Wine, Champagne, or Distilled Spirits
    Dry wines and dry champagnes are low in sugar, carbs, and calories, making them a great choice if you’re going to drink.

    This guide to keto wines can help you find low-sugar wines and champagnes.

    Liquor is also a good choice. Distilled spirits are almost entirely alcohol with no extra ingredients.

    Whiskey, vodka, gin, tequila, and other distilled liquors are good low-carb choices when you drink.

    If you don’t like them straight, try making your own cocktail with bitters, fresh fruit juice, and stevia, monk fruit, or another natural sweetener.

    For a more in-depth look at drinking and keto, check out this article on the best and worst drinks for a keto diet.

  12. Good fats vs. bad fats.

    Bad fats:
    • Soy oil
    • Corn oil
    • Canola oil
    • Cottonseed oil
    • Margarine

    The above oils are GMO and inflammatory. There is a solvent sometimes used when processing these oils that is potentially toxic. There could also be traces of glyphosate (an herbicide in these oils. These oils are in many different foods, including common foods like mayonnaise, salad dressing, and hummus. Margarine has trans fats. Trans fats are deadly.

    These bad fats are also loaded with omega 6 fatty acids. In many cases, fast food restaurants and other restaurants include these bad fats in their foods.

    There are a few types of oils that are fine for some people to consume in small amounts every now and then, as long as they’re cold-pressed and organic. Flax oil is very estrogenic and may only be beneficial for females who are lacking estrogen and need a small boost over a short period of time.

    These oils include:
    • Safflower oil
    • Sunflower oil
    • Flax oil
    • Sesame seed oil (and tahini)
    • Nut oils

    Good fats:
    • Cod liver oil
    • Avocado oil
    • Lard (wild boar)
    • Tallow (grass-fed bison, beef, or lamb)
    • Camel fat
    • Butter (grass-fed, organic, and raw if possible)
    • Ghee
    • Olive oil (extra virgin olive oil)
    • Palm oil (environmentally friendly versions)
    • Coconut oil
    Dr. Berg talks about saturated fats and gives some reasons why they are healthy if taken in the organic, grass-fed way. It was found that unsaturated fats in the form of vegetable oil nearly doubles the rate of death compared to saturated fat. There are several healthy fats including:

    These fats are involved in cellular membranes (50% of the fat make up these structures) These fats help bones absorb calcium, they help give the raw materials for making hormones and essential for the immune system.
    The question is, why would you be concerned about saturated fat? For the last 5-6 decades, people have been afraid of saturated fat based on a lie. A scientist in the 50s omitted information from a study, which led to a false conclusion. This then started a campaign to get millions of people to stop consuming fat.

    Recently, the new dietary guidelines finally changed their viewpoint on cholesterol and fats. It now says that increased cholesterol does not increase the risk of heart disease.

    The problem with seed oils is that when you cook them, you create trans fats. When you reheat them, you also create more trans fats. Trans fats can cause some serious damage.

    When you combine trans fats with heat and with carbohydrates or starches, you get another toxic chemical and other things that cause proteins to become very sticky. This can potentially lead to certain health problems.

      Antioxidants eliminate free radicals and in cases like melatonin and glutathione, antioxidants can also repair DNA.
      Glutathione is capable of preventing damage to important cellular components caused by reactive oxygen species such as free radicals, peroxides, lipid peroxides, and heavy metals. It is a tripeptide with a gamma peptide linkage..
      When melatonin is produced, as an antioxidant it frees up glutathione (this is proven clinically). With the freeing up of glutathione, glutathione is then free to perform its other roles. GLUTATHIONE LIQUID I HAV.... 馃
      glutathione, antioxidants and melatonin. --------------

  13. Looking at a person's face can give you so many clues about what's going on inside. To show you what I mean, we're going to take a look at my own face before and after getting on the keto diet and doing intermittent fasting.

    7 things your face says about your health:
    1. The shape of the face
    If someone has a round face, they have too much insulin and consume too many carbs. I was also storing a lot of water because, with every gram of glucose stored as glycogen, three grams of water are stored.

    2. The tissue around the eyes
    Puffiness under the eyes is a good indication that the kidneys are backed up because of too much fluid retention.

    3. The eyes
    Bloodshot eyes can indicate a liver problem. This could also be due to a lack of sleep or a deficiency of vitamins B2 and B3. But, usually, it's a liver problem.

    4. Under the chin
    Fat under the chin is due to a spill-off of accumulated fat. This doesn't just affect how you look. It can cause certain issues like sleep apnea.

    5. The texture of the skin
    Oily skin can mean the person has a zinc deficiency. It could also mean they have high androgens due to high insulin.

    6. Dry flaky skin
    Dry, flaky skin could be due to a liver issue and/or too much omega-6 fatty acids. Cod liver oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and vitamin D. Because of this, cod liver oil may help with dry, flaky skin and oily skin.

    7. Acne
    Acne can come from high androgens, which is really too much insulin. Zinc and a change in diet (to Healthy keto) may be beneficial.

    The simple fix to get rid of puffy eyes and a swollen face:

    • Bring your carbs down below 50g (preferably 20g)
    • Increase potassium foods (eat lots of veggies)
    2] Betaine hydrochloride (HCl) may help to raise the level of acid in the stomach.
    It may also help with some bowel problems. There is also a prescription drug, Betaine.

    1. When it’s dark at night, and less light is shining into your eye, it activates the pineal gland, which then turns serotonin into melatonin. This makes you tired.

      Any light source can potentially turn off the pineal gland and melatonin production. Melatonin is also vitally important for your immune system. Melatonin has numerous other functions as well. It’s used as an antioxidant, which helps prevent free-radicle damage.

      The problem with taking melatonin supplements is that your body then makes less of it. It’s not a fix to your problems.

      As you age, your melatonin decreases. This can cause poor sleep and immune function as you get older. It can also cause inflammation in the body.

      10-11 pm is a good time to go to bed.

      This is how you can enhance melatonin production before bed:
      1. Lights out before bed
      2. Water filter for removing fluoride
      3. Glycine
      4. Reduce blue light exposure
      5. Get sun and vitamin D during the day
      6. Lower stress, caffeine, and alcohol
      7. Keep your bedroom cool
      8. Avoid EMFs

      Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
      Dr. Berg, age 56, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg’s Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

  14. This is all from the conventional medical system and it’s inaccurate. Eggs are one of the healthiest foods out there just stick to organic pasture raised eggs. Cholesterol is not what causes heart disease. This has been a very big hoax for many years and they are making billions off of statin drugs. The statin drugs are making people very sick and meanwhile heart disease has skyrocketed.

    According to holistic medicine it’s the high sugar carb diets that are causing plaque to build up in the arteries. Conventional doctors don’t even understand how to look at cholesterol numbers. Cholesterol is not bad. In fact we need cholesterol for many diff functions in the body. If cholesterol numbers go too low it can actually be deadly. Very low cholesterol numbers is extremely unhealthy. The issue is high triglycerides because that indicates high sugar/ high insulin levels.

    [19:19, 12/17/2023] +1 (917) 446-6039: This is all from the conventional medical system and it’s inaccurate. Eggs are one of the healthiest foods out there just stick to organic pasture raised eggs. Cholesterol is not what causes heart disease. This has been a very big hoax for many years and they are making billions off of statin drugs. The statin drugs are making people very sick and meanwhile heart disease has skyrocketed.

    According to holistic medicine it’s the high sugar carb diets that are causing plaque to build up in the arteries. Conventional doctors don’t even understand how to look at cholesterol numbers. Cholesterol is not bad. In fact we need cholesterol for many diff functions in the body. If cholesterol numbers go too low it can actually be deadly. Very low cholesterol numbers is extremely unhealthy. The issue is high triglycerides because that indicates high sugar/ high insulin levels.

    Anything that lowers insulin will help to lower cholesterol. Lower sugar/carbs, increase fiber and potassium by adding a lot of vegetables into the diet, increase healthy saturated fats in the diet, exercise, lower stress, take supplements that lower insulin like Berberine, Artichoke extract, pantethine, alpha lipoic acid etc…Drinking one cup of Hibiscus tea every day is very effective in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. It does have a slight diuretic effect so anyone on a diuretic should check with their doctor.

    1. There are plenty of natural supplements that work to lower cholesterol. There is no need to take a statin drug. Statin drugs have many dangerous side effects that have been making people very sick over time. Below is a list of side effects caused by statin drugs:

      1) Raises sugar/insulin and puts you at risk for diabetes
      2) liver damage
      3) memory loss and dementia like symptoms - there are holistic doctors that believe that one of the reasons for the spike in Dementia and Alzheimer’s is due to statin drugs. Cholesterol is essential for brain function.
      4) muscle damage and atrophy
      5) Depletion of CoQ10 an essential nutrient for the muscles, heart and immune system.
      6) lowers bile production which then causes issues with absorbing fats and fat soluble vitamins A,D,K and E. Issues with absorbing these vitamins can lead to osteoporosis and calcification in the arteries and joints.
      7) increases risk for certain cancers

      We have been brainwashed to think that cholesterol is bad. Cholesterol is essential in the body for so many functions and the body itself produces cholesterol. Most of the cholesterol in the body is being produced by the liver and only a small amount is from the food. Cholesterol is needed for brain function, production of bile, production of hormones, building new tissue and repairing damaged old tissues etc… if cholesterol levels are too low it can cause a whole host of issues in the body and can even lead to death. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. even with the majority of people on statin drugs. Heart disease has actually skyrocketed since they started putting everyone on statin drugs. They have been lowering and lowering the numbers for acceptable cholesterol levels to the point that it is so low that it is unhealthy and killing people.

    2. This whole cholesterol thing is a scam to make millions on statin drugs. It’s not the cholesterol that is the underlying cause for plaque in the arteries but the over consumption of sugar/carbs and the high insulin levels. When insulin levels are high Vit C automatically gets depleted. Low Vit C levels cause tears and lesions in the arteries which cholesterol comes to patch up. Cholesterol is like the fireman coming to put out the fire, it is not causing the fire.

      The “bad” cholesterol actually stems from over consumption of sugar/carbs. But not even all of this cholesterol is bad. Conventional doctors are not reading cholesterol levels properly. Dr. Berg has a video on how to read cholesterol levels properly in order to determine the risk for heart disease. I believe the video was already posted on the chat.

      In some cases if there is an issue with the liver and bile production it can cause high cholesterol levels. In those cases taking bile salts like TUDCA and digestive bitters can help bring up bile production and lower cholesterol levels.another thing that’s important to understand is that plaque only builds up in the arteries when there is inflammation in the arteries. If there would be no inflammation there would be no plaque. The inflammation usually stems from high sugar/high insulin levels and other inflammatory foods like vegetable oils.

      Vegetable Oils [maragarine]:
      The conventional medical system tell you to remove healthy saturated fats from the diet and instead use vegetable oils. Those vegetable oils are clogging up the arteries and the healthy fats would have helped to unclog the arteries. So in truth whatever you’re being told is the opposite of what you need to be doing to keep the heart healthy. Vegetable oils are poison and a major source of inflammation in the body. Inflammation always leads to disease. I’m going to post a message I posted on other groups in regards to vegetable oils bec I think it’s extremely important to understand the lies that we have been told for years.
      Vegetable oils /seed oils are the most toxic food you can include in your diet even worse than sugar.

      Vegetable oils contain high amounts of Omega 6 and are highly inflammatory. They will increase inflammation in the body. They are also highly processed and refined, highly unstable and oxidize and go rancid very quickly. The oxidation causes inflammation in the body. When they are heated or even left out in a bottle exposed to light they will degrade and oxidize. Heating vegetable oils is known to create oxidation and toxins. There is a chemical compound that is created when you heat unsaturated oils which can have a negative effect on the heart and can potentially increase the risk for cancer.

      Vegetable oils are processed to such a point where they become toxic to the body. The oils need to be chemically extracted with a solvent called hexane (highly toxic). The fluid that is extracted is not even an oil. It’s a grey, rancid, bad smelling fluid which needs to be refined in a 17 step process to make it edible. Some of these steps are desolventizing (removing hexane) with heat and steam, deodorize, bleached, degum, neutralize, winterize, Dewax etc… a lot of times even after all this processing the oil still has residue of hexane in it.

      There are studies that show that vegetable oils increase your risk of death by 62%, increase risk for heart attacks by 86%, increase risk for cancer by 82%. Vegetable oils promote insulin resistance, elevated glucose levels, fatty liver and cause chronic and degenerative diseases. It’s best to avoid them at all cost.

      The oils that should be avoided are:
      Soy oil
      Corn oil
      Canola oil
      Cottonseed oil
      Peanut oil
      Sunflower oil
      Safflower oil

      Sunflower and Safflower oil might be okay for some people in very small amounts as long as it’s cold pressed but it’s not really recommended.


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